The Problem with Mercy…

I know players from Gold and Plat with skilled aim enough to 2 shot you. No matter how fast or where you were flying to.

I really can’t follow this argument. Is just like all the others saying nerf Widow because I got skill diff.


Mercy had (and might still have) one of the lowest death counts in the entire game. I think Kiriko pre teleport nerf had the least but Mercy was Top 2 at least since season 1 even when she wasn’t meta (due to kiriko lucio being better for the anti S1 sojourn strat). And the comparission is more like nerfing hog when he had a reliable and easy OHK combo and high survivability. The widow issue is more so map design choices by blizzard and how they handle the counter options (flankers in this case)

You are mostly correct, but you are also taking a picture and calling it a life’s work.

No one cares if Mercy had one of the lowest death ratios all around.

One of the top10 Mercy players last season had an average of +6 deaths every 10mins, while playing a Walking simulator from respawn.

While I in the other hand, playing my secondary account had around +2.

What set us apart?

Well, what you need to understand is that Mercy’ value comes pretty much from Damage Boosting. And whoever this top10 was pocking, he was dropping Massive bombs. None stop. All over the place.

It is not about death counts. Is about how much you, and your toolkit, can impact the result of the game.

And after all the silly arbitrary nerfs, we are all stuck with the same 2 problems.

1.Top500 Mercys are still landing 6k amplified damage, right now.

2.We don’t need to get very creative to think of what characters are still running rampant, “oppressing” lobbies, with, or without pocketing.

… but GA got nerfed. lol xD


For as long as the real issue isn’t properly addressed, the balance patch will remain as a joke.


One last very important note:

During Overwatch 1, and having an additional Tank walking around like a mobile piñata, Damage Boosting was never an issue.

And if the variable is still the same, then the problem must be caused by an external factor.

She has always been killable (she isnt even in the top 5 of heroes that die less) and that you need the most inoffensive hero to be nerfed to kill her says a lot about what the real issue here is.

Her slipperiness was to compensate for her lack of lethality. It was the thing that kept her team triage alive. I dont know what is this obsession for Mercy to be easy to kill as if her impact was also super high, meanwhile Kiriko gets both high healing, high impact, high damage and easier to execute escapes.

Enjoy her forever pocketing Sojourn, because thats all she is going to do now even more.

They buffed her healing because she is a terrible support outside Sojourn being overpowered, and in fact Sojourn being overpowered wasnt even enough to make Mercy played any real more than before in high ranks.

In fact a big issue is that the GA nerf pretty much contradicts the point behind the other changes. There is no point to her doing anything BUT pocketing.

Sojourn will be eventually nerfed and Mercy’s nerfed butt will take her place as the worst support in the game once that happens. Specially with Brig being buffed.

Its not like Dmg Boost is an issue in ANY other hero currently anyways. People are always like ‘‘Mercy is holding the DPS role HOSTAGE!!!’’ despite that being not true at all. Sojourn is OP with or without Mercy, and every other DPS does not care about a Mercy pocket.

Thats why Mercy sucked in S1, and at this point is rather clear that people are just blaming Mercy for Sojourn killing them.

Fun fact: Mercy isnt even meta in ladder.

My thoughts have been confirmed by…

Samito, Flats, Freedo and SVB…

Some of her damage breakdowns are broken and shes too strong, no doubt. Literally fun fact, youre swapping to dps to case her down. Plus its completly unfun to play against her as a tank.

No doubt, youre just a mercy fanboy and u dont care about fairness.

Irrelevant E-celebrities from the top 0.1% that dont care or know absolutely anything of the game below their lofty olympus outside of how to smurf.

Which ones? Its Sojourn and thats it. And Sojourn needs nerfs anyways.

Subjective opinion that depends entirely on you pick.

I havent played Mercy in months. I am a Sym/Genji/Hanzo diamond main.

Irrelevant - 1 Million Subs on youtube… Rank 10 Players and Coach… :rofl:

I mean its not fun to try and kill her as a tank in general shes much harder to kill as well as the players she pockets…

No doubt look back at this post, im laughing in 1-2 months when its changed again. :joy:

Yes, irrelevant for the actual game. No one cares about OWL and t500 echo chambers.

Pick accordingly and she is not hard to kill at all.

Yes, if everything is prefect everyone targets her its not an issue at all, but lets be honest the game has been out since 5-6 years yet players still target the wrong targets all the time.

This 67.5hp/s is way too strong when u play tanks like winston, junkerqueen or even doom and nobody from your team is helping u and flanking.

You need healers that can heal without perfect aim. And if you complain about Support try playing them and surviving against competent teams (your own teammates protection may vary). We need more players who want to play the Support role, not those forced into it because of team balance, queue times, or role rewards.

Ana’s and Mercy’s heals aren’t comparable

You’re right, it’s like day and night. Ana can heal better, from a safe distance, and contrary to popular belief, doesn’t need any skill to aim at teammates. In fact, Mercy arguably takes more skill because:

  • Due to the short range of the beam, if she wants to heal a diver or someone in an area without much cover, she needs to expose herself to enemy fire, putting herself in danger.

  • Her beam is highly visible, compared to Ana’s shots which are much sneakier.

  • Before the nerfs, she was effective at keeping everyone topped off, but to do that without getting killed, she had to slingshot around a bunch, moving as unpredictably as possible, reorienting herself mid-air and having to keep track of everyone’s positions at all times, while healing less per second than someone who just points and shoots and throws nades and nanoboosts, thus having to try twice as hard to pull her weight on the team.

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I don’t know if you’ve ever played Ana but there’s a big long yellow beam that exposes her location when she shoots while scoped in.

As someone who has mained both getting the full power out of Anas kit+playstyle is way harder that mercys. You have to adapt your play style on Ana more that mercy. For mercy all you need to do is be able to switch beams accordingly and have decent movement. Which is super easy now(before season 3). A baby can do mercy ga techs now coming from someone who knew all the ow1 ga techs like wall jumps, backwards ga, and super jump. Mercy is 100 times easier than Ana.

The sleep dart is the only part of Ana’s kit that takes more skill than anything on Mercy to me, but her heals and anti-heals bring so much value on their own that you only need to be ready to use it in emergencies.

I think Zenyatta takes more skill than Ana since he brings almost no value as a healer, meaning he has to consistently perform good damage and get elims (which is fairly difficult but a lot of fun) in order to not be dead weight.

I wish I could comment on other supports but those are the 3 supports I like playing. I find Mercy and Ana to be about equally easy in truth. I like them both, but the idea that Mercy takes no skill to play is absurd. If she wants to bring value without relying 100% on her team, she needs to get kills with her pistol. This only works if the player is more skilled than the other player.

In season 2, I once managed to kill a Genji + Mercy on my lonesome as Mercy, but this is only because I have a lot of hours on her and the other Mercy couldn’t aim with her pistol. I managed to kill Genji by landing a lot of headshots and ceasing fire during his reflect. I won because of Mercy’s old health regen, which I took advantage of by fleeing behind cover briefly to regen a little bit of health. I would have lost this interaction in Season 3 because Mercy doesn’t have anything to defend herself when alone anymore.

It’s okay to let Kiriko 2 shot people with dagger, or Zen to 5 shot, Lucio decimate DPS classes up close etc. all while weaving heals, but not okay for Mercy to buff damage? Can’t agree, sorry. Mercy has passive damage. A Zenyatta or Moira will do much much more damage with impunity unlike a Mercy who is literally at the mercy of the other player’s aim. SO many times I just give up even right clicking my DPS because it’s miss miss miss. If a Mercy can blue beam so easily she must not be worried about the other team even doing damage heh. I’m busy running around to near death people most of the time.

There’s just no god damn way a support hero without aiming should be able to almost outheal soldiers ultimate if she is pocketing someone.

Ana has to aim and can’t avoid shields.
Even all others who do similar output have do aim somewhat.

If you play tank against her it’s extremely frustrating to play against.
If you play any other healer it’s not fair either.

Yes it’s easier to case her down and she might be easier to kill with a coordinated team, but that’s a might. Not generally speaking.

Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

Damage Boost is actually the problem, but leaving it untouched is even worst

Mercy cannot out heal S76 damage. From what I recall there is absolutely no fall off. It still does the same regular DPS with a greatly reduced reload time for 1 reload in between. It can still headshot.

The raw DPS alone is enough to kill targets through Mercy healing. Even faster if a person can aim headshots during his ult.

Oh I’ve seen a clip from Dafran… So it’s possible. Head on.