The official Mei fanclub

150 years in a federal prison can be done in a country club prison?

That’s odd. I thought life sentences are always in a serious environment.

It’s gotten so bizarre in America that college campuses look like prisons and prisons look like college campuses. Look up the University of Buffalo, I drove past it with my close friend and then we drove past the fairly-nearby prison, it’s basically the same style of building, from the same brick.

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I haven’t personally researched this case too much. But people that are really wealthy don’t tend to go to the same prisons as poorer people.

This is a really, really depressing article. What happened to crime leading to punishment?

Fyodor Dostoyevsky is not amused.

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Article says it costs $100 a night x 365 days in a year= $36500
36500 x 40 years= $1,460,000
I imagine most congressmen are worth at least a couple of million.
Edit: I’m going to take down the article. I don’t want to get toirdadog’ed

This guy is way above that. Millions upon millions, he’s rich as hell.

That’s the problem with people in power: they have the money , they have the clout, and they stop thinking there’s anything they can’t get away with. Kinda like JFK was sleeping with half of Washington DC, including a Russian spy, and according to one of his own cabinet members, if he hadn’t been murdered he would have had to resign.

On a lighter note, would you like :icecream: ? Mei loves you!

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I wish I could have an ice cream. I started a diet about 2 weeks ago. I’m trying to hit 140 lbs. That is 5 lbs less than my wrestling weight.
So, I’ve been eating a ton of eggs, tuna, and salad. I’m getting so sick of tuna. :disappointed::disappointed:

Salad and Eggs > tuna.

The only fish I can stomach is sushi. The fish smell of normal fish drives me insane.

I wish I was at your level. I am 220, trying to get to 180. So don’t despair, hug a bear.

Fried chicken>pizza>egg salad> eggs or salad>tuna.
The key though is your diet has to be something that is attainable. A lot of people try to drop their caloric intake too much (and they end up feeling like garbage). They can maintain this for a couple of days, maybe even weeks, and then they give up, because their goal diet unattainable.


A lot of the time it’s that they ARE eating without caution and also not exercising. If you eat stuff like salad and eggs (or sushi, or healthy selections of Thai food, etc) and you also do some cardio each day, you’ll lose the weight and keep it off unless you regress and start eating very badly and not exercising again.

For example, if you drink one can of Coke per day, and you gave that up for your diet, that’s 140 x 7 = 980 calories of pure sugar and chemicals gone per week. A pound of fat is either 3,400 calories or 3,500, I don’t recall. So that one can of soda per day is nuking you for almost 1/3rd of a pound that could be gone – per week.

If you plan out your whole diet on that and consider “splurging” like something like Jimmy Johns (considerably healthy but not quite) rather than McDonalds (which I call McDeath,) you’d be surprised how far you can go with that.

Calorie counting to this point is pretty hard-core, but it works.

I try to never eat out (I don’t like the thought of spending $30-40 on a meal, when that $40 would last me 4-5 days worth of groceries). Luckily my girl is also a fitness junkie so she doesn’t mind that we don’t go to restaurants too often. I take her out to them occasionally maybe once or twice a month.
I also haven’t had a soft drink in about 10 years. They are soooo bad for you. Currently I am consuming about 2200-2300 calories a day, I usually consume about 3000 when I am not dieting.

Having a supportive girlfriend is great. I’d love to find a sweet girlfriend, but all I seem to land with are total psychopaths. xD Maybe someday.

Regarding foodies, I eat out constantly, but I know where to go to minimize the damage.

Asian food tends to be very healthy, though some selections can be much worse than others. For example, I like Thai and Thai’s most famous dish is Pad Thai, which has considerable sugar and is bad for you. I get Spicy Basil, which is ground chicken with peppers and onions, and some rice. For dinner, there’s a gigantic Korean grocery around here, there’s a sushi place that has a 2 for 1 dinner special, so I get a good dinner for 10 bucks there.

I lose weight pretty rapidly but I admit I’d rather eat at home, but my grandmother was exceedingly abusive with me and force-fed me home cooked food that I hated so I got into a bad habit of eating out – though eating out healthily.

35 pounds since early May, so far; I hope to get to maybe 200 or 210 before the cold hits.

35 since may? That’s 12 lbs a month. That is very impressive.

not true. as the energy would vaporize the surface layer of everything wiping it away.

so you let em out of basement after i caught on to you…so i cant get police involved… smart widowmei…

true…but they have stuff equally as deadly…dropbears!

IIRC only one gender of those actually bite. (think the females)

Thanks! I want to lose some more and meet the evil winter head-on xD

$30 of meat (any kind), some veggies, and cornmeal/flour and I can feed someone 3 meals a day for a week.

Girls are awesome at cooking, I am so jealous T_T

Flagged. Just kidding.

I’m a mei main!!! I am collecting cp to get her sweet sweet golden gun.


Mei loves her fans, don’t let that talk of Mei being satanic convince you, she’s a sweetie. It’s true.

Welcome to the mei fan-club! :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: