The support ana truth

Every game that i play i pick ana both healing , dps, silencing etc.

My delusional bronze teammates sitting in plat

  1. Ana pls heal
  2. Ana stop DPsing
  3. Ana u suck
  4. Ana your so bad.
  5. Ana you heal is so little.


  1. Healing and saving lives. As a widow main on dps my heals are like headshots but on my teammates at any distance. Saving them from dying.

  2. If the enemies health is 200. Then im dealing eitehr 200 or 140 HP damage(2 shots).

  3. Enemy goes ryu jin no - sleep.

  4. hammer - sleep

  5. The universe sings me to sleep

This is how i win eevry support game that i play and it exposes something and a common behaviour in voerwatch or maybe even otehr comp games.

“BAD PLAYERS ARE DELUSIONAL AND THEY ARE NOW TYPING NONSENSE TO GOOD PLAYERS”. This wouldnt have been the case of blizzard had placed all of these bad players where they belong which is bronze. Now we have the brozne skill level players sitting in higher ranks telling the ones. The good paleyrs whos tarted at bronze 5 and made their way up solo queue to platnium how to play the gme. When these idiots can barely climb out of bronze if they were ever put there. The bad players are now the ones telling good players what to do?

Now yall must be thinking im talking shiit right? Well guess what? Afetr going ona winnign spree as ANa and doing my magic. I know that there is only thing that can get me a loss. IF SOMEONE ELSE PICKS ANA. WHICH IT DID. Guess what happened next?

With me on ana we win the game.
With me not on ana. WE CAN’T LEAVE THE SPAWN ROOM!!!.

The same people that talk shiit about me on ANA are the same people now unable to leave the spawn room because im not on ana. Im not there to work my magic , heal them, save them, and because they suck at aim. Nobody can now help them drop enemies to low HP for them to kill steal.

THIS IS THE TRUTH. AND ALL OF THEM ON MY TEAM FELT SO HUMILATED becauee they qued upw ith me the same game. That they all left the game.

Mark my words: Every role is DPS. if you play ana solo queue and your not dealing damage you will never climb and if you do then you have the easiest rank exeperience which is complete BS as most DPS players are trash. there no probability that every game you play will have good dps players and so you have to be the dps on ana. SOLO QUEUE IS solo carrying.

i am the most powerful chess piece on ana. Without me on it = we lsoe and we cant leave the spawn room. Games are decided by me. if i play poorly we lose. if i dont get ana we lose. that is all. This is what rank is at the moment. Blizzard i am the DPS on ana. Why are bad dps players sitting in plat HMMMM!!!


I didn’t read everything, but from what I did read, I’m not really sure what it all meant :man_shrugging:t5:

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Player in Plat thinks he has Bronze teammates and GM aim, and you’re all holding him back.


I wrote this after playing i think 30 games as support. I’m a player that plays solo queue only with no duo, trios, qauds and full stack. Initially i focused on mainly healing. Healing > dealing damage or securing kills. I remained in Bronze V. I switched my gameplay from healing to hybrid. Playing Ana support and started winning. Every match i had players doing the following.

  1. Ana pls heal
  2. Ana stop DPsing
  3. Ana u suck
  4. Ana your so bad.
  5. Ana you heal is so little.

Coming from league of legends i already knew that these are insecure manchildren that play comp games to get carried while being in this delusion that " i’m the one carrying this team and the actual good players are bad". This is the new behaviour in Overwatch where actual good players are being called out by bad ones and being told what to do by the bad ones. Any moron who listens to these bad players and does what they told you to do is an idiot and by listening to bad players you will remain stuck in bronze V like i almost did by listening to my bad teammates and healing them only. Common sense will tell you that nothing is achieved when you heal a bad player that isn’t elimination anyone. Common sense also tells you that this player would rather shoot the tank thats being healed by mercy than mercy thats healing the tank. So he’s an idiot. This can be avoided if i picked ana and kill the enemy supports as the dps myself.

By the end of the game my DPS KDA will be 23 3 7 and mine will be 16 11 5. The DPS and tank players will get the dopamine and think," i’m so good at this game" when in reality its , " ana 3 shots = a kill, ana 2 shots = (140) damage. Their KDA is good not because they earned it. its because i set them up for it. dealing 2 shot 140 dmg leaving them to deal 60 dmg and securing the kills. This continues on from bronze V to plat rank.

Everyone should be in bronze. There is no distinct skill difference especially the DPS players that are in bronze : plat and inbetween. Blizzards ranking system only puts fake people who are bad players into higher ranks that they do not belong.The truth is they all should be in Bronze V and if they were in Bronze V their current skill level would punish them by not enabling them to climb or bounce between bronze 3 and bronze 5 because of their inconsistency in skill. Win by high levels of energy on that day = climbed to brozne 3. Next day low energy = drop to bronze V. Part of the problem is also because of allowing account bosoting through duos, trios, quads and full stacks. There needs to be a seperate queue from solo queue. Blizzard is copying riot and not innovating. Rank isn’t real until you add solo queue only. That would increase the competetiveness of the game because everyone knows its real and also makes it easier to spot an account boosted to report and ban from the game. it would be easier to identify skill difference int he game and report those who are boosted.

I’m writing this because of the recent game i played where someone else locked in ANA. The same thing happened last week and the week befroe and the week before that. So What then? If i’m saying that if i played ana on support. the healing, damage, elims, silence, crowd control, stopping sigma, genji, reaper ults etc = allowing us to even leave the spawn room and enables me to win games for me and players who don’t deserve. Then if someone else picks ana from me. Then who’s gonna do,“healing, damage, elims, silence, crowd control, stopping sigma, genji, reaper ults etc” . The answer is nobody. We just stay put in the spawn room. We can’t leave and can’t play. Reality hits these delusional fake boosted players and for the first time they unplug themselevs from this amtrix anf face the reality of how bad they are at this game. whats even more satisfying is that some of my teammates were from the 30 matches that i played and they were calling me out

  1. Ana pls heal
  2. Ana stop DPsing
  3. Ana u suck
  4. Ana your so bad.
  5. Ana you heal is so little.

I told them," yup now im not ana" now watch what happens when im not ana. This game will reveal the truth and how delusional you are. After seeing it for themselves they begin to panic. Because these fake boosted delusional players like to be delusional than live in reality and so they do the next best thing. They leave and run away back to the next game to be delusional. This happens every game when im not playing ANA and someone else takes ana away from me. WE DONT GET TO PLAY. WE REMAIN N THE SPAWN ROON UNTIL THE MATCH ENDS. this is normal for me. Nobody else has what it takes to step up their game and do what i can do to allow us to " not win but to just play the game instead of staying stuck in the spawn room". This is how much of an impact i have as a player on a team whereas my teammates have 0 impact. You can’t climb ranks when you have no impact. You become invisible. There are matches that i’ve played where i don’t even know who my teammates are because they have no impact and presence. Their job is to simply Kill steal from me , live in delusion and i win. the game isn’t teamwork if that’s what blizzard is trying to do. the game is “can you kill everyone on the enemy team in whichever role you play”.

if you can’t do this. If you can’t kill everyone on the enemy team every game. You will not climb. If someone were to tell me, " i main mercy or ana, play solo queue and all i do is heal and i climbed from bronze to platnium or even higher". Who’s your booster? Stop lying.

1 bad tank vs 1 bad tank
2 bad dps vs 2 bad dps
2 supports healing 3 bad players vs 2 supports healign 3 bad players
This is rolling the dice/gambling/ being random.

Boosted gameplay
1 bad tank or 1 good tank vs 1 bad tank
2 bad dps or 1/2 good dps vs 2 bad dps players
2 supports healing 2 bad players 1 good player vs 3 bad players
This is 1 sided games getting boosted.

Example of a real good player experience
1 bad tank vs 1 bad tank
2 bad dps vs 2 bad tank
1 sp healing everyone vs 2 supports healing everyone.
1 ana that does everything
This are easy games.


1 bad tank vs 1 bad tank/ good accoutn boosting tank
2 bad dps vs 2 bad dps / 1/2 account boosting dps
1 support healing everyone vs 2 supports healing everyone.
1 ana that does everything vs the account booster.
The account booster is nothing special. Every match is easy for him until he meets a real good player like me on ana and focuses the entire game on trying to kill me. he tells his teammates to also start targeting me.Now ana plays the 1v 9 with the entire enemy team ignoring hsi teamates and going straigth at him. These are hard games and winnable.

Same gameplay applies when im on DPS or tank. The game was neevr a team game when your teammates ar invisible. Theya re invisible because they have no presence which means they have no impact which makes them invisible. I’ve been climbign ranks from Bronze V going up and currently in plat. There are no teammates with the occasional healing from supports. Supports are the only players that i’ve met in my rank journey that become visible to me when im clutching 1v5 and about to die and 1 of em heals me keeping me alive at the perfect time. For the msot part the health packs on the maps are my teammates. until blizzard does something about this, This game is just a game full of insecure people who do not belong on the ranks given by blizzard, being delusional thinking their somebody when their actually a nobody, invisible in game, bad call outs, talking down on good players etc".

i’ve played a match where a baptise on the enemy team was the only problem and a very skilled player. Guess what he got from his teammates? His teammates on ALL chat are asking to report him. HIM THE GOOD PLAYER. YES REPORT THE ENEMY BAPTISE THATS THE ONLY ONE THAT AHS PRESENCE AND IS GOOD AT THE GAME. Everythings upside down in overwatch right now. Good players are bad. bad players are good. Good players are in lower ranks. bad player are in higher ranks. Toxic and team up reporting good players is good. Good players reporting bad players is bad. It’s like as though blizzard’s core audience now are just fake delusional insecure man childs with big ego from the validation that they get from their fake accounts. Look at the way you’re playing? . Plat 4? more like piss 4

Basically healing numbers as a metric isnt an accurate measurement to team contribution