The overmoji café: re

Also 2CP would be entirely removed xD


Talked about Mind Control stuff cause of Anubis if you want to join: 🛸 Mind Control Hero 30... aka Mind Control Though an Ult (Cause of The Anubis Hints)

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Heyy, I got Bastet just now.


I’ll probably get around to it myself when the weekly rewards reset again.

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I have been scrolling around the warframe forums and it is very very pleasant

Updated my Anubis Tank Concept: 🧞 DF's Big Anubis Tank Concept Hero 30 Updated (again) (1/9/19)

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Wait this thread is stickied again?! YAY


Really worked hard on this. Seriously spent hours debating. (Mostly because I can’t bring in my phone at work and I am pretty much bored for hours while I slowly lose my hearing.)

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this is the bunker to hide from the toxicity


The war has been one.

The thread reclaims it’s throne.


Thats more like it.

Took them long enough.


Wait, I suddenly find Overwatch fun again?? I guess taking a break really helped.

(Well, maybe not fun, but entertaining.)

Also, I have decided to pick up my old career as an Ana main. … Well, I’ll try, at least.

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Yeah i’ve learned that same thing with overwatch, if you take a big break from it and then go back you’ll have fun, i’m in the middle of a big break myself but i’ll probably return around the archives event and i’ll play a little for the ana cosmetics.

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I was playing arcade yesterday and the players were so toxic. I never met players like that. Telling me I am bad and my thoughts were “then why am I playing with you”


Yep those people exist and especially in arcade, people usually want those loot boxes so the toxicity can be even worse then competitive sometimes.

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Yeah, I was playing Moira (3v3) and our Mei was totally out of position, on underground instead of high ground where me and Zarya were. So as I saw the enemies went to kill her I faded to Mei to heal her, then the Zarya went too.

However, I started then being hit and Zarya basically did nothing to help me and didn’t even barrier. Then I was blamed for losing because I faded when I shouldn’t have. Next time I will let Mei die then wtf


Yep i recommend doing this, it’s better to save your own life then the life of the person who is out of position, they’re a liability anyways.


Teamwork in 3v3 is non-existent. And then when someone picks Pharah they be like “Mercy? Mercy??? Mercy!?”

(replace “Dolla” with “Mercy”)


I prefer capture the flag the most (probably because i like playing symmetra)

Picks lucio instead

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I picked Moira, again. I am a Moira main by the way.

There was one time I picked Brig in Necropolis. And we were Brig, Orisa, Bastion vs Road, Pharah, Mercy.
This should have been easy but Orisa placed the shield bad so Bastion couldn’t get shielded and he didn’t kill anyone. Then it was me left vs the three.

I saw Road waiting for me to get near him so he could hook me to outside of the map so I baited him too hook my shield and then I knocked him back to death.

But then I couldn’t face Pharahmercy xD