The real SECRET to Climbing

playing “off meta” heroes

ive noticed a pattern in my games! Most often when i lose the enemy has one of the following if not both

Torb, Symmetra, Mei, bastion

and when they have public profiles i can sometimes find 70% winrate players with these characters

everytime i see one of these 4 in a match its either a super long match or my team doesnt even touch the point

why even bother trying to play any other dps when these works so well

i took torb for a spin couple of matches and i was easily gold elims and damage all the time, even on attack.

ended up having 52 kills on junkertown too

also symmetra turrets and TP strat work insanely well in certain maps like Hanamura, anubis and paris.

i suggest everyone to give these characters a try, all of them require little skill

Climbed to masters as a one trick Orisa.

Off meta is the way.


Wouldn’t you have to be really good to climb as an off-meta hero though?

as in, the hero is not as effective as meta heroes, meaning you’ll really have to play much better to be effective and overcome their weaknesses.

It depends on your rank some “off-meta” heroes are actually pretty broken in lower ranks, like reaper in silver can get a lot of value because nobody really knows how to focus him. I did 91 elims with him on oasis once. Also most of the other heroes people mentioned already can be highly effective but I noticed by watching streams lately that some of those heroes are slowly starting to creep their way into high elo games too. Like bastion, orisa in bunker comps and mei isn’t that uncommon I’d say sym is still the least played overall.

Bronze to gold as Hamster one trick.

Although I’ve seen posted that he is actually meta, even though I hardly ever see a mirror Hamster, unless a tilted opponent is trying to duel me as opposed to countering me with the assortment of counters at their disposal.

Well often sym and bastion are hard to deal with bellow diamond and good mei is beast below diamond too.

Played symm on a plat alt. Got to 3800 with her. Pretty effective

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Please don’t reveal all the secrets or Blizzard will change it at some point.
Playing Heros which are rarely played in your own rating range definitely has a positive effect on MMR.
[removed additional super secret information about mmr]

I just play what I want, when I want. Gave up on trying to play to please others. It’s not fun for me

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always quality…

The REAL secret to climbing is playing heroes that you win more than you lose with


This right here. The game is not watching some fictional number. The game is playing one team of characters against another.

Worrying about SR leads to tears, especially when low rank is more fun to play.

not really. meta heroes tend to be meta because in a pro scene where you get a real comp and the skill of the players on your team with the chars you need for support is roughly equal to yours.

in most of solo queue, heroes that require less support from teammates are better, and the meta that is strong tends to be the meta that punishes 3dps comps since they are more common on ladder. Also, tank play in low ranks is very poor so symmetra and torb can often make up for bad tanks on defense

Your MMR is based on performance relative to peers. Fewer peers = less competition.

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Playing what you are best with is the best way to climb… Throwing out the ideas of what is “needed” for a comp helps out a ton, almost as much as playing to your strengths.

The least played hero across the board is bastion with consistent less than 1% pick rate from bronze to GM.

If what you say is true, I will climb to diamond with bastion with ease.

I’ll keep you updated.