The tank outrage

Krine. What is that even supposed to mean? Are you saying you want all the tanks to go away?

uh i haven’t even started to complain yet


Are we complaining ?
Tank main here, the patch didn’t make me bat an eye.

check the other posts then

Yeah, wait till the changes are cemented before you give feedback -_-
As if Blizz wouldn´t put everything from PTR to live-servers without a second thought…


Revert max armor rally gives + shield bash cooldown

=> Guy complaining for brigitte

Blizzard, Revert the armor change please

=> guy complaining for basically everything

I think it safe to say this next patch will be the most controversial patch in overwatch history

=> don’t really know what this guy is complaining about

Now that not even Armor will “counter” Tracer I can’t wait the next absurd argument in her defense

=> a guy that complains about Tracer without even realizing that it changes nothing about her because she was already capped to 3 damage reduction.

Well I scrolled a little bit through the post, I have issues noticing that massive outrage. Shouldn’t I see only that in the posts like when there’s a Doomfist or Sombra nerf ?


Except headshots get reduced a lot less.

The biggest buff to Tracer is the nerf to DM, as now D.Va can’t cycle her DM with Tracer’s primary.

I haven’t seen one post today where a tank player is outraged.

Sounds like someone is projecting.

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Tank main here
Only one tricks Reinhart.

The patch means that now you have 0 chances to kill Reaper if he get close to you and you don’t have your team focusing him around with CC, I mean just imagine Reaper getting pocketed+50% life steal+damage amp.

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u prolly blocked em all

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Tank players are well past the “outrage” phase. They’ve accepted their fate and Blizzard’s long stick up their butts. For those that still play tank, of course, or play at all.



We like to leave the whining for the DPS snowflakes and the support squishies. They’re soft of heart and body by nature.

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Let them rage who cares. Tanks are the most OP class in the game right now. It’s literally goats meta where the tanks do the damage and the supports sustain them and protect them with very powerful defensive ult. What a stupid meta where picking even one DPS is considered a troll pick. I hope reaper is actually viable this time specially against the tank armour

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There’s not many tank players left to be outraged, what’s being asked is what the hell Hammond, Orisa and Winston did to be nerfed?

And why if they’re nerfing D.Va, why Zarya isn’t touched?


They changed nothing about the tanks since the time when they were basically playing as high-health weak DPS heroes (Dive) other than nerfing Zarya and buffing Hog who wasn’t and still isn’t meta. They added a broken support and %$!@ed the game let’s be real here.

That’s because I’m not complaining at all. I was just curious to know what other patches people thought were as gamechanging as this one.

I’m more concerned that playing the same few characters get’s boring after a while especially Shield tanks

So it’s less of an outrage and more of an outage?