The State of Console-Overwatch

I do indeed play on PS4. I also did try changing the system language as well. If I changed the system language to German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, or either type of Chinese, then Overwatch would still play in English.

If those said languages did work innately without any issues, I wouldn’t have mentioned it to begin with. If you still don’t believe me, feel free to give it a try yourself ;o

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There isn’t even that for PC players, which are “more valuable”, atleast for Blizzard, imagine for Console Players.

1 => I should probably have been more specific on this. However, I didn’t say anything about it asking for it to become a thing. I even acknowledged Jeff’s response on November 1st regarding this. While I do want to see it be a thing personally, I can understand them not doing it either. The point is that I wanted to bring in some of the flaws in it not being a thing.

2 & 6 => My response to both of these is the same. M&K support for a given game on both Consoles is down to the choice of the developers. Both Console Manufacturers already support M&K innately. And, Blizzard is not as new to Consoles as you might think. Their original roots trace back to being game developers for Consoles (remember Silicon and Synapse?). Plus, they also have Diablo 3 on the Consoles too. Now if you stated that this is Blizzard’s first FPS for Consoles as well, then I would certainly give you that. ^^

3 => As I posted in the OP, my suggestion is making it more strict to accommodate that. That’s simply because it doesn’t get them punished fast enough. At least, this is the case on the Consoles.

4 => This still doesn’t invalidate the point that Blizzard does the wrong maneuver when it comes to said attempted Console appeals. They will literally direct you to Sony/MS; who don’t handle in-game suspensions.

5 => No, the smurf issue is definitely worse on the Consoles. Sure, PC would certainly have the higher FPS. But as I’m sure you know, over on the Consoles there is no charge to make such. Like I stated and will admit, some of this issue is because of the designs of the Consoles themselves; I would give you that. But even the enforcement of Suspension Evasion can deter some people. It may not solve it completely (but let’s face it, nothing will do that), but it’s at least a more fair way to resolve it.

7 => Would you still use that point to try invalidating QOL suggestions for the Consoles, which have already been available on the PC version since the very beginning? I did make sure to be specific on this. And a lot of said things in that list wouldn’t even be that hard to implement. I could go so far as to say that they’re comparable to the adding of the Regular Crouch (not toggle) and Toggle UI controls. Both of which were on PC since the very beginning, but implemented to the Consoles only just this year; January 9th and March 20th respectively to be exact.

8 => If even OWL Teams have done a better job than Blizzard at doing this, then there’s something wrong there. And lack of time is also not a valid answer to this either. You could even argue that slower pace would be a good thing. I’m sure you seen some complaints on how the game is too fast on PC. The slower pace means it’s also easier for specs to keep up with.

9 => Then at least tell us WHY something can or can’t be done. I can guarantee you that people would be a lot less likely to ask further about something if Blizzard simply just took the small amount of time it would take to RESPOND. And no, that still doesn’t excuse them going nearly 8 months without responding to a single Console thread here on the forums.

what about 10.


I decided to keep things limited to in-game. Forums is a whole different beast regarding this…

Curious. Couldn’t this have been added to your Megathread, considering the topic being about Overwatch on Console? I see that the latest post there is only 7 days old. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Sorry I just wasn’t registering what you said about only certain languages working.

I remain curious about the inclusion of blush emoticons

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Since discussion has pretty much ended there (it really only proceeds further if I bump it accordingly), I saw it reasonably fit to create this topic.

Also, please do enlighten as to what the purpose of that blush emoji that you put in nearly every single one of your posts is. Literally everyone that has asked you that, you will simply ignore. It really seems like it’s only used to justify passive-aggressiveness.


I see, so for you making a new thread based on the same topic is fine after it meets a certain age of… say… 7 days? Based on your last bumped post?

Good to know. Thanks!

Back on topic, I would say I agree as well, that the devs should indeed listen to console players more and work towards improvements towards the state of Overwatch on that platform. Keep up the good fight! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Look further back. See the last bit in the thread where there were more than 10 posts made in a single day there. You’d be surprised to find out how far back that goes.

Also, regarding that blush emoji. What’s the purpose of it in your posts? Please, do enlighten me.

so, the blush…

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I’m no console player, and I even agree with a lot of this. I really hope that they end up giving console players a bit more attention soon.


Definitely true, but some heroes you can clearly tell when they’re m&kb. Like Genjis who can dash-180-melee instantly. No controller to my knowledge allows an instant 180 turn, yet I’ve seen it before in my death cam. I’d say Genji and Tracer probably benefit most from m&kb since their play style involves a lot of quick turns, which only makes me hate their existence even more. It’s not bad enough how unfun they are to fight when they don’t also have a massive hardware advantage.

In some of those cases I definitely wouldn’t argue with you on that. But on some other cases, I would respectfully disagree.

While it might not be able to be as comparable as other cases would, I have played at the top ranks in Copa Lucioball. And up there I can tell you that nearly every attacker there have their control scheme set as Max Sensitivity, 0 Aim Smoothing, and I think it’s Linear Ramp that they run with. I would know; I’ve competed against the best Lucioball player on PS4, and his aggressive style alongside his max sensitivity made him an absolute terror to play against (spoiler alert, my team lost that match 5-4 :yum:).

From my recollection, things that can be done with the converters such as a XIM can be done with a Controller as well. Those converters are somewhat limited to the performances of the controller.

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A few solutions I came up with. Xbox did come out with mouses and keyboard and it was enabled for fortnite and warframe. So if blizzard doesn’t want to be strict about keyboard and mouse usage, they could just enable it for overwatch, thus giving console players text chat; then that’s one problem out of the way.

If they do enable M&K, then they could actually give console players a chance to compete in overwatch esports, making ranked on console seem not so pointless. But it means that they may have to enable cross platform with pc and console.


Yes, Xbox recently implemented native KB&M support and PS4 had it for years. But it is still up to the game developers if they want to use the feature.

It’s just that Blizzard / Jeff doesn’t want Overwatch to support it.

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I know there isn’t, it’s just a thought that can help resolve the lesser communication across the board.

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Once again, another great thread discussing issues pertenent to console players. Unfortunately I don’t think we will be getting any response. The game is closing on 3 years old and new content development has slowed considerably. It simply won’t be feasible for them to address many of these items.

I personally wouldn’t mind if there were less frequent releases of cosmetic items if it made the game more playable. :confused: