The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

Ha! Was I drunk when I wrote that. I don’t drink so I who knows what’s with all those errors.

If I know it exists I’ll find it.

She did like her ice cream.

This is true, my guess is because you can feel the pressure in comp. Five people breathing on your back, ready to pounce on your first mistake.

Who says they are not?

Na, because I am not fighting Widowmeiker yet.

Fix it.

Even though I find Mei sweet and adorable, my gaming time belongs to the angelic Mercy. Whom NO ONE calls Satan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, do you think Hotaru decided we are bad company and she went off to greener pastures where she’ll replace us with Roadhog mains?

Must… not… fall… prey… to… augh dies

Mic mutes do wonders.

Who could NOT like :ice_cream: ?

The determination… no one can stop the Akaras!!!

Have you any recollection of being chloroformed?

If you find it, you get free :ice_cream: .

Okay than, devil Mercy.

I can not speculate to her whereabouts, you could be her for all I know.

They could be.

I mute my team if they come off as hostile if they seem friendly I don’t mute. Even with muted mics I still feel my teams expectations weighing on me.

Ragnaros or Moltres have bad ice cream experiences I bet.

A new Mei skin slows me down a bit.

Not this time. I did have a strange dream a few nights back but that wouldn’t account for my spelling of “any” as “ant”

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Devil Mercy is artist libel. :frowning:

I think Hotaru, if she comes back, will kick your butt for such talk.

I mute anybody who gives me a headache. I’ve had to mute both teams in some cases.

Not if you consider them wanting to CONQUER the :ice_cream: .

Alright, so next time a dude offers you free candy leading to a white unmarked van, RUN, it’s a TRAP.

It’s a legit Mercy skin!

She will, but she ain’t around!

Same. Oh! And squeakers. I insta mute them right when I hear them. They think they know more than everyone else most of the time.

What if they just want a scoop. Just one litte spoon full. I feel bad for them now…

What if it’s a case full of cash? And is offering to help the financial situation of people your close to?

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Hey, about the #MeiCNY redraw challenge, don’t forget: Closing the thread

I refuse to acknowledge its existence!

Someday, retribution will sail in the form of a pink square with a Mercy face on it.

What if they blare rap music into the mic?

Here you go: :icecream: .

You need to talk to the FBI about unmarked white vans and free candy.

They aren’t in my dreams though.

Rargnaros and Moltress need them not me!

Any music gets muted. Only music I want to hear is the in game music.

That won’t make it go away.

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Jesus, where is everybody? First, Hotaru bails, now there’s no Widowmeiker, either.

Then that means the skin is stalking us!

The screaming of psychotic hormone-roid weirdos is not music to you, now? Say it isn’t so!

I am just saying, they’d chill if they only ate enough :icecream: .

“Dreams” is the Infernal Revenue Service. Once the IRS “notices” you, you’ll be dreaming about nothing else.

Taking a nap I guess

It is haunting you! I don’t even notice it when I swap skins for events.

If I had it my way only time I would hear a unmuted mic is when it was related to the game I was in. I once had some dudes falling in love with my stats but it took away from my other team mates contributions, it annoyed me.

Do you know who I’m talking about?

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Is Mei’s alt-fire even canon?

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At this rate there won’t be a club left to run…

Snow Angel Mercy, plz. I will gladly be stalked by that one.

I love the crazy loser that screams “I GOT GOLD ELIMS” when he sucks.

I am too focused on :ice_cream: to think of such tangents.

What do you mean by alt-fire?

Welcome to the club, by the way. :smiley:

Now that we loat Hotaru…

Devil Mercy is all you get!

I don’t care about golds as long as everyone is doing their jobs.

I think you should feel bad for them at the very least.

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Didn’t she use it to save some polar bears trapped in an ice cave?

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Meh, everything went to blank when I took over…

Nuuuu Olympic Goddess plz.

No, I mean, they start telling you that you suck and they’re the only good one on the team cause they got gold elims.

Shucks, just makes you want to play Bronze comp over and over.

Isn’t it your belief that a Mei-n is incapable of feeling bad because they’re playing Satan?

I knew I would catch on to your WEB OF LIES about Mei at some point! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mei wants to save the whole world. And people call her evil for it. Shucks.

When did I say that!? I think Orisa is the sweetest character in the game and I feel bad when I have to take her out.

I know what you mean. I have played with those guys/gals before. It makes me mad that the can’t focus on the main objective, getting that win.

If devil Mercy wasn’t supposed to exist it wouldn’t. Makes one wonder what she has done to earn that skin.

Mei-be Hotaru fell asleep at the keyboard and Widowmeiker went to Sparkys and has been enjoying the best burger in NM everyday

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Sparkys sells five guys burgers?


Sweet!!! Widowmeiker is back!

Out here nobody is selling nothing because it’s like -56 with windchill… Mei is finally fed up with us, and she’s visiting.

She kinda was shooting at you with a rail gun…

Overwatch Attention Deficit Disorder?

Now you’re just trolling me >:-o

I think maybe Hotaru just didn’t want a Mei club operated by me. She disappeared when the change was implemented.

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That is insanely cold. Be careful.

I don’t think that is it. I think she finally came to the realization that she is a Mei main. She is probably a bit depressed about it.

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Fed up with you for spreading rumors that she is “nice”

Still the most innocent character in game.

How did Mercy earn her wings… Devil wings

She was gone abit before that, give it about two more weeks if she is still gone we declare her MIA.

“I gOT GoLdS sO i’M tHE BesT” that stuff makes me sick. I only respect two golds healing and objective time.

FG is not a NM burger, heck first time I had FG was in Maryland. Five Guys is like a build a bear for burgers, if I wanted to step by step my burger I would just make one at home.

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