The new inactivity rules are extreme

Yeah this falls apart on some maps where the exits are very close together, like on second point Havana.


Everyone has complained about griefers that actively stay in spawn & occasionally move to stop the auto kick.
That problem just never gets talked about as much between the players in the community, compared to “nerfing” heroes.

the only engineers left are the “architects” (who can’t code, or won’t demean themselves by coding) and the sexy new interns

all the others left for other companies that pay at least the median salary

Been playing very actively, this timer has been there for a while. It’s not a new thing. I get too many leavers on competitive myself.

And yet people are shocked Blizzard doesn’t post on their own forums.

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Can you please just, like, tell the team to include a rule where the team holding the objective (meaning the defender) gets the timer reset when they’re within the objective? I mean, it’s pretty simple to do as it’s a game check that happens on every tick anyways.

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I had this exact same thing happen to me. I was like i’m HEALING and moving my beam to targets. Got kicked

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The sad part is…a rollback is technically pretty easy to do.
You just have to admit you messed up and do the rollback.

When you are a programmer, you are bound to make many mistakes for a whole variety of reasons. That’s part of the job.
It’s okay to make mistakes. But by the gods, fix them. In a normal company, a recently introduced issue should take priority and anyone refusing to fix it gets fired.


It should be easy enough to implement, whilst keeping the idea of aggressive inactivity to remove botter exploiting in spawn for things like deranking purposes.

Less botters, derankers, smurfs, bought accounts = happier community.

If these are already implemented but for some buggy reason do not work then… just fix the bug I guess.

What kind of human waste actually seeks to do this?

Players who use botting accounts for reselling purposes will afk in spawn. Maybe handful people who like to grief low ranked games too.

Because high ranked players like to buy bronze accounts for smurfing and bronze to gm purposes.

People don’t believe this, but its true. I have seen entire stacks in around the 1200 SR range doing this. I have accounts and roles from that range up to around 2570 - I can tell when a “Bronze” team is playing like a bunch of Diamonds. Even Plats do this (in stacks, most could not pull out from that range solo) believe it or not. I have even had a few admit it to me.

Players will always find ways to grief other people in video games. It’s like a rule. :disappointed:

And then some are in it for the money. I heard the sales are very good too… a shame.

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So… was this broken again this patch or was it just never fixed? Got kicked while being spawn camped even though I was moving and doing damage (in spawn). If I left I would have pretty much instantly died. Missed the chat message and never saw anything else say I would get kicked. REALLY annoying this is a thing when they just increased the comp leaver penalties.

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It’s just the sad result of a horrible game design that allows one team to get to the enemy spawn and keep them there for the duration of the match.

A solid game design would be to let both teams out of the spawn at the same time for ALL game modes, like with most other FPS games.

That is intentional on their part. Why? Nobody knows.


This is a necro thread.




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You know I WAS wondering why there was a blue post.
We very rarely have blue posts.

As long as you didn’t delete previous version.