The soldier powercreep

How is removing the RNG from Soldier considered powercreep?
It’s a much needed change.
Soldier has been powercrept out of the game by the burst healing Supports anyways. His Sustain Dps has always lacked due to it.
With this change he’ll finally have consistency and not rely on pointless RNG.


Yeah. It’s too strong at 20, but 19 would probably be alright since he’s hitting more shots than before.

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Because it removes the limitations of his 180dps output, increasing his output overall.

Meaning that the mechanic that kept him doing roughly the same damage as something like McCree is going to allow him to do constant sniper level of dps.


Sure. But also Widow and Ashe have been nerfed since then, and they are much more reasonable to play against now. And some heroes have clearly been displaced by the new core experience of the game.

I’m really looking forward to playing Soldier once these go live :grimacing:

I don’t like the way his rifle works on live. Legs is back!

So instead of giving him constant damage, they could just simply increase the number of shots before the Rng kicks in like if he could do 120 instead 80 points of damage before Rng.

Then he would be doing significantly better without having constant damage output.

To me power creep is the vector sum of buffs/debuffs relative to a fixed balance datum. Not sure why they would want to “add power” to hitscans atm. Projectiles seem so much harder by comparison.

In the perfect world, comps should suffer diminishing returns from stacking hitscans/snipers/nonprojectiles. But with aim breakpoints they don’t - and this is a central issue atm. Under mid/high tier conditions, there is barely room for 1 projectile (or hybrid/utility) on the 222 roster (a byproduct of 222 being tragic).

I can live with the S76 changes. I like the hero, barely play him, and expect some S76 mains to really have their time to shine. It would be great to have an S76 meta - if not as a mustpick then as a viable select. But he’s been the sleeper gold standard for well-rounded balance for a long time now, and this change in particular powercreeps another hitscan tool.

I mean, healing can be constant, so it’s okay if Soldier’s is consistent too. As long as they adjust the damage numbers to account for the increased consistency.

You also have to keep in mind that healing for most part stays well below the dps equivlent. Like the 55Hps gold standard is nothing compared to the likes of the experimental that can do 180dps with little keeping you from doubling that with headshots.

This might not affect Soldier’s overall pickrate at all.

In masters and above his pickrate will rise as they relish the challenge but in the metal ranks they may freak out over the recoil and his pickrate fall, while diamond Soldier stays where he is.

It really depends quite how adaptable the playerbase is as a whole.

This is a massive rework, this is a bigger rework than torb’s rework. Everything you thought you knew about how to deal damage with soldier now basically has to be set aside and start again.

To me, it’s an unimportant concept that gets people to generalize that buffs are bad and large powershifts in what is important in the game is bad.

And distracts from more specific discussions on whether the “centerpoint” is correct, rather than complaining that we’re moving away from arbitrary centerpoint and that’s bad somehow.

Or just in general, that moving away from the status quo, or what used to be the status quo is bad. When the game needs to be fundamentally different than it was before.

large powershifts usually lead to a major change in meta, and considering people are enjoying this one where a good chunk of heroes are viable. Doing so would most likely lead to dismay, and annoyance to a shut down/ mirror the now powerful thing.

It’s an important concept because it qualitatively points to shifts in expected/realized TTK. And as an FPS/moba, the overall flow of your game is heavily goverened by TTK.

soldier was already powercreeped imo.

they will need to revert the dmg and helix buff for this to work

I figure we’ve barely had this meta for a while, and pros are mostly just happy there’s a Winston based meta, with Ana as the top healer. Also no Brig, and no Mei, and no Orisa.

And that with 57% of overall Tank playtime being Zarya or Rein, this “midtier meta” below Diamond is gonna get pretty stale soon.

Also that the status quo in queue times isn’t good enough for OW2 launch. Which means more fundamental changes to the Tank role.

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That’s okay, blizzard did too lol

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Ahaha complains that meta is around winston, then complains that rien zarya are played alot.

Even then Orisa is usable in her flank controlling style. While sigma is still overall a great pick be it that he doesn’t do well in prolong fights.

And considering that the alternative is having double barrier, or Deathmatch the meta. I think I’m happy with the original tank most maps were built around being the base standard, were people then swap around to counter pick from their. which current is a thing that is actually viable to do.

Well here is hoping all the champs get recoil buffs.

Give Bastion, Muzzle rise like Soldier, buffing his random spread.

Give Champs like Mcree hard sway to make sure he he cant shoot past 35 meters, but he can now one shot with a head shot while below 30 meters. Nobody should be able to do what window does without a scope.

More like high tier loves it, but they aren’t going to be making much of their cash from OW2 off the top 5% of players.

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Well considering that top 5% is the face of a multi-million dollar esport league, yes yes they will.