The shop skins suck!

I know skins are a subjective thing, but am I the only one who thinks the Overwatch 2 shop skins are of very low quality?

Blizz, you can’t just put mustaches, hats, and face paint on the characters and expect me to pay $20. If I dare spend money on Overwatch, it’s going to be on a skin that is of the same quality as the skins in Overwatch 1, which means that the character’s gun and the character itself must be given a very unique look rather than just slapping something on, changing a color, and calling it a day.

I understand the business model of the game has changed, and making unique skins like they did before may not be as simple given that they’re having to churn the skins out every two weeks or whatever, but if that’s the case then they probably should increase the production size of the company, team, or whatever that’s making the skins so that they’re able to put out more skins with higher quality.

Hopefully, Blizzard puts out some high-quality skins frequently in season two and not just when an event occurs, but I guess we’ll see.

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the Moira Mime skin is just… bruh

I feel like they need to step up their game. Paladins is offering mythic level skins for £5. Completely custom facial animations and design and voice Lines and even music with the skin. Now I don’t expect them to be that cheap in overwatch but I would really like it if they made higher quality skins like that more frequently, even if it costs more.

I like the rope emote pull.

Nothing feels like a legendary skin anymore, except the mythic skins and the old legendaries. Back then they actually tried to make every legendary skin unique, but nahhhh

Let’s use OW2 models, repaint it and market it as a legendary now!

I know Paladins has been using the free-to-play model for a longer time, but even at the start of Paladins’ life cycle, the skins were definitely of higher quality than the skins we currently have in Overwatch, which is truly depressing given the size difference between the two companies.

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I disagree

The Moira mime legendary is the best legendary yet!

Look at all the effort that went into it!

In fact, the only skin in the shop that I really like was the Sojourn Detective skin… Most are ok, but nothing outstanding…

Btw. Why Junk bundle cost 800 coins but single Junk skin cost 1000 coins? wtf…

Yes they should be that cheap. Because that would be closer to matching the cost of skins in OW1’s base game.

Then everyone would have them and they wouldn’t be special.

One or two skins DO NOT equal the time and effort that went into games, like Subnautica.

I think if you play a lot of a character in a game, especially if you one trick a hero, and you play a lot of the game, then it represents better value then buying another game.

I was amazed at the moira skin being sold as legendary when it is an exact recolor of her base skin plus a hat :rofl:

what bothers me the most about the shop is the ‘your shop’ section. this account only plays one hero and yet the ‘my shop’ section only had one of her skins since ow2 release.

I just realized the business model they’re using is probably heavily affecting the quality of the skins. The team or company that is making the skins is probably the same team or company that is making the sprays, souvniers, emotes, etc.

They probably have a team, company, or whatever out there that wants to put out high-quality skins, but they can’t because Blizzard needs them to make stuff to bundle to make it look like you’re getting a better deal.

If this is the case, then that’s a huge L!

I can just imagine the artists out there right now.

John: “So who’s making the bundle spray this week?”

Jimmy: “Hey, how about we flip a coin?” “You make the spray if it’s heads; I make the spray if it’s tails.”

“You know what to do; sure, let’s do it,” says John.

Jimmy proceeds to flip the coin.

John: “Sighs intensely.” :rofl:


You’re seriously delusional.

I was being sarcastic… wow

literally this line proves it :roll_eyes:

And if that’s not enough here is a thread