The "they listened" thread

Shield bash you mean?

Maybe make it a list so it’s easier to read?

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You are right.

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Needs more white space

I can change it to a list…I’ll need a bit :wink:


you are confusing cause and effect?

the community asks for lots of things. blizzard could make literally any change to the game and at some point someone probably asked for it. that does not mean they are “listening”.

& I don’t mean to imply they don’t ever listen to us or whatever, I do not really care, this just seems like a tremendously flawed and pointless topic to me.


They do listen. And to be frank, if I was a developer I wouldn’t reply here either because we are spoiled, entitled whiners who are never satisfied.


Thank you.

Also add giving Ana back some damage because they finally realized 60 was bs for her

I also hope you don’t become a developer because that response is pretty similar to the responses other game devs gave to their community before they got fired.


Well if that’s the case then that also applies to the so called occasions when they don’t listen which you see on here all the time…I believe a positive one should get its day in the sun

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Yes, they listened. For some of these, it needed almost 2 years to implement. But yes, they listen.

No offence, but the speed of their reactions on bugs or straight BS in game is… Abysmal.


I don’t want to be a developer for that exact reason. People like comforting lies over laying the cold hard truth upon them. As a consumer, I feel no fear of the consequences of laying that truth.

If a dev was to read my comment, he would probably thank me with all his heart silently.


There’s a difference between “laying the truth on them” and just being a big a word.

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• Being able to see teammates’ silhouettes through walls even if you’re not playing support.

•The ability to change skins in games
•Reaper can cancel Wraith form

*They also made fastball Zen which I’m counting as a win cause I (and others, I’m sure) asked for a skin like that


When does he say this?

It’s a purchasable voiceline, and I also have it.

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In this case, you have to be an A-hole to spit out the truth. So no, there isn’t much difference really.


well to be fair, if as a developer, you don’t make changes and use phrases like “feels bad to play against” or other such vague terms the forums lose a lot of ammo developers have given them. I think Blizzard brings a lot of it on themselves as they let feelings come into play too much. Use data, and only data. Don’t build triangles of your feelings and community feelings and data. Just use Data. If you do statistics will always be on your side. :slight_smile:

This doesnt include the list of terrible changes they’ve made and continue to ignore though


i said include those too…and you could prob argue some on there already