The overmoji café: re

Happy Monday my dude
I woke up 15minutes ago so idk


One-day insomnia? I mean, I don’t have the insomnia disease(???), but I just couldn’t sleep no matter what. So, there I was. D Y I N G. ;_; Seriously, it felt like a year. But hey, I guess this is- No, wait, I shouldn’t go weeb mode now.

Well yeah, nothing kept me up. Just “One-day Insomnia”, I guess. I do have a really hard time falling asleep normally, so I take sleep medicine to make myself fall asleep and not just stay up because I’m not tired-- But oh well, I’m awake now. “Awake.”

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I was gonna post 46372889 Aizawa memes, but I stopped myself.

This is my literal Aizawa day. Aizawa gets no sleep because he has to be a hero at night, and… Yeah. He sleeps in class. I slept in class. You can call me Aizawa now heheuehhueuheuheeuhehueuhehu

But I guess it happens. Sometimes you just can’t sleep. I hope I can sleep today… bUt If I cAn’T, i’Ll buY mYsElF a YeLlOw SlEePiNg BaG

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I couldn’t sleep all night due to the fact I finished the Xenoblade 2 expansion and was to stunned and sad to do anything :joy:

I’m still recovering lol😭


I have a feeling you use thesaurus…

Yes. I am.

I’m not even stressed about anything… : / Also, I try to keep a nice schedule, but it doesn’t always work.

I don’t even know. Later today, that’s all I know. ^^

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Oh and hello Yuzuka😊

Good to see you and hope you are doing well❤️

Stay amazing, you deserve it, I’ll check back in later😁


I’ll try staying amazing, then!

Get over your Xenoblade addiction aaaaaaaa

Also I’m dying from 0 sleeps. Well, I slept in class but you get me, right? Also, this is my first time sleeping in class, and I regret it.

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Get over my Xenoblade addiction?

Never in my life lol😂

If you played it, you would feel the same👌


What if I didn’t feel the same, though?

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Won’t now till you do, try it sometime👌

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Depends… What kinda game is it?

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Open world Jrpg, massive.

Very long and big.

There’s the first one, then there’s the second, then there’s the expansion👌

(And Xenoblade x, which is great as well)


:thinking: HMMMMMM… Open JPEG?


Please help me-- I’m training for an online match in One’s Justice, but I’m really tired… Tomorrow is the day where I gotta pay, so today I must play.

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O SHEH-- I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna play against a real human being and fight them and my multiplayer anxiety-- Wish me luck…!

Oh boye…

THAT WAS SO FUN! Sorry if I’m a bit hyper right now, it’s because 1, I’m waYY too tired. 2, I’m h y p ed. Also, I won the match!


Welcome back! Happy Birthday :slight_smile:

Wow, amazing😂

Nice work my friend😊


So, I don’t have Trust level 3 yet and it may take me a while to get it back with how sick I’ve been but I’ve been stewing on this idea for a while. I’ve always been really active on multiple forums and in the past I would open a art shop themed around the game the forum was attached to. I’ve been wanting to do this for Overwatch, like make custom sprite/chibis for different people. Not for any money, just for fun :slight_smile: but I’m not sure how I’d go about it without Trust 3. I know you can still sorta post image links, I just dont’ know if that is the route I should go.

What do you guys think?

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I am surviving… it’s been a rough week. I met with my surgeon again today and we discussed possible outlooks for the future.

I’d start with Chibi requests of Characters within Overwatch, could be any singular person in the universe, not just the heroes. People could request things like:

  • Mei sleeping in her pajamas with snowball
  • Genji + Hanzo playing a game
  • Pharmercy doing their own thing

Pretty much the sky is the limit c:

I have a photobucket that I’d post them to, I could also use Giphy. Without Trust 3 it’d be difficult at first, but eventually it’ll be easier I think.

How have you been?

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Well, I could do the broken link method until I got T3. Like this:

h ttp://

And then I’d just say, “Paste into your browser and remove the space :)”

It wouldn’t be the most aesthetically pleasing way but it’s my only way atm.

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