The Recent Developer Update On Competitive Play

For everyone who previously said that your performance impacts your MMR, please read Blizzard’s most recent competitive update where they explicitly state that it does not.

They’ve finally publicly admitted that the ONLY factor they consider in computing your MMR is wins/losses. And the ONLY factor they consider in matchmaking is your MMR.

As I’ve been stating for seven years, this is the fundamental problem with OW matchmaking. It’s worse than I thought though, because it’s not even based on individual skill level.

OW2 has made things far, far worse with the visible ranking system being completely unrelated to MMR and being automatically reduced every season. This is especially bad for us bronze players who wind up playing against high silver and gold players at the beginning of every season. It’s grotesquely unfair.


Before OW2 you did get a boost based on match stats. Below diamond rank that is. Now yes its W L only.

This S3 changes are massive and will be a huge change to the way matches are built. I actually have hope things will get at least a little better with them

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I sort of agree on this one. Personal stats should (in my unpopular opinion) be included into the matchmaking. It can be very frustrating being a high contributor in most of your games, and still losing due to often poor team comp, etc… I dont think it should be the only metric, but should at least contribute. To the credit of the devs, yes, a dps shooting a shielded tank the whole game and getting 20k damage doesnt “contribute” as much as a player the figures out how to flank or swap characters. That being said, it is important to note, that as that 20k damage player progresses, the same tactics wont work as well anymore, and the win rates would level out at a rank they are deserving of until they can figure out how to change, flank etc… they simply wouldnt be able to get that damage anymore without changing play style etc…

It used to be based on your performance in OW1 up to diamond

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My contention is that was a myth and it’s always been solely about win/loss.


Lucky for you, it’s going away. Just have to wait a whole season :stuck_out_tongue:

Also lucky for you, it doesn’t work like that.

unless you’re just talking about loose matchmaking allowing gold+bronze to avg together, but it sounds like you’re just talking about gold mmr being decayed into bronze mmr to form bronze mmr matches

Looks like I’ll just continue to try and win my games like I’ve done the last 6 years

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The one point where this doesn’t make sense is how you can win 7 straight and not move.

Per the article MMR doesn’t decay from season to season. Only your tier does that. Thus gold tier players with higher MMR will drop to silver and get put vs. bronze players, because bronze has nowhere to drop.

Bronze tier players, or bronze mmr players?

The two are not the same when you talk about decay. You understand that matches are formed by MMR, not the visible rank, yes?

Yup. That’s the problem a lot of people have with the new system. You could be playing against Platinum players based on your MMR but your visible rank is still bronze. Pretty demoralizing.

And this part?

Which did you mean?

Just because these DEVS type something doesn’t mean it’s not a lie.

They said there was no Bronze 5 bug. They lied.
They said they didn’t change the matchmaker. They lied.
They said that Sojourn was getting a big nerf. They lied.
They said player earn coins watching the boring OWL. They lied.


I find it fascinating how you cherry pick which dev statements you believe and don’t believe.

each skill rating (aside from Bronze 5) has a range of 100 points. if the matchmaker has a fairly high confidence in your skill rating and your MMR being closely aligned, it’s entirely possible you’re not gaining enough SR per win to show an adjustment. if you’re right at the 1500 border for silver 5, and you gain say, 10 SR per game, that would put you at 1570 after 7 wins and 0 losses, which isn’t high enough for the rank update to show you at silver 4 (1600-1699).

If you go 7-0 and only gain 70 SR it means the MM is constantly putting you in games where you are the heavy favorite. Which is a form of winner’s queue so… they are lying about something. It can’t be poor performance because they said stats don’t matter.


You are wrong because even if system do not consider any of your performance, your skill is still main factor deciding if you win or lose the game so its main factor affecting your MMR, even if that would not be directly via stats.

Your skill doesnt improve or stagnate= you average wins/loss= your mmr stays same= you dont rank up

Your skill and stats improve= you win more games= your mmr go up= you rank up

Common sense really.

Common sense doesn’t apply to OW matchmaking. Your MMR is based solely on wins/losses. Your ability to win/lose is MOST affected by who you get on your team vs. who they get on their team. Unless your skill is so far beyond the other team that you can carry 1v5, your performance matters at most 1/10th of team composition from matchmaking.

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Wrong, its affected by your skill. Matchmaker on average gives you same skilled teams. Its your skill affecting outcome.

Nonsense, i climb from bronze/silver and its not me 1v 5 others by far.

the number games i had on tank where ive held the enemy team back into overtime with the payload far from point.

was going good until one of the dps decided to flank from a bad position and dies.

then the mercy tries to revive him and dies as awell and says “dps diff”

then snowballed

not even a skill issue at this point, just a brain issue

thats a que down for the day/week