The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

an old Play of the Match with my Mei-n at the time

And the only one without me swearing

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can you pull over maybe 30 miles short of Hatch and call in an order, so its ready when you arrive and you don’t have to wait in line?

when are you and WM hitting SFB together?

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Most likely not this ABQ trip. Or year.

Can’t eat on the road.
32 and I’m still not adult enough to make calls.
Preferred to dine in at Sparkys

I just ate. Your pictures of delicious food will not work this time! Go extinct, you delicious hamburger with potato wedges! (But not Dodo. We don’t want an extinction of Dodos.)

Does the library of POTGs have her “sorry sorry sorry”?

Sounds like Akaras is making good use of the Ice Cream Queen in violent altercations.

Look at the bright side, you can get free ice cream while receiving medical attention from Mercy and Baptiste.

Alright, a mere look at that seems to have clogged my arteries.

BRB cholesterol medication.

I am pretty much ready for the pandemic to go away. I am also ready to rally.

Who is Mei’s boyfriend? Aren’t you jealous?

Gotta love that battle ice cream.

I want to go to Roswell and get kidnapped by the aliens.

Wait, you’re prohibited from cell phone use in cars?

I just pull over to some parking lot to talk on the phone. I remember a cop passing right by me, he didn’t give me a ticket because I was stationary.

It could, I don’t know how their library works.

I did, shame my team didn’t.

Imagine if we had followed the rules from the beginning…
Wouldn’t be here on the one year anniversary of this stupid thing.


Play of the Match.
Those don’t come up anymore.

I rarely talk on the phone, need friends to call for that. I do not text and drive.
I’ll have a podcast playing on long drives. Always one from the YMH network

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New live patch affects Mei

Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – March 4, 2021

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My very first Mei PotG


Nuuuu you killed Mercy. You should make a POTG where you dump a Blizzard on Overwatch forums. Freeze the whiny trolls.

You need a library card and be wery wery quiet while you’re hunting wascally wabbits in the library. :smiley:

China sure has a lot of friends right now /s

Wait, Mei got nerfed again?

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She got a bit of a healing buff while she’s in cryofreeze.
From 37.5 healing per second to 50 healing per second.


See? The healing powers of an ice cream sundae are looked down upon no longer!

How are you doing, Aaron?

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It was from a long time ago.

Here’s a more modern one just for you Seren

You’ll notice I got two in this one


You’re a Mercykiller. :frowning: I bet you stomp meowing kittens on your days off your day job of throwing adorable newborn puppies into malfunctioning nuclear reactors. :frowning:

Mei gets em all in the end. She’s cute like that.

You have no idea how much I detest that hero on a opposing team in mystery heroes.

Look heres another one:


You should try shooting somebody that actually had it coming. Like Widowmaker or Sombra or something.

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I do!

No rez, no problems.
Mercy always has it coming

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And because Seren likes them so much

here’s another one


Have lots of Mei downing Mercy clips.
Heck, I have a clip with just about everyone downing Mercy in a PotG.

I’ll take requests, this one is just a sample


You should get pics of Mei blowing away Roadhog. He had it coming way more than Mercy. :frowning:

anyone heard from WM lately?


But Mercy would bring him back making Mercy truly evil.

I have a series of McCree ults on Mercy because of this

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