The official Mei fanclub


With fans like these…

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anyone can be good at it. just need to learn how.

mei is an ice angel.

So, I noticed that we haven’t seen akaras in a couple of days… Where is your bae (locked in your basement)? I think what you are doing by implying that toridadog is locked in my basement, is what sigmund freud would call projection.

my bae, who i hjave been with for over 5 years, is hanging out with her sister atm.

akaras is looking for tori and was sent to scout your basement…so idk where is he??

Wait akaras is a guy (or am I guilty of assuming his gender)?

i assume everyone is a guy (so they dont think i treat them special) but they mei-be a girl or possibly an apache helicopter.

Ok, you are changing the subject. You need to let akaras out of your basement.

tbh if they were in my basement, whichthey aren ot, they’d have fun.

its got couch, tv, fridge, and sink down there.

Is shipping people as fun for you as it is for me? I am thoroughly enjoying this. Now I get why you shipped me with everyone. Having a basement sounds cool, I just have a garage.

thats the entire point :O!


got 2 car garage too! (even has a furnace in it for winter)

I have never even been been in a basement. They legit don’t make them here in albuquerque.

becasue bugs bunny never took that left turn there.

basements also cant be anywhere. gotta be above water level else they would turn into leaking hazards and fill with water :smiley:

But but but but… don’t you LOVE leaking hazards that fill with water!!!

Hotaru, you’re really closed-minded sometimes. :frowning:

There is a moira fan-club now and hotaru told them to keep their ‘illegal medical actions’ out of the mercy fan club :frowning_face:. I invited them to the mei fan club tho :grinning:.

water is not nice for carpeted floors, expensive tv’s, etc etc.

and if i wanted water i’d have a pool.

had to let em know they werent welcome in a legalized medical location. v_v

I know, my parents’ basement was flooded repeatedly. It was compeltely and totally destructive and disgusting.

I just keep track of M&M, I don’t care about that terrible Moira person who is terrible and is barely a person and is terrible.

Honestly, I’m not going to post in moira’s fan club. I was just bumping it for them. Are the mercy and mei fan-clubs the only large fan clubs on these forums?
I haven’t really seen any others.

Pretty sure M&M is it; all the others phailed. This is because they are not as sweet as M&M.

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