The prestigous "Grandmaster" Facts and storytime
My brother was hardstuck in gold when he quit, I took his acc from gold to diamond with 74%+ wr playing only zen lol. He also complained non stop about how he was stuck there because of his teammates and guaranteed me that “if I can’t get out you won’t be able to win on my account either” lmao…
Him like the rest of the people crying on these forums about their teammates just need to get good.

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I’ve also played in High Master / Low GM for a while now, 5 seasons I believe. There isn’t that many “boosted” people. I have a bad game every now and then and people instantly say I’m boosted. Doesn’t mean I am lol.

My point is people are very quick to assume someone is boosted when they are not.

because they belong in plat. just because they play the game a lot doesn’t mean they’re good.

It isn’t hard to get out of plat if you don’t belong there. You’ll lose a few games because people there are stubborn, but it isn’t really very difficult.


thats just hurtful, you’re judging players based on their rank icon, are you saying there are zero good players in plat?

Good is relative, plat players are “good” compared to silver players but they are also trash if you ask a master.


because they keep making the same basic errors in game play for 1000s of hours. It’s no different than how you have good and bad drivers in real life, even after decades. Most really bad drivers awareness wise, just stay bad drivers.

I have a friend who has done the exact same turn into or out of a parking lot move and hit a car next to him. He has done it something like 4 times now. New car, old car, nice car, same driver. “Oh how would I know they were there!! They should not be there!!”… LOOK!! JUST LOOK!! You have been driving for over a decade, LOOK YOU horrible driver. Also much like metal rank players, he honestly think he is a very good driver. He is total crap as he drives by only paying attention to what is front of him.

so yeah, people get stuck in low ranks. People spend decades trying to learn to paint and it never catches on. Some people graduate from collage and still read slow. It happens.

I’ve said this a few times before but VOD reviews totally destroy the idea of players not being in the correct SR when it comes to low SR players. Golds play like golds, making errors that only golds tend to consistently make and it’s those errors that prevent them from climbing.

It’s very easy for a 3k+ player to just not notice not even think about all the normal crud we do automatically that resulted in a cake walk into 3k+.


I take this as “Im going to troll my own topic if i want!!!. Stop calling me out! Ruining my forum games!”

LULS point taken. ill leave you to “help others” loolol i mean “HELP OTHERS” looloolol

Interesting pointers!

I’d still like to know why you made a post about being gold and going 9-1 in placements in Diamond games or whatever.

Was that whole story a lie or is this one? I don’t believe you’re a real Grandmaster or ever were to be honest. I’ve for sure never seen your name in any of my games and at 4K+ SR, you tend to see a lot of the same people.

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I honestly think he is lying. I have seen my friend in masters bring up a few accts from gold to diamond using his mains which are non-dps. Just goes to show how much excuses people in this forum make. And he started off as silver when he first played

Lmao I don’t know how to break this to you buddy but there are a lot more of those “boosted” girls in ranked than you think there are. What, do you just assume every person you meet that doesn’t explicitly say “I’m a grill” or have an extremely feminine voice is a young adult male? Or whatever age you think people playing video games are? Your perception of reality is so totally skewed it’s not surprising all your posts are delusional. No wonder you’re salty about being stuck in your rank when you’re as ignorant and toxic as just your posts here have let on.

? ? ? confused af ??


20 characters )))

i read your post 20 times and still dont understand it

I believe the reason for the “stale” or state of non-progress in overwatch is two fold:

One i believe the matchmaker is so random that unless you are gm, you will never climb. Unfortunately most players never play against someone of higher skill than them due to blizzard holding everyones hand and making sure the matches are always the SAME. In reality you will never learn how to not get destroyed by a widow if you never play against a good one. Or actually have a shotcaller making ult calls and kill targets.

Secondly most players are plain bored of the game. The toxicity has been a serious problem this season especially. Everyone hates everyone, enemy team and teammates. Due to this people are much less likely to actually team up and use voice comms and treat comp as QP+ with everything social turned off. You have to think that this has been going on for two years now, and people give up in spawn or even earlier if someone makes a single mistake.

Honestly quickplay is so much better than comp its hard to even compare the two. Its like they are two different games completely. Its also one of the only modes that i can play against masters and GM’s so i rarely play comp with any kind of notion of attempting to climb.

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1000% agree goes will with the random factors going into soloqueuing ranked

unless you’re seagul calling shots and motivating everyone u WILL have a hard time lol

This sounds like a good thing. Of course it’s not true…but this is what ranks in video games are meant to do, lol.

Why do you need to know how to “not get destroyed” by a good widowmaker, if you never have to play against a good widowmaker?

Citation needed.

And why are all these people doing something that’s boring in their spare time?

Abusive chat reports are actually down about 20% this season.

This just sounds like you’re projecting.

Did you know that there is a LFG button? You should push it. It’s a list of people that want to team up and use voice comms. There’s quite a few people.


you sound like a blizzard employee, yes ppl can be bored and play a game, to kill time. DUH

also who cares about 20% this game has by far the most toxic community out of any community, well maybe except LoL.

atleast in CS they just tell u straight upto K y S or whatever but in OW they have some sad song playing in the background while they tear into hopeless players in ranked

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