The official Mei fanclub


Angels and ministers of grace, defend us; from the devil, from evil, from used car sales and the demons of Overwatch forums that might be like fallen angels of hell.

I want ice cream so bad… HELP ME MEI

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teleporter :slight_smile:
its ready before she’ll freeze (likely to get froze at the end of tele thoguh cause of delay)

In the words of the immortal SC1 scout: TELEPORT SUCCESSFUL. Maybe Sym was piloting it?

We walled her off from her teleporter, 6 mei walls remember?

Sounds like the ultimate Mei snowflake.

Develop another bad habit, maybe cigarretes or alcohol. Jk don’t do that.


2nd mercy damage boosting bastion who clears way throguh ice walls :slight_smile: (its liek the thign he excels at…as niche as that mei be)

The sugary goodness calls to me, like a siren in the sea, to my doom, to diabetes, to the end of this brutal craving…

Boosted bad@ss Bastion: BBB, the same as the Better Business Buerau. Coincidence!!! I th ink not!!!

Why is it that girls always win arguments? You would be good friends with my girlfriend.

Guys are not allowed to win arguments. It’s a rule.

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girls dont :o

it just seems that way as the argument ends the way they do!

Still tho 6 mei walls, we would have time to refreeze the sym and kill her.
RIP sym

in a small room sym could kill a few as her orb and turrets kill quickly together

C’mon you play a lot of mei. Has symm ever given you issues? You can lie to me, can’t lie to yourself tho.


as said gettign hit by orb DOES take msot of your health away. and at clsoe raneg it isnt hard to hit :open_mouth:

but thats rare as usually i just ambush her before she can react.

While watching stevoo’s (he’s a gm- top 500 sym one trick) bronze-gm stream I noticed he got killed by quite a few mei’s in gold. He has always said mei is a hard counter to symm. I personally have never had much trouble with sym.

it comes down to skill in using em.

if u get jump on her she is no issue. (frozen and then 1shot)

if ur fightign her 1v1 it coems down to who can aim properly and use their kit (teleporting her 3 turrets somewhere so they ambbush you is not a fun time)

I miss akaras and toridadog they would back me up here. And it isn’t a 1v1, its a 6v1, because you rez’ed her and then ga’d out.

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well if you would let them both out of your basement pit…