The official Mei fanclub

I think Mei-rry is fine, imo. She’s a wide-eyed goofball, the Santa clothes go well with that when it’s the right season, (the right season probably not being July xDDD )


Flex playing checking in.

Mei the frost be with you…


I like the holidays to much. Every month is December to me lol :joy:


Remember, child, Doomfist loves you and will be watching over you… with Meteor Strike. God bless and may the seatbelt gods be with you.

Well, OverWatch makes sure to give us a lot of holidays. Not sure if we’re buying the presents for them or the other way around, though. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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I am so stoked for the fall-off buff mei is about to get.


I sincerely forgot about this but it will be glorious to have.

I snipe with Mei right now! Without fall off I am excited to see what I could do


Same. I can’t wait for widows and hanzos to start complaining that mei does too much damage from far.

Same! And does this mean she will be a viable counter to them? Only time will tell.

As soon as the buff goes live I am changing my “that looked like it hurt” voiceline for “hang in there” for all the hanzos and widows I kill.


It sounds like you folks are planning EVIL! But I came here for ice cream, not an icicle to the face. I am sad now. :frowning:

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YES! Glad to see more Mei snipers out there, I don’t see many around. Took me a while to get familiar with her projectiles but they do wonders in damage.

I sure hope they buff Mei puns along with stat buffs… :+1:


She’s very sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry for that icicle that just ripped apart your left shoulder.

Really, she is.


Yeah, I love shooting pharahs out of the sky. The only real times I’ve noticed the fall off is when I try to hit a baby dva at long range and don’t kill her with a headshot.

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A can almost taste their salty tears…

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Let everyone enjoy this patch for all. Except, I have to wait for after a shoulder injury earlier today.

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When is the patch coming out? Is it alongside Hammond? I don’t really keep track of the ptr

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24 next Tuesday. The Mei buff should be included in that.

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Thanks, I can hardly wait! A new hero, and Mei buffs. It’s like Christmas!


Give Ecopoint Mei a Fender Jaguar…
https:// upload.wikimedia. org/wikipedia/it/a/ab/Under_the_Bridge.png