The overmoji café: re

This is a post test to see if a Trust Level 1 user can post a YouTube video on the Overwatch forums.



And the above post was done by me on my alternate account. Thank you for tolerating my test.


It’s perfectly fine! You didn’t make me angry at all. Besides, I’m still a bit sick, so it’s not too late. So please… Bother me again! ^^

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So that works xD

Lol i guess i’m even more terrible because i wasn’t sure if Yukuza was sick


Not true at all, i’m not sure why you’d think that.


Then what do trust level 2 people gain? Is trust level 2 just bragging rights? That would be lame if it is

Trust Level 2 pretty well is no longer restricted by any limits on posting (short of flags and the number of times they can edit any post per day).

I am working on a balance change log. I felt it would be fun to do. So just letting you know :3

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Can I ask you a question? I just read your post in the WOW forums and you list the default Discourse trust level requirements. Is it confirmed that’s how they work both here and there? Afaik they didn’t ever clarify…
Also what did you mean there is no “quote full post” button? There is one, you have to use it to read the “hidden” text lol. And does that forum have the 20 minimum character restriction?

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I think there are some variances but my Blizzard CS contacts have not corrected me yet.

I mean the old button on a post that said [QUOTE "] which players often clicked to instantly quote an entire post into their reply.

Of course, we all have to meme about it too.

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Ooooooh that’s interesting…

Yeah but… Isn’t that the first button in the post’s toolbar?

Or is it something different?

Teach them the secret!

Look I’m… Not in the mood for a pep talk, so I’ll give you a tl;dr:
I don’t know what happened to you to make you feel you are always a bad girl, but what you have to say has value, even if it makes people angry, sometimes especially if it makes people angry, you can’t please everyone all the time, and there’s really not much more to it than acknowledging when you are wrong, apologizing and moving on.

I was in a terrible terrible mood yesterday, you weren’t the only person I got angry with. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to ever speak to you again. (the same goes for @ChibiFox if you are lurking - and I know you are!)

But in the end it depends on you.

I am now on Orisa in my balance change log

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Was your idea to tag me? I’m sorry, but I’m lost now. What was excessive and what was a knee-jerk reaction?

I think this was the part.


I expect a 1000 letter essay on this by tomorrow! /s

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Yo goiz welcom tu anotah vidjah of mii, da pro Dabi mainzzzzz!!!

(Translation: Yo, guys! Welcome to another video of me, the pro Dabi main!)

(Don’t ask my I said this, I just… Wanted to start a conversation.)

Heerooowww ma fenrid. Hoow ya doiong ::))

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heroeoowowowowo owoowo im doing guudddd owowwoowowowwoooowowo!"!!!""!"!!11 Curnenently plaing onesjuztoc!!! >;3c Juzt beet up somwan! owowoow!!

(Why am I alive… lol)

(I swear, I’m not a furry.)

Is it sad that i understood this before the explanation part…

Also hello.

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