The Tracer buff and the issue it causes

I dont think they’re increasing her range to deal with Doomfist at all. They’re increasing her range so she might get played more at the higher ranks. There are already several counters to Doomfist in the game. Tracer being one of them is not exactly a priority.

“I’m Tracer 76! I’ve got you in my sights! Pew! Pew!” - Tracer, 2019

I think you are the person above you are misunderstanding. I’m not saying for tracer to literally fight Doomfist, I’m saying they are trying to adjust her to compete for his spot as a high impact flanker. Doomfist is the way he is because he isn’t balanced for 222, far from it. And instead of addressing that they are buffing heroes to compete for his spot on the team. Which is going to make power creep even worse than it already is.

This is so true it hurts.


I t ’ s 3 m e t e r s a n d h e r s p r e a d h a s n o t c h a n g e d .


this high burst negates with mercy juice on tracer’s target kappa.

In what universe does Mercy outheal Tracer’s burst damage?

in same universe, where tracer spread also negates all 13m bursts

Mainly double shield and people demanding that a META should require at least some type of skill, instead of pressing E every 9 seconds and spamming people until they die.

How about… idk… creating actual counter to shields instead of buffing a character who was already broken just a meta ago.

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And if shes within that 13m distance, where most Tracer players know they can get very high damage?

are u lost the point? we are talking about +3 meters of FALLOFF damage. And even in close range she cant kill u with mercy poket if you are not plat afk straight liner. 6 damage per bullet, 40 bullets in 1 sec + reload multiplies on accuracies and we get like 70 -100 dps from tracer against 50 hps at mercy i gues? =)

Sigma shuts down Genji.
Sigma shuts down Tracer.
Orisa is nigh-immune to Tracer and Winston’s damage with Fortify.

Double Shield is played in a deathball fashion, with Reaper and Doomfist typically or Double Sniper. Double Sniper counters Dive.

Dive cannot jump into deathball compositions like GOATs or Double Shield because it will be picked apart.

See my above point.
Moira and Lucio get immense value within Double Shield because everyone is on top of each other and not spread out.

There is no-one to Dive.

Tracer’s problem is that there’s so much CC and random trash damage now that half your deaths feel undeserved.

:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: Why do you fear the inevitable? :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Lena’s Children will rise through the streets of your precious ELO.
We will burn your villages and leave our mark on this pitiful planet.
Guided by Tracer, the All-mother herself, it is our zealous mission to deliver those from their evil ways as we usher in a new era! An age of reckoning, defiance and rebellion!
No longer will she be the poster girl of the game, because she will soon give us the power to ADVANCE!

To advance through the trials our enemies set before us!
Fellow Tracer mains! Brothers and sisters of speed- Let us blink forward and carve our names into the latest patch update!
Not as a nation divided, but as the unified order of revolution that they will never forget-


Play Nice, Play Neutral


I do, but its not what you think it is.

heros become meta as a by product to others around them being strong and instead of blaming the cause, you blame the effect.

For instance, tank power creep and the introduction of Sigma made every dps but Doomfist prettymuch useless, and everyone said “doomfist is overpowered” because he was the 1 dps that could deal with it, rather than “double shield is a problem”

causing the wrong thing to be nerfed. now when double shield goes away, doomfist will become a terrible hero as others come to fruition.

Tracer has been unplayable due to the Introduction of brig, and is now an obsolete hero because of the changes she brought to the game.

instead of blaming the problem that is brig and saying “her kit is an issue because it makes heros obsolete” you blame tracer for being buffed to usability against this problem.

The problem is the OW community knows nothing about the actual reason problems arise and only look at what pops up in the kill feed rather than the cause and effect flow that causes the shifts in power balance, causing the wrong things to get changed because of the unending whining on the forums of players who know nothing about the game and leading to things like goats being meta because anytime something can kill the forums whine about it, so they nerfed dps out of the game.

That’s the problem.

but youll say something like “nuh uh dps too stronk”

Just one, Doomfist. He was not designed for a 222 setting being he was intended to be a DPS tank hybrid when he first launched. Yes he’s been enabled by double shield but even outside of that he is capable of surviving thing no other DPS can because he can gain a tank’s level of hp, all while having everything he already does. They needed to tone down the max hp he can get, that’s all. everything else on him is fine as it is live. But for whatever reason they think its a better idea to try and bring heroes up to his level. Next thing you know they’ll be attempting 200hp on tracer instead of dropping Doomfist’s max hp.

Wrong on so many levels. All this buff does for tracer is give her back some tank killing power she lost due to the pulse bomb nerf. Due to her spread at 13 meters it will only affect tanks.

Tldr- this buff restores some of her tank killing ability from the pulse bomb nerf except its easier to heal now

Man, Reinhardt’s gonna hate me even more now.

Play Nice, Play Neutral



Nah he hated you more when pulse bomb would just delete him. Now the damage is much easier to heal instead of the burst!

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