The Silent Reinhardt nerf

That I said none of his animation cancels they fixed mattered?

Maybe try reading again, I am not defending Genji, they have always been two faced on if animation cancels are bad

What part of the “payloads float above ground” did you actually miss?

Most ultimates don’t go through solid walls no. But payloads are not solid walls, they are objects that float above ground and this is especially noticeable on angles like when numbani payload makes it’s way around the corner and there is a very noticeable gap between the ground and the floor.

So yes, you can definitely both shatter and dva ulti people behind payloads if the payload happens to float, such as numbani payload.

Casttime is slow enough that it’s possible to react to rein shatters with old symmetra photon barrier and zenyatta ultimate. Hardly instant.

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It’s a ground effect. It goes underneath the payload the same way it goes underneath barriers that leave a gap. Doomfists meteor strike does the same thing.

I’m not bothered by the mercy nerf. She has a get of jail free card so she needs some balancing

I spent another 8 hours on Reinhardt after the patch. These are my observations. Lets start with what Blizzard said they did.


Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Charge from propelling him forward if he was airborne due to Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut

As far as I can tell this is in fact fixed. But was it ever really broken?

Now for all the stuff that was changed for no apparent reason.

  1. Every action Reinhardt performs except for his Hammer Swing > Firestrike > Hammer Swing the player must wait until the completion of each animation to begin another another function. Raising and Lowering his shield now has a delay on every action performed on either end.

  2. His Hammer Swing is back to the 2017 Anniversary patch hit detection delay. Cannot confirm if the 10% adjustment to his swing timer has been reverted or not, but the hit detection does not register until the animation is complete. This leads to heroes not getting hit by the hammer if they move from one side of Reinhardt’s visible area to the other and out of the animation once it completes. Think Genji Phantom Blade, except for it is the heroes ONLY reliable attack, and the reason people are supposed to be wary of getting close to him.

  3. Charge and Earthshatter are still a hot mess. Neither were addressed in the patch so this is not news.

What does this do to Reinhardt?

Heroes are not supposed to be close to Reinhardt. If he cannot reliably keep them at a distance he can only do half is job. Standing there with his shield up is the only thing Blizzard has not changed. His animation for deploying and removing his shield was already punishing enough seeing as how in a game where “favor the shooter” is frequently spouted off by players Reinhardt is the only one this doesn’t apply to. His shield should instantly deploy, and instantly retract. The fact Blizzard now ties everything Reinhardt does to this animation is absurd.

Hit detection for his Hammer Swing should have zero problems. As a comparison, how would ANY another hero not have players of said hero flood the forums if say Soldier 76 had to wait to reload for all the bullets he just fired to hit someone. The outrage would be catastrophic. For some reason people want to justify it because “its just a hammer”, or “hammers wouldn’t act like that in real life”. Reinhardt’s Hammer Swing is the other 50% of Reinhardt job. Blizzard you need to repair the damage you have done.

Reinhard players are one of a kind. We don’t prattle on about how other heroes are too powerful or unfair to play against. Things that happen in game we adjust to and attempt to counter play the best we can. We don’t get to solo carry games, but we do enable others to play at the pinnacle of their abilities. In a team based game there is no more definitive hero that is a team player then Reinhardt.

I will continue to play Reinhardt. Even with all his flaws I can still overcome. But should I have to?


Hey! That was a great read. I linked your comment over on my post here:

Wanted to make sure you were aware.


I have no idea what these former “animation cancels” were, I guess I never used any kind of that stuff during my ~46hrs of Reinhardt? Rein feels as wonky as ever, maybe I completely missed something in the past. Would explain why I never was really good with him… hmmm.

First of all, beautiful speech.

Second of all, on the “do I have to”… I am confident this still won’t lower Rein’s pickrate, because a moving 2000 HP shield still amounts for something anyway. Kind of now Mercy’s constant nerfs never get her off the must pick status, because they’re not addressing why this character is a must pick, just making playing that character more and more miserable.

(hint: “Only main healer in the game”)

Much like Rein will still remain the only main tank, because Winston “I am literally bullied by everything I’m supposed to counter” and Orisa “I can’t deal with anyone in my face” won’t really cut it.

Rein will just be helplessly standing and hoping against hope the DPS will do their job. Which is all that playing tank amounts to anymore…

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Rein feels horrible now, instead of being rewarded for doing what i usually do (aka drop shield and swing instantly and other animation cancels) i’m punished for it, and his hammer feels shorter too? maybe it’s just me but his swings also feel a bit slower

Yeah he definitely feels sluggish after the patch.

I don’t know if this is an intended change to give opponents more breathing room or an unintended change in an attempt to fix him but either way I’d really appreciate if we could get a dev to talk about it.

I was really enjoying popping my shield down for a cheeky swing, it felt snappy and was often a safe way to assert pressure - I’d really like to know if they intend to bring that back.

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Yet you say:

Lol. Please learn to logic :wink:

Oh noes! You dance for joy when Hanzo gets nerfed but you cry about Rien changes? The “pro” scene in OW is so cringe.

Hanzo is stronger then he has ever been.

How does Hanzo getting two new abilities and faster projectile speed, while losing one ability he never should have had in the first place conclude in being a nerf?

Blizzard gave every reason to all Hanzo players as to the intention of said changes.

Reinhardt on the other hand goes into the patch machine slightly broken and comes out rusted and slower then before, with no explanation as to why.

These two things are not even close to the same.


I actually think it’s a good thing to remove animation cancelling, even though it means I have to play Rein somewhat more conservative now, that I run the risk of not getting my shield up in time.

The hammer hit detection though, that is completely breaking.

My guess is that this is Reinhardts recode, that is meant to fix all weirdness due to having to monkeypatch his code all the time. And I think it got included in the patch by mistake. Because it’s obviously not done. The spaghetti code for Rein was the reason for shatter and charge being inconsistent, and they still are, so obviously they’re only partway done with the recode.

Let’s cross our fingers and hope they revert him soon and wait until he’s completed before releasing him.

Let me give you an example of what should have been said then;

Blizzard: We have looked at Reinhardt’s ability to cancel the movement penalty put in place by toggling his jump and shield buttons. This was never meant to be a mechanic that could be manipulated in such a way. To remove this function we (Blizzard) have forced his shield animation to finish completely before a new action can take place.

This explanation was never given.

Now, if this was the only issue, and we had to just wait for Blizzard to respond, I don’t think this would be a huge problem. The fact that there are at least 4 other bugs in Reinhardt’s kit that do not work as they should, is an indication that Blizzard should either confirm this is “working as intended” or update the community on whether or not we should expect work to be done.

There are even other things that affect Reinhardt differently then every other hero in the game, which we seemingly just have to live with.

Favor the shooter - Reinhardt doesn’t shoot anything.
Latency driven shield mechanics - If enemy player has latency > to yours the shield doesn’t apply.
The dead space between Reinhardt’s shield and his arm - there is enough room for a player to be in the danger zone where Reinhardt could punish them for being too close, but at the same time cannot do so because the shield is necessary to protect the team. Yet they can shoot Reinhardt freely without the fear of punishment.
All the current Crowd Control - Don’t really have to explain this one.

On top of all these things we just experienced the highest power creep for any patch up to this date. In a patch where Damage Dealers get stronger, how could Blizzard, intentionally or unintentionally, let Reinhardt become weaker?


keep in mind they removed ledgedash from genji and his melee animation cancels

they’re going to keep removing everything that actually flows on heroes until the game is a static, but new player-friendly mess

You absolutely have to be kidding me… Reinhardt only has mele moves other than ONE very slow cast, slow moving, easily dodged ranged move…


oh no the most played hero got nerfed slightly…

You coming at the wrong guy about Genji, lmfao. The illusion of difficulty, and nothing more. His kit literally revolves around second chances. High skill ceiling, sure, but he is NOT hard to play well…because his kit is literally fixing anyway you could possibly screw up. :confused:

Animation cancels are cool in fighters, in FPS like this, it’s kinda garbage and has no place. Of course, that is an opinion and opinion isn’t fact. :slight_smile:

Though I cannot agree more on the Genji statement, as I have felt this way ever since the first time I got him in Mystery Heroes.

Why is it okay for Blizzard to allow certain heroes the flexibility to have animation cancels, that increase their effectiveness, but other heroes cannot?

Blizzard should either allow them in their entirety, or get rid of them all.