The toxicity level is over 9000

This is the second season I play after moving to PC, I’m level 188 and still improving (gold at the mommet). But I gotta say, I’m really sorry for not beliving plat and below players when they said that this ranks were hell. ( ̄▽ ̄;)

It’s not about the ‘losing’, it’s the players. They really think 5DPS is gonna cut it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(but don’t even know how to use them, I’ve seen multiple REAPERS trying to snipe PHARAHS hahahahahahha have seen a lot of ground Pharahs too xD), don’t communicate and the worst of all, they are stubborn, mean and vulgar.

There has not been A SINGLE GAME I played in rank that I or someone hasn’t been insulted. I though ‘we have toxic players all over the ranks’ and it’s true, back in my high diamond/low masters games in console I’ve had toxic players. But gold it’s just another level of toxicity.

Guys keep saying that I ‘should go back to the kitchen’ like, when is this gonna get old? Some players are really creative saying things like “Stop telling me what to do you peace of ash, you should just be a pretty face and keep your mouth shut” or “I do what I want you smelly V” (I even laugh at that one). Like wow, dayum… Σ(O_O;) I DO think sometimes things like ‘this guy is useless’ but I don’t say it unless provoked… I’m not a saint ( ̄へ ̄)

One game I had another girl in the team, she was healer and I was tank, the rest were DPS, when we got stomp in round 1 (we were defending) I said “can we have 2 tanks 2 healers?” and they told the other girl and me that ‘we both should have been healers because that’s a women’s job’. She was TWELVE YEARS OLD (¬_¬), they were so mean they made her cry, a bunch of dudes in their 20’s or older (I could tell by their voices) made a KID cry. Why is it that when guys want to insult girls they turn into misogynist? I’m pretty sure they don’t talk like this to their sisters, mom or girl friends. But it’s not always me that gets the insult, I have heard things like 'You should kill yourself" to others, I then try to interfer and then I do get insulted xD

I have only 1 friend who I can play with but he doesn’t want to q with me because he says that ‘everytime I q with you we get shtty teammates’ and I don’t blame him (he is high plat/low diamond currently in a losing streak in mid plat :frowning: ).

How am I suppose to improve in this environment? When I try to lead because yes, maybe I still don’t have the skills but I bring my game sense and awareness with me from console, they get offended.

I even tell them things like “Reaper is teleporting behind us” “Rein don’t drop your shield, the enemy rein has ult” “Hog no hook dive him” “Tracer no recall” “Mercy has rezz whatchout for the next enemy you kill” “Sombra’s gonna EMP” but… Well, they don’t do anything with this information xD this irritates me because one thing is trying and losing and other thing is ignoring what I just said AND DYING FROM IT
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

But yeah. The point of this post is to say, you were right, I’m sorry for not beliving you or for thinking you were exaggerating.

Oh gosh… Have you guys been in this hell since season 1? How the hell do you keep playing? Tell me your secrets… And don’t be afraid of adding me as friend, I don’t have any anyways xD

And for masters or above, I will really like to improve but I’m really lost of what I can do except from playing playing playing (It’s been 188 levels and I don’t feel I have improve that much)… Some tips or maybe coaching?

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a nice Halloween!! (∩o∩)/


And that is why I love playing Pharah in Ranked.

I have been playing since season 1 and have had moderate success on the ladder. Lately, I am on the rise and only two games away from a Career High. Right now, I am taking a small break from the competitive ladder to become more practiced with the recent balance changes.

I keep playing because I do believe Overwatch is a fun game. I also have learned not to stress over the really bad mistakes of my teammates, and I greatly exploit the mistakes of my opponents. However, I work hard to maintain a positive impact on my team. Now I don’t always succeed and I do tilt sometimes. I am fiercely competitive when I am on the ladder. I also won’t hesitate to call out mistakes but I do it in a constructive way. I also try to use the Looking for Group tool when the opportunity allows, however, this can’t always work (one of the biggest problems with LFG unfortunately).

My biggest secret is the receipe to my taco pizza, but I am taking that with me to my grave. But I will at least share a picture.

New photo by Craig “WyomingMyst” Simpson


maybe go to Jayne’s dischord server elo hell
and can find some decent players

otherwise set it to auto join team and turned the sound to 0 in options
(that way the the players think you heart there toxicity but you don’t and they usually won’t report you for not being in chat because you are there u just choose to not subject yourself to the audio course that blizzard refuses to police properly)

sorry blizz the really toxic stuff is in audio chat
when u gonna learn that

we have software that can identify copyrighted music almost instantly
but they can’t run something like that on there voip that picks up certain hate speech words or whatever ?

They already do have such technology in place. Details in this post from Principal Designer Scott Mercer:

nope the only thing bad about that is false reports

costing players there accounts now

thanks still broken system

I think Blizz takes report really serious. I don’t want to be a snitch but EVERY time someone behave badly, I’ve report them. Including enemy players. Up u til now I have a lot of notification of Blizz telling me how my recent report had consequence for the account of the player.

Of course they dont tell you who, but I’ll say that at least 5 of 10 of the people I report have been punished. And TBH this is pretty high if we take un account that there is no prove when it comes to VC toxicity. They rely from the frequency this players get reported for a certain category.

Of course in playstation this is almost instant if you record it. Sony don’t tolerate nasty behaviors, they don’t care you have spend 2000 euros the last year, if you behave bad, your account or playstation OR EVEN IP ADRESS gets banned.

But Blizz is against calling out players ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And WyomingMist, I’m glad things are going well for you (•ω•) and your pizza looks very tasty drols (‘▽’)♪

And Sadiztix (I’m sorry I don’t know how to quotr xD) if you get reported over and iver and over agaim for the same category, It’s not broken…

As long as we keep babysitting players nothing will improve. There are almost no real ramifications for throwing or throwing-like behaviors in the game. You can’t criticize anybody because you get banned and everything is safe space… So I don’t even bother and just play for my own enjoyment

From what I heard console is more toxic than PC, no? And yeah don’t take the games seriously in gold, nobody knows what they are doing

Like I said, we do have toxic players but I gotta tell you, PC just earn the trophy. And the worst thing of all this is that everything happens via VC… If it were in the chat Blizz can intermediately look it up. But with VC is your word againts theirs…