The official Mei fanclub

ofc. two top heroes in game.

our glory drowns the others into the realm of forgotten.

Ohh btw. I ice walled you into the moira fan-club so you couldn’t valk out.

jokes on you! valk lasts longer than ice wall does!

as a mei lover you should know this v_v

It’s the :switzerland: chocos and the Mei :icecream: . That, truly, is the secret behind their success.

Jokes on you we were playing no limits, so I have 5 other mei teammates to keep walling you in :slight_smile:

jokes on you had a sym who had teleporter inpalce before you walled then v_v

Jokes on the sym, I froze and head-shot her, but I guess you escaped. :frowning_face:.
RIP sym

she can die tele still existed! and can just revive her later v_v

mei is powerful, but not all powerful.

Would you really enter a small room filled with 6 mei’s to try to rez a sym? That would either be crazy brave or crazy dumb

duh…we have a Zarya to bubble mercy so shes immune to the meis v_v

Bubble gum Mercy? (20 characters)

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It takes 1.75 seconds to rez, bubble only lasts 2 seconds… That would be awfully brave of you.

guardian angel in, GA out. all in under 2sec!

Did I mention 6 mei walls?. It would be suicide.

nah. its all good.
I am really good at surviving on Mercy.

frostycide (29 characters)

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no. that is 10 characters.
not 20. v_v

I didn’t say 20, I said 29. I phail T_T

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Even if you managed to escape (which I don’t believe you would). We would just freeze and kill the sym again. Sym has no mobility like mercy does. So thanks for the ult charge :grinning: