The Salt Against Mercy is Real homies

You have become a very negative person ever since the Mercy hate train has started again, haven’t ya?


Ah… so we agree 60% win rate is a bit high. Good, let’s do a tiny, smidgen of math.
Mercy’s pick rate (according to your given site of Overbuff) is 12.56%(GM). There are 12 players on a team, so x / 12 = 12.56%. There are ~1.5 Mercys in a game. So, if Mercy is in every game, there are only 50% of those games where she isn’t on both teams. Obviously her win% against herself is 50%. So… add together the averages of her against herself and someone else, divide by 2 and set equal to her win%:

(50 + (x)) / 2 = 54.36
x = 58.72

Mercy has a ~59% win rate against teams that don’t have her on them (in GM). Mercy’s pickrate goes up as you go up in SR. Her win rate also goes up as you go up in SR. As a counter point, Ana’s pick rate goes down as you go up in SR and her win rate goes up.

Mercy is used more and wins more. Ana is avoided unless she is somewhat viable. Which is ~31% of games, compared to to Mercy’s 150% of games. It only gets worse if you check this week vs this month.

Compare to Brigitte (who you say is OP because of her win rate).

After the same math Brigitte is in 41.28% of games. Brigitte has a 54.8% win rate all together. So…

Brigitte vs Brigitte is 17.47% of games (not really ubiquitous).

Brigitte’s win rate vs non-Brigitte teams is 55.81.

Going by YOUR definition of OP. Mercy is more OP than Brigitte.

Oooo snap this boii tryin to roast a brotha LOL

Homie got that math game, respect. I’ll call you math homie.

but that wasn’t my final form.

I’m pullin that trump card like my hottest mix tape, ya feel a brotha?

They ain’t gonna nerf the homie my guy, but they’re already working on buffin ana. It’s more likely for the other heroes get worked on first before we touch the mercy homie again. So don’t know what you be spitting about my defoneesh, but real talk, she at 50% and they ain’t changin her lmao. Hit me up with that fire response doe :fire:


You wanna nerf her healing? Fine, but you better give her dps in return.

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Why do people think that giving Mercy a nerf will bring her down to the level of the other healers? Because 8 nerfs in a row sure as hell didn’t.

The other healers suck and rework was flawed design. Next.

Anyway, I like you OP. It’s nice to see some lightheartedness when regarding Mercy.


Shouldn’t a character’s win rate always tend towards 50%? That’s the point of matchmaking. It will eventually put you at a place where you win ~50% of your games.

Mercy is in 150% of games. 50% of games she is going against another Mercy. The other 50% against a team without a Mercy.

50% of games are guaranteed to have a Mercy winning. 50% of the remaining 50% will have a Mercy winning to (her win rate is 50% according to that dev).

That means a Mercy is on ~75% of all winning teams. Oddly, Brigitte isn’t on nearly as many, having half the pick rate of Mercy in GM.

Nerf Mercy, or buff Ana, whatever. My only point is that Mercy is over represented AF in the current meta. But, so are Rein, Zarya, and the snipers. That’s the nature of Overwatch metas. A handful of heroes will have SUPER high pick rates.

It is however VERY annoying that Mercy has had a SUPER high pick rate for a LONG time now. One day maybe we’ll get a meta where there are multiple viable team comps that counter one another.

Preciate the kind words homie! Yeah I had friends who been on these old forums and they tell me all the time how some of these playas be waitin for the meta to change, blame everything bad about it on mercy, get her nerfed, and rinse and repeat. when she was OP for 4-5 months that was legit reasons, but now some of them so accostomed to blamin her when things go bad you can spot the blind hateboiis saltin fries with their rage from a mile away XD


Really nerfing mercy wouldn’t do anything. Before I couldn’t agree with the buff other healers argument, but some of the other supports just need a buff like Ana and Lucio.

Exactly… it’s beyond ridiculous at this point. Her kit hasn’t changed at all for 5 months. How can something go from balanced to OP in 5 months without any direct influence :thinking:

I would absolutely love a Lucio buff. I used to main him, but I moved to Mercy. I miss froggy boi.

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I mean, ya’ll can’t be hatin on a grill cuz she popular and yours aint tho. It ain’t her fault she looks fire and people want to play her, specially now that she isn’t a guranteed win like she was before. That’s the point I’m tryin to make. Like some of ya’ll be straight hatin on her even though she ain’t even OP anymore, just cuz the homie has a big fanbase. Like real talk when she was OP she was a straight up NIGHTMARE, but now? Nahhhh fam get outta here wit that cuz. She’s aight now, we need to work on some of these other heroes who are trash tier instead of nerfin everyone else cuz our hero be trash.

People hate mercy because they think she takes no skill. I used to think the same thing until I saw Custa’s mercy play and his explanation of her.

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When you’re the only one in your class that can solo in your class, something is wrong.

You right, I think tho that people just hate on everything. Like fo real some playas just love hatin on whats hot, they don’t even care if the homie balanced or not, just “if they popular, yeah i needa hate that” but then those same homies be desperately asking to have the Mercy homie on their teams, like I can’t even. So fake Lmao

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But isn’t that the balancing team’s fault?

I mean I have two former Mercy Mains as friends and they hate the fact that no matter the instance, no matter reason, no matter the comp…Mercy is always going to be the better choice.

Why we stay out of QP and don’t bother with Comp. Don’t need to worry about that anymore when you can play just to have fun.

I feel like you’ve been watching too much Bro You Wack my friend.

Aint nobody got time for that wack 'tuber show


So OW has become Starbucks tier then?

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True. It’s ultimately the fault of the devs. I don’t think that’s in question. The real issue is what to do about it: rework/revert/nerf Mercy down to the current level of supports, buff the supports to the point that any one of them can run solo, or change the damage output going around now and simply leave everyone alone? It’s quite the conundrum.

Also, tfw you think the op isn’t black. :thinking:

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Caramel latte Grande my bro.