The mercy spam won't stop

It is not the same thing. You are not hiding behind walls and let your team die without any support just to get a fat resurrect off. Now you hide while supporting your team at the same time. You don’t hide for the sake of getting a fat res off anymore, because that’s not a thing anymore without mass resurrect.

Hiding for the 5 man was 9/10 the worst possible way you could use mass rez.

it was much more reliable to tempo rez and stick with the team and keep the fight going.

and yea all supports tend to hide alittle bit they are key targets.

even the dps hide and then leap into the enemy team for a sick 6 man kill.


Basically. “No future plans” means “We don’t currently have any plans to change this hero in the future”. It does not mean “we refuse to change this hero at any point in the future even if we find it negatively impacts the balance of the game.”

No developer is going to make that latter guarantee because it’s incredibly stupid, and anyone that has will have long been darwined out of a job.

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Doesn’t matter whether the hide & res strat was more or less effective than tempo res. People did it anyway. You saw it being done quite a lot in the higher ranks.

Yeah, but your dps doesn’t wait for your team to be killed first.

Sr exploit was around at the time so that’s why it was used in higher ranks, but as far as actual use tempo rez’s were the better use of mass rez.

So yea had they just fixed the sr exploit people abusing it would have 0 reason to bank on the 5 man rez for sr gains as it wouldn’t be a thing.

People did the hide & res strat even before the SR exploit was known about. SR exploit or not, people would have still be doing this.

Which is exactly why it needed more tweaking.

I looked in your summary, counted at least 22 Mercy threads created by you, and stopped counting at that point.


Wonder if they eventually start giving people forum vacations for it.

Oh right. Because the concept of hide and seek is totally unfun, right?


All of these heroes have ults that become way more effective when the enemy is not aware of where the ult comes from. In some cases it is the ONLY way to get an effective ult.

Hide and seek was never an issue.
The issue was with players overcommitting to the point of stupidity, and then getting punished for it.

Yes, “die on point pls” was a ridiculous way of playing. But as has been said So. Many. Times: the mass rez could have been adjusted to make that tactic less viable.

Also, current rez has a selfstun that pretty much DEMANDS hiding before rezzing. So it solved absolutely nothing.


As always thanks for the feedback ZeroCascadian!

Here’s a thought: Make a mega thread like the Bastion one. Oh wait, you had one made for you by the devs, till they got tired of you saying revert Mercy all the time. Oops. Guess you only have yourselves to blame.

A success lmao

10 nerfs or so and it’s a success?

lmao acting as if actual Mercy players hid. How many times do we have to explain hiding was something only idiot players did to exploit the SR system?

Jesus. You call a rework that turned a balanced hero into an OP must-pick, dominating the game for almost an entire year, a “success”? Even AFTER 10-11 nerfs? C’mon, son.


Or if they just tried to implement minor tweaks to mass res instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water.


Or that.

If it got nerfed to insta-rez one person? Fine.

If it channeled the ability for 0.5 seconds for every hero Mercy attempted to rez? Fine.

But giving her an entirely new ult and putting Resurrect on a cooldown-making it the single most overpowered basic ability in the entire game-is very not fine.

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Plenty of other ideas were discussed in the megathread, but in the end it became an echo chamber of repetitive discussion. Why? Because the Overwatch team didn’t engage with any of the feedback in the slightest. All replies they made, albeit very few, were initially made in a random thread outside of the megathread and then later moved into the megathread. The read post counters would indicate it’s very unlikely they read much if any of the feedback. I think you have the wrong people to blame, it’s not necessarily the Mercy community but actually more on the Overwatch team for lack of engagement.

What does one honestly expect to happen when Mercy discussion has been bottled up in many megathreads for almost a year? :rofl: They brought this on themselves, had they engaged with some of the feedback sooner then there might have been less frustration and less damage.


Making res have cast time in her current iteration was contradictory to there ideas of reworking. We are supposed to like her mobility but one of her abilities stops you dead in your tracks.

As for nerfs for mass rez I would put a LOS on it so she can’t hide behind a wall or floor and do it and if that didn’t work try and tweak damage resistance instead of invulnerability.

Even with invulnerability she was became meta after Ana was nerfed to hell. And at that time she was the only other main healer besides Ana.

You’re not supporting your team when you rez now, though. You abandon them.

You didn’t if you value the win above all else. Hide 'n Rez has been proven to be a bad strategy.

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No it really isn’t. Taking cover is not the same as hiding. You don’t have Mercy mains talking about and sharing hiding spots and discussing when to hide vs when not to.

It is not the same.