The team with the better ENABLED dps wins

Damn bruv, that is a super toxic mentality


I mean it’s spread across many inputs but… no 1 input can be ruled out.

It’s called reality. Some call it “life”.

If you think life is toxic. You have to grow up, there is no Santa Claus.

And if it takes multiple accounts to spread such insanity, I think one might have slipped into madness.

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I think ur taking a video game a little too seriously, man

Life is toxic. Especially when people who fail to do their own jobs pass the buck onto others.


Well like they say, it’s a team based game. There are elements of cooperation within this game that mimics things outside.

Like the tracer vod. It was a good point I have to attack when my team attacks. I have to wait for them. I take my team as input. In that case my actions and skill are more dominant but I can never rule out my teams input.

Hey you preaching to the choir man. When tanks don’t want to cooperate and healers don’t want to heal… if someone on your team just doesn’t have enough skill to overcome the opp decisions - the buck stops with them.

You have to do the best you can with bad potatoes and sometimes that best is not going to win THAT game.

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And why it has to be you?

It’s not just you, it’s the whole team. The royal we.

Actually it’s more than the team. If the potato is so bad, even the makers of the match might want to look and see why that potato was placed in there, it could have been a mistake. Or maybe not enough potatoes were there in the first place.

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this meta is one where dps can have some solid impact but outside of an uncontested pharamercy, tanks still define games.


Nobody’s asking you to.

It’s no different for smurfs. Why do you think they ruin games?

Because they have the mechanics to guarantee kills when the whole enemy turns to face Rien/Monkey.

You just need to learn to do the same thing and you’ll go to platinum.

But learning how to work intrinsically with your team will push you higher.


Only true for grandmaster and above.

It really doesnt, u just have to pick up their share of the game

takes one to know one

So what? Accept the loss and move on, real champions never dwell on losses


Or just stop caring about winning, like I did. If game was rigged for me to fail, so be it then. It’s better, than being tricked into trying your best, only to find out, that you were sweating for nothing and outcome was predetermined.

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bad players dont rank up

Edit: at least not without boosts


Good thing I do not want to rank up, as it’s land of meta slaves and toxic tryhards.

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I agree but sometimes I can’t be in sync with potatoes.

I had a tank, in 3 seasons. Never played tank. It was my lucky day to have them with me on their first comp match as a tank. - lucky me.

I was even more lucky when the enemy dps was more “toxic” than I and decided to rage quit.

Just like in life there are degrees of toxicity. Just like my year end performance - people WILL blame you for stuff, just like you can blame poorly skilled people on your team.


Ill tkae meta slaves and toxic tryhards over entitled children any day of th year


I agree! But real champs try to learn from losses. See what you could have done. But… if your teammates sets you up as being something your not… then how can you blame yourself?

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You can blame yourself for being on wrong team.

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Then your skill isn’t adaptable enough.

You rely on too many conditions to go right for your success.

And there’s nothing wrong with needing more time to improve…. Took me 11 seasons…. :woman_shrugging:t2:

And those are those little moments when you can get you:

A pen and a paper, and make up your own little sign, it’ll say, thank you lord for thinking about me, I’m alive and doing fine!!


I suppose “do you want to others as you wish done onto you“ is irrelevant in modern society :woman_shrugging:t2:

Or you can just say


And move on

GG Go Next!!


Always! Never dwell on the lost games. Accept the lost, try to learn and move on.


u know when you play bad and u know when ur not the problem.

If someone is talking nonsens, jus ignore em knowing ur doing everthing u can