The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Do you think Mercy needs any buffs or is she fine as she is?

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I’d like 60 heals per second back. :frowning:

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As a tank main I wouldn’t mind having that back!

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Tanks love to drink caffeinated heals through a straw. But straws are now banned by the state of California because they’re rumored to be bad for the environment. How will Mercy feed her tanks heals now?!?!!? Why, California? WHY?!?!!

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No nerfs for our girl yet - keep shouting those irrational haters down people!


Eat your ice cream sundaes with your heads on proud, people! Don’t let the haters dictate what you do!

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She could hug them so they feel the love!
we already know how much she loves Hog!

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The one that hurt me was the sheild. To this day I still tap the button when a bomb drops next to me…


She doesn’t love Hog.

Hog would have to pay that payload full of gold and treasure to buy an hour with a woman of dubious moral character. A classy girl like Mercy would hit Ult to fly far far away into the mountains so she could escape the smell.

I heard Symmetra got nerfed… again. I am a little confused, everybody was complaining about her being too weak, so why another nerf?

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well then it’s a good thing
he literally has a payload filled with gold!

Mercy would be lucky to get with a guy like Hog!

Aaahhh, another day of the ice queen safe from nerf bat. So happy :blush::blush::blush:

I thought Mercy and Pharah are together and sometimes Genji?

Nah it’s Mercy and Genji together and sometimes Pharah!

but it should be Mercy and Hog

Pharah is better choice for Mercy

I beg to differ!

She is going crazy with all these sheilds and the slow on her turrents is killer!
I wonder what they are thinking of dropping

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Wait, she got a buff? I thought she got a nerf.

It’s that sort of luck when the war is almost over and you’re the last soldier on either side to die.

Well they added Sigma and he is kinda always picked now so that kinda buffs her weapon.

This is true.
Hog only hangs out with Junkrat so much because he keeps him safe from Mercy.


Ni hao, my friends.


Three day ago!?
How did I not see this?