The entire Mercy rework is boring and does not impact the game like it used to.
If the enemy Mercy ults, you can just pop your superior support ult and win automatically. It has no real purpose and I feel that the only reason Mercy is still relevant pickrate wise is because she is the go to healer for when you are forced to flex and you don’t even play healer much.
It brings to mind the common statement of, “Go Mercy, she’s easy.”. On top of that, her character in general and her ability to invite other crowds of gamers into this game can’t be beat. She’s just popular as a hero, same reason everyone loves to grab up Genji instantaneously.
She’s certainly dead in GM, I think ive seen 2 other mercys since the nerfs hit in total, the overbuff pickrates confirm as much, shes currently scraping the bottom of the barrel along with Ana, even Lucio has more then double her pickrate.
I mean I dont overly care if mercys a weak pick, she was much the same in GM before the rework, but at least that mercys ult was great to play, a ult which could save a fight and a game. Now we have this ult that feels terrible, IS terrible when compared to the other supp ults.
So the net result of this rework is mercy is about the same power level as before (pretty bad) but she now also feels terrible to play due to one of the most pathetic ults in the game.
Mercy 1.0 had you boom a god-like line, which also had so much variation (Awesome, by the way), you were casted a bright yellow halo as your teammate(s) came back in a bright yellow shimmer of life. It glorified the player, no matter how many players you rezzed, the entire match knew very well that you were there and present. Prior to this, you were gliding across the battlefield, topping off teammates, nothing could stop you!
Now, with this version, it is such a snoozefest. Your ult is a glorified spectator mode, confining you to the corner of the skybox so you don’t get shot at and are just healing your team. Mind you, this is getting 100% value out of the ult.
And on point of gliding across the battlefield, yeah, you do it, but at some point you have to rez. Losing a teammate immediately puts your team on an uphill battle that you most likely won’t win considering the numbers that are 5v6. If you don’t rez, you not only are wasting the value in your kit, but you are letting your team down. You are continually being forced to contradict your own kit and the playstyle that was given to Mercy.
And the worst part is, it isn’t like it made Mercy any harder. If anything, she’s easier. There is no decision in your ult, it’s just, “Does my team need more healing than usual?”, and for rez it’s just, “Is one of my teammates down in a not outrageous spot?”. She’s so simplified to the point where there is no really difference between higher and lower levels play with Mercy anymore, her skill floor and ceiling have collided, smashing Mercy and making a sandwich of her.
This rework has effectively been a failure.