The reason solo queue is need is because 5 Plats can carry a silver to Gold

Because I don’t believe people who are at their true rank will be able to boost you? Okay.


I’d like for you to please stop replying to this thread.

If a player can get value in a plat game, grouped or not, and they’re winning consistently enough for the matchmaker to put them in plat, grouped or not, then they’re plat. Who cares if you do it solo or in a 6 stack?

it’s the disparity between what is possible in groups and what is probable in match maker.

my complaint is that how many upper ranked friends you have directly contributes to your SR, and generally we only want what happens in a match to contribute.

For the most part, I basically agree with you. I’ve always said that 2 unique sets of 2500SR players could play like a 1500SR team and a 3500SR team, respectively. The difference in skill level between a team playing like a team and a bunch of people raging at each other and yelling is insane. Not to mention just general synergy and all that between the players.

Problem is that there’s no properly good solutions to the problem. A solo queue only playlist just segments the community more and increases queue times (which are already bad, unfortunately). The problem is just kind of a complex one.


I don’t like this argument. Don’t try to coax people into playing Competitive. I’m against role queue btw and am actually for No Limits.

Or instead of giving us a solo queue, give us QoL for the LFG. At least that way everyone has a fighting chance of finding synergistic teammates.

I mean, okay, but the point still stands. Has nothing to do with role queue or arcade gamemodes.


what’s the point? solo queue will increase queue times?

Correct. Plus you’d have to have an independent rating for solo q, which would have to exist for each role, among other problems. It would just add unnecessary complexity to the game (despite the fact that it may be useful).

I’d like to see it in action. I don’t think it would be that bad. But like I said in my original post, this is not a huge problem and should not be a priority.

I certainly prefer the idea of just revamping the LFG system. I’ve wanted that for a LONG time (basically since the day it was released). Making it easy to find good groups would be a nice improvement to the game overall, I think.

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just came up with a new idea. How about just a separate SR when you solo queue.

and maybe even a separate SR for each when you group up as a group of 2,3,4,5 or 6

So, everyone gets put in the same match maker like today. But the system will keep a separate SR score for when you queue solo and such.

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In a perfect world, that’s definitely the system I’d want. I just think it’d be nearly impossible to implement in a way that doesn’t have some weird problems, especially given how uh…not super accurate the SR system is right now anyway (especially immediately after placements). But yeah, in a perfect world, yeah.

this would only increase the accuracy of SR. because like we agreed, grouping alters pure SR.

it’s like having map specific SR. It can only help the matchmaking accuracy.

It is a group based game.
SR can never be accurate. It will always be based on how good the rest of your team is.

2 modes would be enough:

  • A solo queue (where SR will never be accurate)
  • A comp mode based on clans, without a personal SR system. Only a ladder with clan names. The ladder in this mode will be accurate. If clan A wins against clan B, then clan A is better and should be higher ranked(so not like the current SR system)

indeed, but the frustration will lead to long queues long term as well :wink:

why overthink this?

Just limit the SR difference between players up to a threshold of 250 SR. Take the highest player as a starting point.

Problem solved.

And add a pure solo queue without teams.

Limit the chance friends can play together.
A group of friends, understood that overwatch was a teambased game. If you don’t want all the problems like toxic, or bad team members you have to play with a 6 stacks/team
They really worked on building a team, with team tactics.
One player grows a bit faster then the rest.
And after a few months of playing together where team synergy finally starts to show, this one player cant suddenly play anymore together with the rest.
Team falls apart, since they dont want to train up another X.
Everyone again playing solo Q , getting frustrated at the game since they now got used to be playing with good team members and all they got grouped with are just playing like it is death match, ignoring the team.

Better overthink this…

A pure solo queue is fine but don’t restrict groups in the group/clan queue mode.
And since group/clan mode is clans only, personal SR difference does not matter anymore, So a bronze player can be in the same clan as a top 500.

If it’s a 6 stack with 5 2500 and 1 1500 then over hundreds of games all of their SR would start to hover around 2300-2600.

I don’t think Plat’s are very good at teaching the game, so there will be a lot of biased hate whenever they lose. When the team loses the Plats will lose more to head towards the group average (2500*5 + 1500) / 6 = 2333 and when the team wins the silver will gain more.

Between the internal blaming of the Silver for losses and we carried this noob for every win, the team will most likely lose more matches then win until they get into low gold matches and can just steamroll as 5 plat players. Thus they’ll never really go above 2500 and they’re never really teaching their silver player how to play so they’re fighting a 5v6 every game.

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Not really a group based, more like team based. Unless you only play in groups.

Now you use word team for some reason, but if you actually meant group and you only group with same people (6 stack) then yes this is true. If not then no lol u high bro?