The range on brig's stun is still crazy OP

That and for people to friggin’ group up for once in their life’s rather than trying to take on the world bloody solo. I love that Brigitte exists to punish that bloody nonsense.

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I’d rather be stunned by Brigitte back from the 5s cooldown than get bloody punched into a wall from cross map by DF or get storm arrowed in the face by Hanzo.


I couldn’t agree more.

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at least that requires skill or a good aimbot

Getting killed instantly by a skill shot is way less frustrating than getting killed instantly by a right click in your general direction.

Tell me exactly why your comment was necessary. The OP was complaining as well, but it was about Brigitte. Just because someone states an opinion, doesn’t mean it also isn’t a complaint.

So yes, what I said was also opinionated. I think PharMercy is broken and needs to be removed or at least toned down a bit.

But what do I know? I guess according to you I cannot state an opinion or a complaint. I asked a serious question and got an answer. This person then talked about Pharah and I have stated a complete fact when people complain about Junkrat’s damage, they never bring up Pharah at all.

Please, don’t make yourself look like a good guy by picking out someone that made has stated a fact/opinion/complaint in a forum that is literally all 3 of those.

Pharah is one of the weakest heroes in the whole game. What are you on about?

Then dive her as a team? Her damage output is high in 1v1. She can’t kill a whole team if you’re coordinated. This is a team based game.

Oh I don’t know maybe play at 7+ meters?

Pair her with Mercy and you need a good Widow to take her down. Soldier and McCree is just not good enough. Also, talk to anyone that is a console player. They will tell you how frustrating it is playing against PharMercy.

Pharah is week on her own. What I was saying is that she is powerful with Mercy and her damage output is identical to Junkrat’s.

For you. I don’t enjoy getting killed regardless of the amount of skill involved.

She should walk slower with her shield up so she cant try and frag out.
The stun is meant to be a means of self defense.

You wanna know how I know that you have absolutely zero experience playing Brigitte and, as such, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about? :slight_smile:

Brigitte already does move slower when her shield is up. 30% slower than her normal movement speed, to be exact.

I know that Brigitte walks slightly slower with her shield up, but it’s not slow enough. Her shield bash range is 6 meters, which is pretty significant when enemies are trying to contest the point. Letting her walk slower would give her a harder time to try and frag out, and reserve the ability for self defense rather than offense.

Pharmercy is consider the META on consoles.

On pc, not so much.

Again, your posting shows your lack of actual experience and knowledge with Brigitte. If you played her, you would know that you don’t run around with your shield up trying to “frag out.” You’re never going to catch someone that way. If you’re actually going on the offensive after someone with Brigitte, which is generally a bad idea due to her lack of mobility, you drop your shield and then put it up quickly to shield bash when you get in range.

I have enough experience on her to clap GM’s with her.
And i have.

They have to contest the point eventually.

It’s super easy to close the gap on the point.

Never hated pixels on my monitor so much! The most awful hero from all games.

Yes they do. They don’t have to get on the point to kill people who are on the point though. :slight_smile:

Find me an objective in the game where there is no way to attack from outside the objective. I’ll wait.

Find me an objective where you are completely unable to defend yourself on the objective.

I’ll wait.