The OWL pick rates are in

Lucio at the top
as always

Time for the Toad to get a long deserved nerf :clap: :clap: :clap:
And I’ll be sitting here like “called it :nail_care: not my problem”


Impossible to know but my guess is Zen and mercy are the next most played and its probably dive again.

Gee, McCree at 6. Who would’ve seen that coming? “bUT hiZ WiNraTe!!11!!” :roll_eyes:

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Everyone running more mobile heroes.

Not quite… I saw a few teams successfully run Orisa-D.Va.

But also, McCree/Mei/Ana/D.Va farm and shut down Hog like crazy.

If he’s not getting stunned, frozen, slept, or anti-naded, his hook combo will get eaten by D.Va’s DM.


Woah, my boi Baps gud.


Thing is, what if they also banned a core dive Tank too like Dva?

I mean the DPS bans wont matter, since Hackfist is going to be ran if Tracer gets banned, they likely wouldn’t ban Genji if dive comes back since he was by far the most replacable in the comp, so banning him wouldn’t do anything meaningful to stop the comp.

He works well in a Rein-Orisa environment is what I’m noticing.

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Well yeah.
You can kill either of them with Amp Matrix.
Actually, not kill, blow up their whole operation.

I’m pretty sure they just take all the 6 or 7 most picked heroes, put them in a pool, and ban them randomly from there. So if they did bans, right this very moment, then it would look something like:

Tanks: Reinhardt or D.Va
DPS: Mei and McCree
Supports: Ana or Lucio.

They’re trying to ban whatever is making the meta stale.

Makes sense, and I’d assume the next most picked are the next on the chopping block for hero bans? Though what’d happen if the same few heroes reach prominence twice?

Judging from this list though, it’s highly possible they could shut down Dive and whatever this current meta is called simultaneously by banning Lucio and Dva, unless something like Hammond + Winston is viable.


you nerf lucio’s speed and he’s just gone. completely useless. he’s only really stellar in the hands of highly skilled players playing with highly skilled teamates.

rein is only decent atm because sigma and orisa have been nerfed into the ground and rein recently lost 400 HP on his shield, a fairly significant nerf.

mei is the only one on that list that deserves a hard nerf.


Yes. Though if I recall they said they would never ban the same hero twice in a row.

That’s where their new balance philosophy comes in. They’re going to be much targeting the meta at a very aggressive, harsh, and fast pace.

Well, from another perspective, she still is #1 insofar as being the most frequently picked DD character.

dammit, i am really starting to dislike Mei in-game. Had a really bad time yesterday in a No Limits game versus Mei.

Is the full list somewhere ?

Well it doesn’t go past 27, because the rest of the heroes haven’t been picked at all.

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Oh I see, well maybe with hero ban when it comes out

What about his kit would you nerf, and what (if any) part of his kit would you not touch or buff?


Let’s call for more nerfs for these heroes.