The One Trick Players have to stop

Can next season please have like a mastery system. Role queue has been okay for the past couple months of being out, but GOD, the one tricks are making it literally impossible to climb up the ranks, it’s always someone else’s fault that some people can’t climb, making them feel inferior to what they’re actually capable and OH HO HO I’M LOOKING AT ALL THE MOIRA THAT THINK THEY’RE DPS AND D.VA ONE TRICKS.

Please at least implement some sort of mastery lock on competitive mode, meaning it would be only available at a certain mastery of character selection it could be something like how most mobas forces you to at least own a certain amount of a characters before attempting competitive BUT instead of that, you gain mastery proportionally to the amount of hours you play the character, so it could go to up to like (idk an example) it could go to up to mastery 6 maybe, every fixed amount of hours played with the character you gain a mastery level and it climbs, so it could be like for the first 4 hours of playing the character the accummlated amount would reward you to mastery level 1, and then mastery 2 could be the next 4 hours, and it would repeat like that up to mastery 3 which I’m gonna imply where the mastery lock should be applied (The other masteries would simply be for extra rewards and longer times), that way PEOPLE WILL HAVE ENOUGH TIME PLAYED TO KNOW HOW A CHARACTER OTHER THAN MOIRA, D.VA LUCIO AND JUNKRAT WORKS…

Gosh I lost count to the amount of games I lost because people only know how to play ONE CHARACTER in gold/plat and it’s gonna be narrowed down even further BECAUSE of role queue so please, at least have some sorta rule that you need to at least learn 3 characters of the category with at least mastery rank 3 or SOMETHING Overwatch becomes so exhausting constantly going into games with one tricks.

Another convincing tactic that could be used, is that you get a free loot box and maybe some gold after every mastery giving the player more reason to pursue the mastery and rewarding them for their time spent but after mastery 3 it gives the person a lootbox with the skin exclusively for the character (duplicates would be half the amount of the price in the shop, also does not reward out of season skins, but it could possibly do that, that would be pretty cool).

Please, it’s such an eyesore to see a player’s profile with literally 151 hrs in D.VA ALONE and the rest of the characters are BLANK. i kid you not I saw this in one of my ranks and it was ridiculous the dude didn’t even know how to do his part as D.VA and it was just so frustrating seeing him play INTO COUNTERS like zaryra and symmetra that literally SHRED D.VAS

Hopefully this gets through and the gold/plat community can relate to my pain as a player who prefers to take comp seriously


Gosh it’s like players like you will never stop complaining.

Players like you will also have to except the truth and deal with one tricks.
No offense but this little essay of yours wont stop random people on internet one tricking heroes, regardless of what hero it is.

Maybe you should change your attitude instead and work around one tricks. But here you are throwing temper tantrums about them like they care about what you need to say.
One tricking is not, I repeat, NOT against the rules.

Also, no offense but it’s not all about you.


In case you missed 222. It encourages one tricking…


no you’re right, it’s all about the one trick everyone has to play around :roll_eyes:


So are one trick players really this much end of the world for some of ya?

That people need to throw temper tantrums about them?



oh no sorry we just have to play 5 v 6 when the one trick keeps getting countered my bad :roll_eyes:


I play, and beat, Master level Pharahs

I beat them more often than they beat me.
Sit kid

Fix your attitude or stay hardstuck low gold lol

I remember when I was stuck that low, now I couldn’t even drip that low if I tried to


wow you’re one example out of all the other one tricks, as soon as you try to pull rank anything you say doesn’t hold any value good bye :wave:t2::clown_face:

Imagine knowing the other person onows what there talking about and you don’t so you claim their opinion doesn’t matter even though they 100% understand this game better than you.

oh sorry i didn’t know i had to be a certain rank to comment on threads, maybe grow up and stop putting so much emphasis on rank as if your rank makes you any better than anyone else, it’s just a number :clown_face:

and i honestly cant tell which is worst, the season behind the season before 222 i was literally in diamond and i was able to drop all the way to gold because half the time there would be 2 moira one tricks in one game sometimes and people who only play offtank and junkrat

It’s not healthy to look at the hero and have role expectation. ‘You are a lucio, you should heal’.

Do look at the hero’s kit. I am ok with dps moira as long as the dmg ball is not a wasted spam and the Moira builds ult fast.

Zarya does not counter DVa unless you’re bad at the hero

The enemy team has the same probability of having the same issues on your team?

If x-problem plagues the y-league… Each game you have the same chance to encounter an x-problem on either your team or the other team. The only thing you can do to increase your chances of winning is to improve your own game play.

ACTUALLY you have a lower chance of getting, what you deem a game-losing one-trick, on your team assuming that you are not one. There are only 5 other players on your team that can be that, compared to the enemy team that has 6 players which can be that. GET BETTER.

Besides if they fix what think is an x-problem, they fix it for the enemy team as well so it won’t help you climb. Hey blizzard just give me better team mates than enemies? Thanks, easy climb.

Also just because you don’t think that hero is good, or that the player is not playing that hero “correctly”, does not make it true. Focus on yourself and you will climb. Maybe that person is working on that hero? That is their best hero? That person thinks the hero is good in the current situation? OMG an opinion other than yours, gasp…

If you’re diamond who drops into gold, you’re not even low diamond worthy, you’re still plat. Had the same. Once you’re really diamond, you wont drop out that easy.

People in Gold have much much much more problems than other people ontricking really.

This shouldn’t ever hold you back unless you’re playing on the highest tier (T500) all the time.

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Most Dva and Zarya players in gold are nothing short of abysmal. They are of course not helped by the fact they like to run their hero with each other. The dva will feed like crazy and the zarya will get no charge as the dva will matrix on every bubble.

Have you lost count to the amount of games you won because of people on the other team who only know how to play ONE CHARACTER?

If anything this actually works in your favor because assuming you can play more than ONE CHARACTER, the other team has a higher chance of having a ONE trick?

“Hear me and rejoice!”

Bro OTP Hammond got me out of gold ,maybe you should give it a try

You do realize that this won’t help at all.
These people can still one trick after they complete a number of heroes.