The price of the past event skins are too high?

Usually, when Overwatch events passed and opened back to players in the next year, the price of skins was reduced from 3000 credits to 1000 credits, from 750 credits to 250 credits for emotes and highlight intros, and from 75 credits to 25 credits for voice lines and victory poses.
But in this Anniversary events, Jeff Kaplan said that players now can have a chance to obtain of all passed events skins, but since those events were passed, why I still see such skins from the latest Halloween events and the nearest Winter Holiday event still retained the price of 3000 credits, which is the same price of the Anniversary event skins right now?
Can you guys give me a clear answer to this problem? Because I think there must be some mistakes in here.

Every such reduction has occurred for items that last appeared a whole year back, so they get a discount. Imagine someone spending 9K credits on three Retribution skins and finding out they’re only for 3K in a couple weeks. It isn’t fair.


The Halloween and Winter event was last year, my dude

I think the skins have to be out for a year to have their price drop to 1000.

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The skins have to exist for 365 days to receive a price reduction, not simply be released before the turn of the year.

It hasnt been a year since those news skins got released. If the total time it’s been out is more than a year for the skin, not event then it was discounted.

I dont know why some people didnt expect this. It would be massively unfair to those who bought it full price otherwise.

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And about Retribution event, because of it just recent released
that why they didn’t add the items related to Retribution in this event.

Think in Overwatch years.
Every item from year 1 is reduced (including year 1 anniversary event items), every item from year 2 is the original price (including from summer games 2017 to anniversary year 2).
In my oppinion this is the only fair way to go and when the same event starts again the price will be reduced again.

Uhm, source for that may I ask?

i got zaryas freaking robot rooster skin in my first lootbox, went to check halloween skin for her and its 3k… im so sad i dont have as much credits to spend this event like the other ones… only 10k which isnt alot since i got credits cuz of dupes in lootboxes everytime… been slacking on this game too boring now…

There is an official clarification a week ago by a Forum Community Manager:

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Thank you for the source