The Mercy rework that will save her, and the forums 👀

People have complained for a very long time about Mercy being weak and lagging behind other supports, so I have a rework in mind that you won’t expect (or agree with, probably.)

First off, Mercy’s healing beam should heal for 55 HPs and create a 100 health adaptive shield to full health allies that she keeps the beam on. The adaptive shield would reach it’s maximum, where it would fall off naturally and that target would be unable to receive a new adaptive shield for 5 seconds after the shield fades.

Secondly, Mercy’s damage boost should be a 25% damage boost to up to 2 other targets near the primary boosted target (3 targets total). Instead of being the waifu that walks around in circles healing one target at a time, she should have more reason to use her damage boost.

Next, Mercy’s res can remain the way it is. A 30 second CD one man res is fine the way it is.

Guardian Angel can remain the way it is. The ability is intrinsic to her kit and obviously can’t go away.

Mercy’s ult should last for 8 seconds, increase the healing beam to 105 HPs AoE, and increase the damage boost to 35% on up to 5 targets.

In my opinion, Mercy’s gameplay is one dimensional, boring, and she is out healed by other supports. Valkyrie lasts too long currently and doesn’t feel very rewarding, you just fly around and become battle Mercy basically.

Speaking of battle Mercy, her pistol should do 22 damage per shot instead of 20. Her self defense will be much better.


A lot of these changes are pretty good and overall in the right direction. The Devs have stated multiple times that they are keeping E rez and Valk as her ult, so I always love rework suggestions that are realistic and keep this in mind.

I also really like the damage boost idea, it actually kind of is in line with what Geoff said a while back about wanting to buff damage boost to feel better to use without buffing the %:

Short burst Valk is also a great idea. I just think 70 HPS might be not good enough? Moira ult is the same length and does 140 HPS. If we are shaving off 7 seconds from her ult, we should increase the healing quite a bit more. I’d say 100 HPS main beam, 75 HPS chains. Maybe buff GA speed during it as well, since it’s so much shorter?

I’m iffy on the overheal idea, I don’t think she needs it tbh. I also think 40% damage boost in Valk might be a bit too strong. I always thought it’d be cool if Valk damage boost gave her team speed boost.

70HPs may be too low for an 8 second Valkyrie. However you have to keep in mind that she can also damage boost her entire team during the ult, which Moira cannot do. Yes Moira does damage with her ult, but she can’t directly damage boost allies with it like Mercy can with Valk. More often than not, Valk in this scenario would be used more for a large AoE damage boost for a teamfight.

Yeah but you’re cutting her ult in half and giving her 10 more healing per person. For reference, current Valk has a heal potential of 4500 healing over 15 seconds. Your proposal has a potential of 2800 healing. Moira ult has a potential of 5600 in the same length.

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I think increased fire rate would keep speed boost something unique to Lucio while also providing something more to Mercy.

As for the 25% chain damage boost idea, maybe this would only take effect when there are other players close enough to the beam target/Mercy could toggle R or something to switch between 30% single target vs distributing that percentage among allies in range.

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Perhaps the better balancing option for an 8 second Valkyrie in this case then would be 105 HPs AoE and 35% damage boost AoE.

to op:

I play Mercy quite a bit, and I dont think any of these changes are necessary, tbh

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I like that better, as 40% damage boost kind of scared me xD

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adaptive shield idea is super broken lmao, Mercy walking around with 300 HP Soldier 2v6ing the enemy team.

Rest of buffs are also over the top, Mercy is UP but not by a lot, give her:

  1. 55 HPS
  2. 7-10% ult charge from Rez

and she will be in a good spot.


Surely Blizzard would balance this adaptive shield in a way to not make it broken. For instance, the adaptive shield could reach its max value and fall off naturally before Mercy is able to reapply it, perhaps even with a cooldown per target. Perhaps even make it 50 adaptive shield, instead of 100.

I think 55hps and a stronger valk is all she needs anything is overkill to be honest. Adaptive shield would be straight OP no matter how they balance it.


Not necessarily, it’s definitely a mechanic that can be balanced.

My wife is a Mercy main. Her opinion is that she’s mostly fine as is, except her ult is boring. Her suggestion is Mercy’s ult should do both healing and damage amp at the same time.


Even though she’s outclassed by most supports you don’t think Mercy needs any changes?

to clarify, I dont see her as “outclassed by most supports”

You know, I usually come onto threads like these with the mindset that (1) I enjoy Mercy, leave her alone, (2) this change will be unrealistic like every other thread asking for big rez back or for her to be OP, and (3) there is no one solution that will please every Mercy on the forums, it’s impossible.

I still believe (3), but I actually do think I’d enjoy this Mercy more and it actually seems somewhat realistic, so bravo on that, most people go overboard lol. My only concern would be the three man damage boost, as that’s almost like a mini-ult, and might be overpowered.


You’re right, it might be overpowered. But with the idea being there, if Blizzard to see this and consider it then they would have plenty of testing to balance it well.

I mean, I think it’s still a cool idea, but might need to be like 10% damage increase to each hero, so that it’s equal to the 30% single target damage increase she has now.

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Honestly, this has been about the most reasonable i’ve seen a mercy suggestion for awhile. Everyone complains valk doesn’t feel impactful and it’s more like a spectator cam. Well if you make it shorter and increase the healing, it doesn’t creep her healing average per game, while still making valk much more impactful in clutch situations, that will now need to be managed better due to the lower duration potentially wasting that potential.

+1 op.

Adaptive shield type overheal isn’t a bad idea either. But I still wouldn’t suggest messing with her normal hps given the ease of her healing mechanics and how they’re applied. Currently her healing average per game is in a great spot.

Her healing average might be in a good spot, but if she were to have these changes she would be spending more time than current damage boosting, so she would need a stronger heal to make up for swapping beam types more often.