The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

Is anyone lagging hard after the summer event patch?

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The next time we will have a day where the high is under 98 will be on Monday.

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I had such lag in a Quick Match I ended up Leaving. Thank goodness it wasn’t Comp.

I am wondering if that was event lag or my computer is infected with something.

Apparently it is happening to multiple people across multiple platforms.

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Thank you! That’s a big relief.

Generally, if the computer slows down with no apparent reason, that’s viruses, but it seems this is Bnet and the games acting up.

How are you this fine Wednesday afternoon?

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I’m alright, I have to head to work soon, what are you up to?

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Weather-related headache, trying to write, looking around the tranquil and pleasant spaces of Overwatch forums. Nah, I am hiding in this thread, and hoping against hope that the Mercy thread picks up.

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I got a quad kill, play of the game with dva bomb today.
It felt good.

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D.Va needs a wedding dress skin. White mech with lace and frills, and a wedding dress for baby D.Va.

And a hubby for the crazy anime gamer girl.

Even if I was really into a girl, if she had hana’s high pitch shrill voice, I couldn’t date or marry her.

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Clearly, you have not seen the demolition of Lucio, who tried to woo her and utterly phailed. Soldier even ulted him on the second attempt.

She’s a cutie, you gotta admit. Not really as hot as The Lucie, tho.

And there he is running into her again and getting utterly demolished… again:

not me.

also fps lag isnt same as entwork lag :o

not true.
WIN10’s own updates casue more issues than virus do :o!

youtube lilypichu and let me know what you think of voice ;p

All I know is that Hello Kitty is the root of all evil. When the Tower of Babel fell, it transformed into Hello Kitty, and it tempts us into all sort of malicious nonsense.

Say “no” to evil. Say “no” to Hello Kitty.

I wouldn’t have guessed Lucio’s voice actor was Latino.

I will when I have time.
Is it going to give me ear cancer?

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I have not been on since last Tuesday so I dont know yet.

For real.

Nice, Mystery Heroes?

The leet speak out of a chat kills it for me I dont mind the voice.

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Quick play. I’ve really been enjoying Zarya.

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Would it be ok if I hide out from the Winks in the Mei clubhouse for a while?

I am running a bit low on cave moss

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There is no way the dvas would come in here.
We would continuously freeze them.

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I thought Lucio is Brazilian? Who else but a Latino could they get for the voice?

Well, to be honest, I had to get back to work cause I had some ideas… yeah… I feel bad for Leaving, but it IS Quick Match and not Comp… >.<

Would you like an :ice_cream: ?

D.Va is too cool to be affected by freeze…

I dont mean to come off as demanding here, beggars cant be choosers and all that, but I was hoping for

Lets say, uhm…medium rare, with roasted garlic, shallots, and a nice red wine reduction

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