The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

First good news I’ve heard all day!

The Mei slanderers have been dealt a grievous blow by the righteous forces of WINKYFACE!!!

The situations for the Caduceus Blaster are useful but highly specific. Shooting Akaras in the foot when he says this is one of them.

I most certainly won’t.

First sentence: Seren has no brains.
Second sentence: I love Seren.

Accepting the supposed truth of the second sentence requires the first sentence to be true. Neither is actually true. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Winkyface armada doesn’t mess around.

I am going to tell Bastion you killed his bird because of your libel against Mercy and Mei. Then, you’ll find out why omnics like him are the terror of future’s civilization. NM will be the second Eichenwalde!


The second one is true ÚwÙ

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Here, have a Puppy in a festive Christmas box. I got it for Orisa, but then I found out she already had one.


finally, some good freaking food!

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Oh my holy God, you ATE THE PUPPY? O_O

Was I not supposed to do that?

The Puppy is man’s best friend, it is not man’s best sammich. :frowning:

You’re friends with Doomfist, aren’t you?


I know you hate Snowball, I didn’t say that!

Doomfist seems like a pretty chill guy

at least next to Snowball

That’s what Doomfist’s mentor thought too, and look what happened to him…

I’d rather someone kill someone than trick them into letting them use them so everyone thinks they’re a psychopath!

The Puppy is more powerful than the psychopath. Its puppiness overcomes all adversity.

Almost as bad as the slanderous picture you have been painting on Mercys love bug Roadhog.

I have never spoken against Bastion! You’re the one who doesnt know his birds name.

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Leave Mercy alone! >:-o

Once you leave Hog alone >:-<

You guys are the ones claiming Mercy loves that 2 tons of mutant mess.

I know she’s hideous but Roadhog is a humble man with a kind heart!

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I am going to pay Widowmaker 30,000 credits to pay you a visit. :wink:

Mercy knows whats good for her. And whats good for her is bacon. Mmmmmm

I have 56,000 for her to decide who needs to be taken out for their lies. Sooooo, bad new for you Seren.

Just look how he takes care of Junkrat!

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