The official Mei fanclub

She’s the most adorable character, just so sweet and nice. There’s not really anybody like her in OW. They’re all either srs business or Junkrat, who is crazier than a crazy cat lady that killed all her cats. Lucio is a DJ, he’s used to crowds – and crowd control. Off the edge of map xD

OWL pass emote… I mean, 30 bucks is a lot, but it’s just so good, I couldn’t resist myself.

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Icicle in the eye sounds even worse than mace to the face… Although admittedly, not dying is better than either of those two menu options.


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Icewall him into the window while the cops restrain him from jumping to his death.

He probably won’t be happy with Mei, but when he gets the help he needs, he probably will change his mind.


Which would you pick?

Mace to the mace. It’s short, sharp and obnoxious. Perfect for spamming

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I also like spamming “I could do this all day!” As lucio whenever I get a kill or do anything else at all

Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face! Winky face!

(this is how my perfect game of Overwatch sounds like)

Have you ever had a dva spam her Korean voiceline that she got for Chinese New Year? That’ll make you lose your love of dvas voice pretty fast

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I mean, D.Va’s voice in general is a little high-pitched for my liking. I am just waiting for a major studio in Japan to clue into the fact that they could make a great anime off her.

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I think it’s just that I get bored with heroes really fast. My main changes every few weeks or so. I think the longest I stuck with a hero was long enough to get 18 hours on dva

Well, can I recommend an eternity with Mercy? Heroes never sleep!

I like her voice, but some of her voicelines (mainly the Korean ones) make me wanna rip my ears off

How many hours do you have on mercy? I have around 7-12 hours on most heroes

If you do not to see mei again, I would understaaand. :disappointed_relieved:

Sadly, I don’t know Korean. Wish I did, there’s a big Korean community in my area and some of the storefronts have Korean titles and I don’t know what the store sells.

Of course I want to see Mei again! I just think things aren’t really working right now, and meibe Mei and I should see other people for a while. It’s not her, it’s me…i

Nooooooooooooo!!! She’ll kill us all if you dump her! >:-o Hell hath no fury like a Chinese girl armed with liquid nitrogen!!!

It was normally bad for my team when I’d play her because in bronze everyone wants to go dps so we’d end up with one less healer/tank when I played mei

I am just worried she’ll jump out of the computer screen and kill me. All these people tell me she’s evil, and I don’t want to believe it, I really don’t, but if there’s no truth to these slanderous rumors, then why are they so widespread…?