The support class is unbalanced as hell

no. the orb will probaly miss the phara and the teemate is too far away as i already stated

If you aren’t going to aim the orb, you aren’t going to aim Guardian angle either… So you would miss with mercy.

And if someone is far enough away you can’t even fly to them.

Mercy has more range, Moira’s healing is iffy cause of resource.
Your barrier point makes no sense, in the middle of a team fight of course barriers will get in the way. and Mercy can get out way easier, GA is on a shorter cooldown, has vertical mobility and can reach further

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you can aim the orb right at the and it will probably still miss the phara because it moves so slowly and guardian angel locks on so you hardly have to aim it anyway

That…made absolutely no sense whatsoever……
The orb travels slowly in a straight line you can’t control after using it.
Pharah can break that line by going up or down left or right.
Mercy’s Guardian angel is an ability that puts her well within the necessary 15 meter range she needs to be in to heal. And her beam’s tether as well as her passive angelic descent allows her to stay connected.


Did any of you ever see me say that mercy was a bad healer? No?
That is because i didn’t.

Moira simply heals more. (which is fact, not opinion, do the calculating yourself)

Mercy is a great offhealer, moira a great main.

Unless you have a horrible team, you are going to have two healers.
Moira doesn’t have to heal every hero, nor does mercy.

sral, are you starting to get the point here, we are consistently debunking everything you say

You’re saying that Moira is a better healer, which she isn’t.

That’s objectively false.
I already grabbed the stats for you.

Mercy healed for 11,752 on average this week in competitive overwatch.
On top of that, she averages at 6.07 resurrections per game. That’s about another 2k worth of healing.

Moira healed for 10,181 this week.

Mercy is THE main healer. Please tell me you’re joking.

They’re both main healers.
One has significantly more counterplay than the other.


  • Reduce the decay rate of sound barrier by 25%.
  • Increase Lucio’s gravity modifier to have him drop down 50% faster when dropping the beat.

Sound-barrier is not useless, but it’s also too easy for the enemy team to negate. There are so many times where I get a somewhat perfect sound barrier off, yet my entire team dies within 2-3 seconds anyway.

These changes are oriented around shrinking the gap between cast-time and up-time. Currently, the cast-time is far too close to the time you actually have the barrier, and that gap becomes more apparent the more Overwatch evolves.

Snipers wait it out,
Deathballs engage with a more consistent support ult (trance,)
High-DPS comps just burst right through it.

I would hope that this would at least give it more consistent use.


  • Resurrect is back to being an ultimate. New function:
    -Area of effect is reverted to mass-resurrect area.
    -Line of sight is now required.
    -Initial target/ally is resurrected instantly; may resurrect up to 2 more if she chooses to channel resurrect.
    -Initial target does not need to be right next to Mercy.
    -Cast time after the first is 2 seconds each.

  • Valkyrie is now a normal ability. 15 second cooldown, 5 second duration; same effect.

The idea here, is to put resurrect as an ultimate, but to keep some consistency and counter-play. I am just imagining epic moments of protecting a Mercy as she rezzes the other half of your team.

Old Mercy never needed protection to mass rez. This version has powerful potential, but requires teamwork past the first rez.


  • Discord orb now has its old travel time.

I remember back when Zen got his buffs (which I advocated for immensely) and people started saying he needed a nerf, I had this weird thought that stopped making sense after awhile…but I’m back to it now.

Discord being instant makes it a sniper-focus tool rather than a mere damage amplifying tool. Travel time may seem insignificant, but with how fast the game can move, I think it matters.


  • No more displacement from her primary attack.
  • Inspire heals allies for 15% more, but heals Brigitte for 25% less.

I feel as though I’m the only one who cares about the very minor movement impairment when Brigitte is smacking you in the face. I genuinely hope it’s not my imagination, but it’s much harder to aim when she’s in my face than others.

Changing her M1 juggling would make her less frustrating to play against without nerfing her much at all, and the healing priority difference would make her a real support.

I like the OP’s armor-pack idea, but I also don’t want to take away Brigitte’s niche too much. Hard call.


  • While standing still, Ana begins regenerating health after 3 seconds.
  • Nano boost now heals the recipient for 100.

Aside from this making Ana more consistent, it’s also highly thematic. The first time I suggested this, she had to be crouching, but that might be a needless detail.

Ana’s main downside is that she requires the most effort out of any support. If she was less skill-based and more consistent, I’m sure this change alone would make her way more ‘meta.’

However, I am not one to believe that skill-based heroes should be made easier for this purpose. Ana needs a buff, but her unique kit is what makes her fun to some, so my conclusion is that a simple numbers change/addition is what she needs.

As for Nano-boost, I think this is a change that’s long over-due. If Ana could heal like Mercy, then it wouldn’t be a huge issue, but inconsistent heals means nano + missed heal = dead teammate.

100 HP isn’t meant to be an ultimate-level heal, but once you consider Nano’s damage reduction, it’s actually enough to change things entirely.


  • Reduce the size of her damage orb.
  • Have her damage orb grant a small amount of healing juice.

I say this as someone who enjoys playing Moira, but dislikes playing against her. These two changes would improve both sides; the give/take relationship would be overall beneficial.

Running out of heals makes Moira less consistent, and consistency is huge in Overwatch (see Ana.) Further, her damage orb is an RNG killing machine in disorganized play, but is less likely to get offensive value the more organized the enemy team is.

Letting her damage orb grant some healing meter would increase her consistency, but as already stated, the trade-off would be a slight reduction in its size.

Ok, that’s it.

No one likes their main hero changed a lot, so I understand if my ideas are disliked. Felt the urge to brainstorm, and I went for it.


you arent taking into account resources or cooldowns

mercy is literally the staple main healer and can almost always heal her team (not counting things that block both mercy and moira) , moira on the other hand is constantly dealing with having to do damage to gain more heal juice and having to wait for cooldowns, unlike mercy

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He thinks that Moira’s healing is up for every 9 seconds out of 18…

great ideas man, id buff lucio more tho but im a little biased

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I debated whether his aura size needed increasing, but made an effort to not suggest ideas for the sake of it and to instead focus on things I consider an actual problem.

And thank you. :slight_smile:

A lot of people underestimate Zenyatta’s power and use weaknesses that every healer has to excuse his pros.

’ 200 HP and no extra mobility or self Regen. ’

Which healer except Brigitte has more than 200 HP ?

Which healer has self Regen in combat except Moira who has to attack an enemy ( not barrier ) in order to self Regen unless she wastes a 10 second ability which will simply bounce off.

The mobility card is a joke, used as every healer magically flies around the point at any possible moment except him. Mercy can fly around if allies are on sight, Lucio speedboosting means running in specific pattern that also forces you to give up healing your allies. Moira is the exception with Fade, which is also on 6 second cooldown. Ana and Brigitte ? Please.

It’s easy to point finger at Mercy and blaming her for enabling Zenyatta but do tell me, when exactly Zenyatta was out of meta ? He was paired even with Ana during the tank meta and competing with the old Lucio who used to be way more good than he is now. For how long are we going to excuse his influence in the game ? You can clip Mercy’s wings, reduce Moira’s or Ana’s healing and this guy will still be here, no matter what, enabling flankers, tanks and healers all around.

As a Zenyatta main, i’ll be the first to admit that he’s a bit overpowered.
People aren’t judging him fairly because he takes skill. But the skillful part isn’t even the reason why he’s so strong.

Trans, discord and harmony orbs are not hard to use.
Yet Trans and discord are his main selling points.

The only part in his kit that takes skill is his primary fire, that’s it. Once you get used to the projectiles, it is done. Even if you can’t finish off one person, one from your dps will. He doesn’t need his entire ammo to kill someone, just like Ana, while Ana’s ammo overall is also used for her healing and attack.

Honestly, I am baffled by people turning blind eye just because most probably they haven’t bothered to master his projectiles, something that all he has apart from positioning which is a basic skill required for every hero.

Worst case scenario.
They only have one target to heal.
10 min round.
Mercy does
10 x 60 x 60 = 36.000
Moira does
10 x 60 = 600 / 2 = 300 x 80 = 24.000
300 / 9 = 33 x 50 = 1.650
10 x 60 = 600 / 10 = 60 x 300 = 18.000

Moira heals 43.650 - 36.000 = 7.650 more.

Best case without ults
Mercy gets a rez on a hog as often as possible.
10 x 60 = 600 / 30 = 20 x 600 = 12.000
20 x 1.75 = 35
10 x 60 = 600 - 35 = 565 x 60 = 33.900
33.900 + 12.000 = 45.900

10 x 60 = 600 / 2 = 300 x 80 = 24.000 x 5 = 120.000
300 / 9 = 33 x 50 = 1.650 x 5 = 8.250
600 / 10 = 60 x 300 = 18.000

Moira heals 146.250 - 45.900 = 100.350 more.

(zen does 18.000 in the same time.)
(lucio would either do 14.332 or 71.662)
(brig 24.600 or 63.000)
(ana 66.856 or 90.856)

You, my friend, may have 120 hours on Lucio, but no one has ever given you the shakedown and learned you out of your bad habits:

  1. If you consider Speed Boost to be good for only Lucio, that may be why your teams ask you to switch to a better healer. Just standing next to a Reinhardt with speed boost on is such a force multiplier that it is sickening. Him having the ability to catch whomever he pleases without using charge as transportation is game changing. Furthermore, if you arent using speed to taxi teammates into the fray before a fight is lost, I dont know what to tell you. Sounds to me like you need to put more pressure on the primary healer so you CAN speedboost as your primary aura.

  2. Of course Sound Barrier is garbage next to Transcendence against gravdragon. Learn when and where it is super effective. The second you hear “I’ve got you in my sights”, it is super effective. The second you hear a Genji ult, it is super effective, even more so, it is extremely beneficial when your Genji, your Pharah, or your Reaper ult, to keep them alive to conclude their ults. It is amazing to use when Mei lands a blizzard, if you can get out of it, you land Sound Barrier after the snap freeze, then amp it up immediately after, so they are protected from additional damage while they are being healed. It is useful for turning the tide of an extended fight, or stopping a forward advance.

Yes, it needs a much better dispatch time if he is to protect against burst damage, but it is foolish to not recognize that it has significant value.

Your description of Lucio indicates that you have a ton of personal work to do before asking for systemic work, and the systemic work that needs doing is not real big. Increasing his heal aura back to 30m (while keeping speed aura the same), changing Amp it up to start its counter at use rather than when it ends, and making ult use instant or very close to it, finally, reverting the hack change component that stops his current aura.

That would address pretty much all of his problems, but you have some work ahead of you.

I 100% agree that Lucio’s ult could use more shields. I often find that when I am playing Lucio and I perfectly time my Sound Barriers with enemy ultimates, we still get wiped because there’s just not enough time to get any value out of it. It’s an Ultimate; all ultimates should be powerful. Not just DPS and Tank ultimates. And this is coming from a DPS main.

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This is the problem with zen- he’s not opressive, so he will not get a nerf easily, but he is overpowered, in that he simply has more overall power when compared to other characters. He has almost never been out of the meta, save season 1 where he was sort of a joke character.