$The Prices are Too Depressingly High$

reminds me of this reddit post hehe with tracer telling the kid hes too poor


They did expland! Actually, they doubled its dev team, it used to 2 devs, now it is 4 :scream:.

And here are three new skins, compulsorily available in bundles (coin ow2 only), considering that they have said that the theme of the season battle pass is Cyberpunk (Zenyatta, hanzo, widow, roadhog), which we will see 2 halloween skins for Kiriko and Junkerqueen , which we have already seen in the trailers of the skins (probabluy epic, if you see their details) for Junkrat, Lucio and Echo with the announcements “new weekly bundle”…

6 legendary skins and three epics coming soon. now here’s a very interesting question: are you only interested in ONE skin among them? yes? no? how much it is?

Blizzard, you wasted your best shot at making OW2 a great sequel by being attentive to these mistakes. And now that you also put in some exclusive bundles it just proves that your nopn is not even interested in having OW1 credits spent by those who have accumulated a lot of them. And I can only say this folks: rot this business by not buying skins for real money. it is not the price that this game deserves and when you pay “20 euro / dollars” you are not paying for Free2Play but only and exclusively a skin registered on your account.


Since this is from a month ago, by today’s viewpoint… at the end it would cut out and put everyone in a 80k queue…

The a red Poor error would 7 hours later.

I watched a clip of TimtheTatMan drop $150 for that Genji mythic.

And then at the end of the vid he lost a duel to a generic skin Genji along with his team getting defeated.

But in this game point to anything in the store.

Including sorry weak bland sprays are overpriced.

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Honestly that Mystic skin is dramatically overrated.


What the heck is this? Are they now actually making new skin ONLY for the shop? I thought it was already bad enough with them charging 19€ for old freaking Legendary skins which is completely asinine but, at the very least, there was a chance to earn them before with less egregious means.
Not only that, they said the supposed theme for the BP was cyberpunk when there’s little to no cyberpunk themed items in the BP and NOW they’ll just put them into the shop with absolutely ridiculous prizes? Ok, get ***** Blizzard.


Just for ref: The average cost of a loaf of bread is $2.50

Honestly, this is what I find the most funny about the modern gaming industry. If any company or Dev team should be charging $20 for skins, its the ones that are very small and are literally living and dying by the game(s) they put out. And I would be more than happy to support someone like that in their endeavors. But this kind of garbage from multi billion dollar companies? It needs to stop.

Really, at this point, your money would be better spent doing almost anything else with it. Buy an indie game, go buy a meal from a local restaurant, support someone on patreon, buy something off of etsy from a smaller creator, sub to a couple small streamers on Twitch, any of those options would absolutely make somebody’s day and be a way better use of $20, imo.


The sad thing is, if these were literally half the price, I’d probably consider buying them. But $22 eaglecoins? For that? No way.

Inb4 “GeT a JoB tHeN!” or “iT’s JuSt CoSmEtIc BrO!” or some other such bs. I had literally every item in the game except for blizzcon bastion. So clearly I wasn’t adverse to spending money on the game. But this? This is just too much.


That whole “get a job then” argument is one of the most embarrassing things ever. So, you people think that when you have money your IQ suddenly drops to your shoe size and you no longer pay any attention to actual VALUE your money gets and will willfully get ripped off? I myself have a job but I won’t be using the money I earn for some worthless crap like this. The value just isn’t there.


Exactly. I currently spend a decent amount of money on fortnite. Why? I have fun playing zero build BR, creative is filled with a butt ton of other stuff to play, i find the prices fairly reasonable, and i enjoy the collabs. I even have the Crew sub (something I never thought I would actually do as a console player). I feel like im being well rewarded for my time effort and monetary spending, so i continue to do so.

Exactly. While my Personal Collection isn’t as extensive, I did spend about $500 on OverWatch one. This (and playing a decent amount) got me: all the base loot box cosmetics, all the event loot box cosmetics, and all the OWL Token legendaries. The only stuff I was really missing that i liked was: Blizzcon related, Pink Mercy, and the Twitch sub Brig skin. Some of these I missed the opportunity to buy, some I just couldn’t fully justify paying for.

But either way, you get my point. I have no issue spending money on a game, if I feel it’s benefiting me in some way, if it’s rewarding my time and effort and all that. But OW2 is not set up this way at all. I made another comment about it on another thread, but needless to say, with its: overpriced skins / bundles, lack of free currency, inability to buy the next battle pass by finishing the current one, and things like that, i see no reason to spend (large) amounts of money on it (like I did on its predecessor). The only thing I will probably buy is the premium battle passes for Heroes so I can instantly unlock them. I don’t really want to support this Shady business model, but in the same aspect I also don’t want to grind out 55 tiers just to unlock a hero and then try and learn them for competitive in like two weeks time. That sounds way too stressful for me. I would rather spend that time just trying to learn the hero.

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Those with self control will see no effect here.

Honestly not surprised there has been any update in the last couple of days either.

they found out what they could get away with, enjoy ow for the next 2 months before they cease development, every single person that just bough the BP just killed the franchise.

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Honestly review all the things that have been silent changed and hidden.

They could hide an underplayed hero one day and we might not notice.

“Yea it’s fine though, it’s just a cosmetic, you don’t need them!” Says the clowns around here. :clown_face:

I hope OW falls under. We didn’t deserve it, I’d rather these characters rest in peace than being used as a pure exploit.

All Blizzard have to do is lure kids like Fartnite does and in turn they “borrow” money from their parents or siblings or whoever else they can ask money and they can earn billions.

I’m honestly so upset about how all of this has turned out. I know it’s just cosmetics but it feels terrible to know that the characters are no longer a symbol of dedication to the game and its world but rather cash cows for those who have their wallets loose.

Oh and then there’s the thing called ‘inflation’ where I live, where people are just happy about having a roof over their heads and something to eat.

The worst thing is that this will eventually split the playerbase even more - it’ll be either the ‘rich’ flexing their skins, immediately having access to new characters yadda yadda and the ‘poor’ who have none of this ( or at a much later time ) and might even get flamed for it.

But you know? As one of the ‘poor’ people I at least use my brain and don’t spend money on stuff mindlessly. :smiley:


Flame them before they can flame you. Why should they be allowed to flex their ridiculous garbage, they shouldn’t be.

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