The problem with nerfing Brig

Good. That is what she deserves for ruining my experience for so many months

You mentioned “the problem” in your title, but I think you forgot to include the details in your post. Or is your implication that giving “99% of people” what they want is a problem in itself?

Basically I meant to say that the problem with nerfing brig is that if she gets overnerfed she’ll never get buffed


The problem is that it is bad balance and sets a terrible precedent. People will care once characters they enjoy get affected by this same nonsense and everyone will soon see that just catering to whiners every time the community starts crying is a terrible decision that makes the game far worse in the long run. Hopefully they learn to not make this same mistake with future heroes. There are ways to make Brigitte not f-tier without keeping her oppressive. The problem is you, I, and the entire community knows Blizzard is not willing or competent enough to achieve that goal which is why Brigitte haters are fine with this detrimental change.

But I am telling you, this is not the first time they did it, it will not be the last either, and eventually, it will effect you if you are not maining a highly popular character. Brigitte being f-tier is going to have consequences and something far worse is probably going to come out of a it than a hero that you could avoid by taking two steps backwards. That is for sure.


I’m not I see her as a necessary addition also people seem to forget nothing is fun to play against

Add skill by making it a bash for targets with less health than her and only a small knockback for targets with more health than her.

I agree it is bad balance, but by her very nature she puts other heroes in F tier, unless she herself is F tier. Hog and reaper for example.

By this phrase alone i feel like I know who you main.

I feel like you’ve never fought a brig before.

Most things are. Otherwise no one would be having fun, because we all have to play against something to play at all… and here we are.

Okay… So you do see the problem. As I pointed out, you are just ignoring it and you did not really contest the reason why either. No faith that Blizzard can actually balance it properly, eh?

You think I main Brigitte? Ha ha ha… Ha ha ha… Try the complete opposite. I am a hit-scan main.

Oh, I have, much better than you or anyone who has ever complained about Brigitte does because I have literally never had a problem with her.

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There is no problem nerfing brig, in fact I hope she gets deleted from the game already.

That isn’t how I see it imo they enjoy doing the fun stuff like a one sided teamfight in your favor but people don’t like losing so if something causes them to lose they ask for nerfs for that thing to disappear so they have a better shot at winning

I might have not phrased this correctly

Reaper was in f tier before brig and hog was in an ok spot during brig

I don’t think the average person would bother playing games if the only enjoyable part was crushing the opponents without competition. That would lead to a whole lot of wasted time for occasional small moments of fun.

I don’t particularly have a problem with Brig. I just don’t like stuns.

If Brig could do her anti-flanker duty without stuns, without giving her monster combos on 200hp heroes.

That would be ideal.

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I wouldn’t know what the average person feels since results vary if I ask

For a hitscan main you play a whole hell of a ton of moira…hitscan isn’t even in your top 5 heroes in comp.

Oh she will be F tier after this so, congrats everyone. Yay mob rule!

Brig hate lacks any proper real fundament, its just all salt

The No Skill claim has no merit to it as well , its all subjective

You dive in the numbers like i do constantly and disprove any claims people have

Its all salt,

Guess what happens when the only reason to change a character is “is unfun”?

Mercy meta

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I would love it if they could strengthen–yes, strengthen Brig by replacing shield bash with…something less frustrating. IDK.

Brig’s a jack-of-all-trades and I love that about her. Apparently some people feel that a game should never have JOATs, only specialists. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tbh I don’t even mind shield bash, it’s the armor that frustrates me