The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

Sorry didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I am just a bit of a sentimental guy and it’s nice to see love blossom, which you can ask Mei about after she gives you ice cream. :smiley: I hope you keep us informed about this fine lass and what happens. :smiley:

I need a lot of exercise before I am healthy again.

Ignoring scummy randoms is exactly the right thing to do. Tune out everybody but non-jerks.

Yes, Widowmeiker getting a fine lass is great. It’s true.

I think it’ll be a while until he settles down; I remember Brig and Baptiste and Hammy were the same way.

We hope you had a great day too, bro. :smiley:

I hate the nerf. Mercy’s nerfs were offset by her getting a more frequent ultimate and her healing during ultimate was better. This is essentially a nerf to Mercy for that reason.

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Thanks homie!

Inconceivable, if at any point I was uncomfortable I simply wouldnt talk about her.

Well there wont be any news for a while. I did send her a message yesterday and we chatted for abit about her last first day in high school.

You can do it. Just believe in yourself!

I hope it doesnt get to bad, he dosent seem too OP I know his ult is kinda lame. If any thing he could use one more orb to toss.

In retrospect, I really like the global ult charge nerf.

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Mei mains,
Question of the day:

Do you feel like Mei counters sigma?

I feel like she is a soft counter to him, like she is to most tanks.
She counters Hammond and dva harder in my opinion,and getting mei’s ultimate canceled by sigma’s rock throw is annoying.

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Actually, it’s more like the other way around. If she’s freezing Sigma, he can easily throw a rock and stun her, if she’s sniping with icicles from a distance, he’s got a shield. If she’s gonna ult, Sigma can just absorb it and gain shields.
Yes, he can use that ability to absorb ultimates.

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I really don’t feel like he counters her tho.
I could be wrong, as he’s only been out a day, so not many people know how to play him yet.

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Meis freeze is apparently op.
So is sombras hack.
Hotaru, you should come back.
(We miss you)

Dr. Evil seems crazy
He wants 100 billion,
But to me that isn’t as crazy,
As dak prescott wanting 40 million.

I got annoyed yesterday,
I couldn’t find my car keys,
That has nothing to do with this poem,
You are one of the forums MVPs.


WM: I didnt reply to your second post because I just had an entirely friendly/kidding around type post (me and Thrillho bantering about him buying me an expensive dinner in Vegas, fairly certain you saw that one) deleted by the admins.

It seems that the flag patrol is very active at the moment, hunting for yours truly

I did reply once, but a second I decided was too risky.

sad but true.

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He and Zeke are morons. Let me remind you of Murray.
How is he doing now?
That Dallas O-line is the real star of that team.

Chill out here and chat with us about Overwatch and such. I never flag anyone.

Just stay with us and the friendly banter will keep you from being banned beyond the veil. I didn’t see the post, by the way. Just talk to people who are nice, for a while. That’s what I learned to do, and I was literally one more from being permabanned. That was several months ago, actually. I thought I’d be perma’d for sure.

Akaras speaks the truth. Like Mei does, but Akaras would never admit that.

You’re a good guy, Widowmeiker. :smiley: Thank you.

But it’s not just Mei attacking him, right? What about the two tanks and the other Damage? Sigma seems tricky because his health (if I am not mistaken) is lower than usual for a Tank.

Don’t lose your chance, nice girls make life worth living. :smiley:

You can do it, bro!

I’ll try. I am pretty depressed right now.

I want them to re-record his voice lines so he sounds more crazy. I love that part about him.

We’re all your homies. Remember that. :smiley:

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Great to hear homie :smile:

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Like when I sat Mei is evil.

I have only had one bad experince with a female. The ones who dont ignore me are usally nice.

I found some book marks yesterday and sent her a pic, her and I looked in ABQ but couldnt find any. She was dissapointed in ABQ after I sent her that pic from Deming.

“Do or do not, there is no try.” - Yoda

I dont speak from experince, but joking aside, exercise might actually help your mood. Youll feel better about yourself at the end of the day.

I only got him twice yesterday in MH. Lets see what happens today!

I might even get to use his ult!

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Tank plat, DPS low gold, suppot high gold

Not really a good way to display my skill in each role because in my tank games I always got matched with a group of dudes with mics. In my DPS games I got matched with dudes who didnt understand team comps (picking Genji on Defence, no dive heros when our tanks roll dive, ect.) very well…
But ehh what can you do.

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That’s probably the best Mei pic I’ve ever seen. O_O

Better than Bronze everything. Trust me. :slight_smile:

You sat Mei is evil? How does sitting down prove such a thing? O_O

Lucky you. I only attract total psychos.

Gogogo! Ask the girl out!!!

No, I am so depressed I have a hard time coming out of my house. I taped paper over the small windows in the garage where the treadmill is so people can’t see me while I exercise.

Maybe I’ll finally find out what THAT MELODY is.

Sigma is the hero we needed but don’t deserve!

he can kill Snowball

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You leave Snowball out of this! >:-o

Now Mei is finally free to be her own person!

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