The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

yes please!

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She needs a good man, not an evil blob. You guys just love to give me expletive, don’t ya.

56,000 cr? That’s a lot of cr.

Someone’s gotta protect Mercy and Mei from the hate club!

Roadhog is a good man, just look how he cares about Junkrat.

I dont hate Mei, Mei is the best even though she is evil.


I have never once said that I hate Mei!

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You guys ever just think about how thicc Genji is?

He doesn’t even have cc.
Mei puts the cc in thicc.


If you don’t consider chest proportions Genji could be just as Mei! So I guess he’s “thic”

I really love Mei, but when I play as Hammond and the enemy has one half decent Mei…gg! :sweat:

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Against Hammond truly is when Mei does turn into a demon!


He does when he deflects a Zarya ult!

Everyone does!

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Not the same thing…

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I love how this thread is above the WHY ARE YOU MAD ABOUT MEI? thread right now :grin:


I think it’s funny that Mei went from a trash/average hero (at best) to an op hero basically over night.


That’s not funny or good.

Remember Mercy? She was pretty darn good, and then Bliz made the decision to make her OP to a ridiculous point, to the point where she had to hide the whole match and mass rez the whole team using her ult. Then, the haters put on the pressure and she was nerfed 10 times. She was at a pretty good place until the 10th nerf (the haters just couldn’t help themselves) at which point her healing went from 60 per second to 50, and she became pretty bad. Then, they put the 60 back but only on her ult. I only play Mercy, but since the 60 to 50 reduction, she hasn’t been as fun to play.

If this is what’s happening with Mei, she won’t end in a good place.

A lot of critics of Overwatch believe that the heroes, while having very creative concepts, have balance issues. Like, Starcraft has had excellent balancing through the years, but Overwatch, sadly not. Mercy was certainly a good example of this.

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I don’t think she will get nerfed.
The major difference is, Mei has a 1.68% pick rate.
Mercy after the rework had a 15ish% pick rate (at 16.66% pick rate, a hero is picked on every single team).
I get and sympathize that you didn’t want a rework, but the original mercy 2.0 needed nerfs.


Well, we’ve seen her from time to time in the OWL (to take this as a measure) but mostly as last second objective stalling hero. Recently I’ve seen her more in the Contenders division, especialy Clockwork Vendetta have a Mei main (and a Torbjörn main XD). And it can work surprisingly well. The combination Mei/Roadhog/Orisa is also a very interesting one, I see potential there in the Future.

Okay how about this. Genji has more CC than Zen

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sooooorry!

(No actually I am not sorry because you hate me.)" - Mei to Akaras.

I hate the idea of “nice” Mei

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Well, I have good news for you guys: the “I am offended” lynch mob is mass-“requesting” Mei nerfs. Snowball better have a blizzard ready. Or maybe fifteen.

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