The Soldier Recoil Change makes him less enjoyable

Coming back to Overwatch from a longer break I was really surprised by the fact that Soldier now has recoil. I really like to pick him in certain scenarios and I’ve tried to get used to it, but I just can’t. I really struggle to play with recoil in other games too. The camera movement occuring with it throws me off (getting dizzy/annoyed). It’s also the reason why I can’t play Baptiste for a longer period of time, or really can’t enjoy Roadhog’s ultimate.

I was wondering if anyone else has that problem and if you think Blizzard should do something about it.

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Just takes a bit of practice…you’ll get used to it. He’s way better off this way.

It takes a little while to get used to i agree but once you get it down its pretty good. If you can track well with soldier, once you learn to counteract the vertical recoil he can be a monster

He is actually better now.
Practice some tracking (KK49M “Game Code”) .
GL & HF Player !

My issue is not aiming, it’s the camera movement making me dizzy/annoyed. So maybe you’re just fine with it and it’s a personal thing. It’s really unfortunate.

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You get used to it. I miss the 5/6 round precision shots to burn down careless widows, but you do get to fire the entire clip.

The only problem is the amount of desk space. I have an oversized mousepad (40”x40”) and it still doesn’t feel like enough sometimes.

Edit: Missed that it’s the jitter. It was a LOT worse before. It hardly seems noticeable now, but obviously ymmv.

I agree, liked old version more.

I said the same thing for a while then eventually got used to it. It was worse before, luckily they toned it down some.

The camera shake is awful. I have never had an issue with it in one game . Blizzard has no idea how recoil is supposed to work.

I play rainbow six siege and I have never seen such trash recoil. Not in valorant not in counterstrike. It’s just terrible.

I disagree I love the change to death and think it makes him feel like not garbage.

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The only way I’ve been able to counteract his recoil is to fire in bursts of less than 5. It becomes much more manageable.

From my perception I can tell that camera shake is bad in every game, but worse in Overwatch. I don’t get how people enjoy the camera moving rapidly. But maybe I’m actually one of the few who dislike this.