The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

When people say they’re scared of Mei they mean to say they’re scared of the unholy thing on her back!

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No, they’re scared of the sweet delicious ice cream that being friends with her offers.

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I guess they’re allergic!

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More like afraid of diabetes but irrationally attracted to choco and fudge.

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New ability, she gives the enemy diabetes and an irrational attraction to choco and fudge!

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They start itching and scratch themselves to death?

You’re so cruel. O_O

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At least they get free ice cream!

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Omnomnomnom O_O (20 characters)

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cant believe they nerfed Symm

just, like…why?

I dont play Sym, but man…thats just wrong


Mei is a master manipulator, she befriends the enemy and then destroys them from the inside!

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Because they were screaming for her demise. Like for Mei’s demise. The Overwatch community is the nerf community. :frowning:

More like the sweetie pie who hugs you and if you’re crying she makes you feel better about yourself.

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I want to drink the Symmetra mains tears!

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You want to drink in the torrential rain of the sufferers’?

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Yes, this is what they get for surrounding me with turrets whilst I’m frozen!

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Gun turrets are an essential part of life!

its just wrong…so very wrong


We must take vengeance on Sym’s destroyers. Feed them so much sugar that they crash and want brocolli.

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I do love Sym but she took so many nerf hits as it is.
I miss sticky beams and more sentries. :neutral_face:

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And you called me evil! 0-0

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Reminds me of the destruction of Mercy. :frowning: