The Offical Brigitte Lindholm Funneral

She is not dead. Not even close to it. With the decreased hp she will be better at 1v1s. These 50hp won’t be a big deal if she heals her hp up faster anyway. If anything she is more tanky is played well.

Procc inspire, fight, quickly regen while shielding and fight again.


Just like it been her funeral the last five times she was nerfed right, “No no this time she’s really dead guys trust me”.


well then dont play ana or lucio, just off meta. not too hard. just get good at something else. metas dont really matter too much at lower ranks unless the meta is low skill heroes. surprise. i can get behind not liking ana lucio (imo ideal would be lucio bap or lucio zen), but bap brig is just bland out oppressive, unfun to play, and unfun to play against (to most)

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Could’ve sworn I’ve seen this one somewhere before

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you mean the funeral that was held here after her last batch of changes…it held up well right?

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You are correct


Data provided… where?


But it was decreased?

Ahhhh my bad.

sorry XD

Edit: Fixed it thx!

Very much the same post was made right after she got overheal removed. She didn’t die, and she probably won’t die right now either

Wait with your judgments until you’re gonna play her because imo she’s still pretty alive

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i mean, if you disagree theres no way youre above platinum. also check the overwatch info panel, lucio 2 stars brig 1 star if you want data :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face: now seriously, stop talking if you think brig takes any skill whatsoever.

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OWL and top 500 players just want Reinhardt, Zayra, Tracer, Mcree, Ashe, Widow,Genji, Ana, and Lucio to be played only.

What’s the point of 30+ heros if only 9 are good :thinking:

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Some Want Ashe Nerf. Some want her nerf but not yet because They Like her in meta. Some Just don’t want her nerf. I go with the second option personally

Ah, yes the overwatch hero info pannel, the source of all knowledge lmao

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Isn’t this her third funeral by now?

He is always susspose to be meta

make either brigg dps or del her

This his her like 21th funeral.

It’s not like there’s a ton of options around :man_shrugging: