The new punishment in Comp is too much

I understand why they do it, but punishing players for leaving a video game is kinda stupid to me. I guess this is the best policy they could come up with, I’m just surprised at how dysfunctional and backwards it seems. Surely someone more intelligent than me can come up with a better system that isn’t so disruptive if someone disconnects. Then there would be no need for penalties and players could come and go as they please as they have since the beginning of video games.

Im on console so that wouldnt work.

It can also be done with a console. Yes, it still applies.

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Easily derank 400 sr is ban now if you leave one more. And it has nothing to do with balance anyway. Leaving games wont change your mmr.

haha this dudes never had to pay for his own internet or set it up telling you right now.

The penalties decay. It’s not just 5 quits in a season and you’re banned. It’s 5 in a short enough period. But either way you get games designed to nudge your SR towards your MMR so quitting out of 4 games means you’ll get a fun climb until your SR matches your MMR.

If that is what you want to believe, then he should bug his mommy or daddy about it, maybe even ask the nerdy whiz kid from school for help, too.

I’m now sitting out the remainder of this season on my main. Probably will be banned from every season if this is how the new rules will play out. I refuse to stop leaving matches until the handicapping issue is addressed. Sorry, but I simply don’t care and the punishment bothers me less than dealing with these BS rigged matches the matchmaker sets up for me once it’s math has predetermined that my SR has climbed above where it believes my MMR should be. It’s dishonest and I won’t allow Blizzard to pass the blame on to the players who leave matches out of frustration with an unethical system.

If you’re tilted, by all means troll. Hopefully you will come to the conclusion that losing isn’t so bad.

No one said anything about losing or trolling. Leaving games where the odds are intentionally stacked against you by a hidden handicapping system is a completely normal response for a human being to have when being presented with a system that is unethical and dishonest. If you guys have 6-8 hours a day to play and grind out these levels, good for you, but when you only get 1-2 hours a day to play at the very most you don’t have time to waste the 3-4 matches fighting against a matchmaker that has invisibly decided that its time to give you 4 or 5 garbage matches in a row. You’re ensuring that people who can’t invest countless hours in the game WILL BE GUARANTEED to have entire game sessions which are ZERO fun on a regular and recurring basis. Ask any golfer what his handicap is and he can tell you. Ask any bowler, same thing.

Can anybody spell out exactly what the handicap is in Overwatch? Was any of it ever explained to you when you purchased the game?

The answer is no, because it’s a hidden scam designed to run the players through an anti-competitive treadmill.

They are only getting punished in the same field of the game in which they left. What’s so stupid, dysfunctional, backwards, or disruptive about that?

“The beginning of video games” was also 100x less organized & structured than today, that’s like comparing the industrial age to the information age. Sure some things were better back then, but things progress & no longer fit into the modern age.

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Sorry, i dont believe in rigged matchmaking :smile:

My experience is different and when I had several games left, i was getting more sr for win as game wanted my sr closer to mmr.


I do not use WiFi.

I don’t have any wiring issues.

That’s the main problem I have. Sometimes, only my PC disconnects to the Internet, but I can still use my phone or other device. But still, do you think I have a money tree?

But I like comp :frowning:

I feel you, but I think it’s fair because if this penalty was lifted, it would be abused horribly. For every 1 genuine player that suffers this, there would be 50 toxic dbags who exploit it to dump a match without losing SR.

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You don’t have to believe in it for it to be real :slight_smile:

But there is another mechanic at play here—you do recover SR faster after a leaver penalty or SR decay.

Yeah I know. Thats what I was talking about too :slight_smile:

I know, but it is not real. You are in same but opposite delusion as players who believe in forced losing :slight_smile:

I was climbing on several alts just like you. And I spend a lot of time by watching the team mates and writing out informations about my gameplay and stats. There isnt any kind of connection between your stats and your team mates. I have experinced many completely trash team mates, like 4 games in row while having godlike stats and carrying vs a lot better teams. Then you can have few games of super easy 1:0 games. Then again trash team mates. It is completely random.

Generaly speaking, playing very well above your actualy rank will result in winning most of your games. I dont think you are dumb or anything. I think that you are just missing how bad your team mates sometimes are, because you carry them with your better skill, you are not giving them enough space to do mistakes they would normaly do. They are not worse than enemy players. They just have easy games and can shine more because of you.

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Did you even read OPs original post?? He said it was a 1time thing where his power went out. He’s just frustrated cause he spent hours grinding and then to lose 100 SR cause of an unfortunate accident that happened outside of his control.
Of course MMR is still a thing and once he wins a game or two it’ll give him 30 to 45ish SR, but still you don’t have to be negative and make the guy out to be a liar and a thrower cause that’s what you’re trying to do.

It isn’t FORCED loss in that it’s impossible to win. It’s an ENCOURAGED loss (or win).

I know that MMR is not represented the same way as SR but for discussion purposes—If you’re at 3000(MMR)/2700(SR) you’re going to get easier games than if you’re at 3000(MMR)/3300(SR).

Your MMR isn’t determined by your k/d or gold medals. It’s your on-fire % vs your expected on-fire %. Tank/suppt aren’t expected to be on fire as often as DPS and a gold DPS isn’t expected to be on fire as often as a diamond DPS. Obj time, final blows, ult shutdowns, off/def assists, etc. are what contribute to your on-fire.

It’s anecdotal but I have a lot of experience to back this up. On accounts where I ONLY play my mains (Tracer/Genji/Zarya/Hog) no matter what, I never get these forced loss streaks. My mechanics are my weakest link so I don’t play hitscan because my stats will be below my expectation for my rank. Pharah wrecking us? I’ll play my best heros at dealing with her (Tracer/Hog) or try to kill her team before she can kill mine. Doom wrecking us? I won’t play Sombra. I’ll try to hook him, bubble teammates, or harass as Tracer but will not play Sombra. On other accounts where I counter-pick, I might win THAT game but I’m not going to be on fire very often and I WILL those loss streaks when my SR needs correction.

It’s not, I just tried and it’s 50.

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Of course I did.

So are the other people who also likely lost SR due to his unfortunate 3-minute midgame absence.


You sure about not having wiring issues? Maybe you should either:

  1. Try running some tests yourself:
    • Any time during an Overwatch game, press Ctrl+Shift+N to open the built-in Net Graph tool and look for latency spikes due to packet loss (made obvious by colored brown-yellow boxes). Press the same key combination to close the graph overlay.
    • Any time during a game or outside of it, open a command prompt and run tests like ping or tracert over a length of time. Look for spikes in the numbers or timeouts.
    • Or if you want an easier to use program (that you don't mind downloading), then read this Blizzard help page on WinMTR and download the software and use it according to their guide:

      Also try running their Looking Glass web utility, which works in reverse and pings your connection from their servers:

    • Use your ISP's web tools (if they offer such a service) to run a remote line check to your modem
    Remember that if your problem is sporadic or infrequent, then none of these tools are likely going to report back lost packets (momentary dropped Internet) on their first use. It might show up only after an hour of continuous testing, or longer, You might need to try testing at different times of the day and see if there is a pattern (e.g., loss due to environmental causes). If you have another PC or other wired devices, try running these or similar tools on them as well, to rule out bad Ethernet cable(s), jack wiring, or possibly a network adapter issue (all are easy and cheap fixes).
  2. Call your ISP and speak to tech support and have them run a remote test for you. Be sure to tell them how often your PC intermittently loses its connection and that you want to schedule an appointment to have a tech over to test your indoor wiring. Depending on what the problem is, the work they perform might even be for free. Otherwise the tech is supposed to ask for your permission and give you a cost estimate before beginning work to fix whatever problem exists after he performs a diagnoses and explains the issue and solution to you.

Stay off comp until you have the means to fix your Internet.

Then learn to accept the harsh SR losses and whatever penalties your may incur as a consequence of your bad Internet—or do yourself and everyone else paired up with you a favor and fix it.

And as someone else stated earlier: if this truly is a one-off instance of misfortune for you, and your connection really is rock solid, then why are you even complaining? The first temp ban is only for 10-15 minutes, and 100 SR loss is nothing to fret over. Most folks’ SR normally fluctuates by hundreds of points throughout a season during regular play. Keep playing, and you should quickly earn it back unless you belong at that rank or lower. You should even enjoy some marginally easier wins on your way back up to your true SR. Everyone who abuses the system expresses the same shock about their bad luck and complain as you did here (and their case: it’s insincere). They throw for the precise opportunity to score the easy wins later, if not to play outright stomps for games on their own whims.

Good luck, OP.

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