The Shining Shield: Official Hangout of the Brigitte Brigade (A Brig Fanclub)


:joy_cat: Delightful

It’s true, just hitting the shield itself will not proc Inspire. Thankfully, since Rein is right there holding the shield, it’s pretty easy to hit him through it with your primary to proc Inspire. Ideally, make sure that you don’t have Shield Bash on cooldown, though, so you can use it to dash back to safety afterwards if needed


Its hard when my team is playing with range dps and tanks and wants to play back and not get enough heals. If they changed that piece at least i could get some extra healing out.

Brig is definitely gf material, no questions about it.

Just look at her winter wonderland spray of her knitting.

Also I’m glad I picked up her GOATS skin. I really like it.

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when I play brig i do the katt emote and hug the big chonk for good luck.

also I ship her with phara, cause meka bunny is too obvious and who wouldn’t with phara the big dork let them geek out over their armour already blizz


If I end up in Kanezaka while in queue, I’ll go to the cat cafe and use that emote.

I think it was made for that specific reason tbh.


Oy, this situation. I feel your pain; it can be tricky to get Whip Shots in sometimes when the enemy has a shield

I cannot wait to get that emote on PC :sparkling_heart: I have it on Switch already, but I only got the PC version of the game in July, so I haven’t gotten a chance to get it there yet. SOON

Speaking of the floof, I was so happy when she got a victory pose with it for LNY. It was legitimately my favorite part of the event this year :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Come on, we gotta keep the Brig fanclub alive! More love for Brigitte and her cat! She’s too cool to be forgotten and ignored

edit: typos ugh


I’ve never seen the one of Brig saving a Butterfly …ach, ma heart and ma soul :confounded: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so sweet

I simp hardcore for Brigitte.

Does this make me welcome?


I like her cat.
It’s cute.
I want to touch it’s floof.
It’s called Katt as an emote Brigitte has.
It’s a legendary.
I kind of want it.
Gib me the Katt.


I like brigitte, and when she was very new, I played so much Ana-Brig that I ran into an OWL player in TDM.

Can we talk about her Voice lines? They are so cute!

“Patch you up :3”


“I am more of a cat person”


“Rally to me :3”


“I love teen men!” :grin:

That is what I hear every time Rally comes up.

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She is basically a female Mini-Reinhardt. How can someone not love the idea of this? Also Cat emote.


The Tavern named The Brigitte Fanclub, Ahhh… My top faved healer, you deserve this. I cannot stay long, as I have to do things out there in the cold, trying to make it warmer out there, so I’m sorry I couldn’t stay long. (Grabs a cold drink, sits by the fireplace for 15 mins, then with a warm goodbye, shoots out a smile for a second before fading, knowing I am going to go through a rough road ahead, then before I leave, I whisper) Star, keep the tavern warm, for all of us. Forever a Brig main I am. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your time,
The, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Widowmaker main at your service,


I wish they made her ability to brawl stronger again. Shes such a wet noodle …
Doesn’t feel very crusader like when she gets 1v1 by most heroes nowadays. And that weak shield, holy, what were they thinking. 250?


I haven’t played Brig in quite a while, but here’s a meme I found.


I may hate brig because brig does nothing but bully me when i mind my business (totally not because im a genji main or anything. shut it. thats not true. youre wrong D:<). However, I shall share my appreciation to those who enjoy the hero :heart:. Nothing wrong with having fun and appreciating the hero you like. :heart:

-Yours truly, NaniOWO. a genji main probably walking by