The Mercy rework did nothing good for the community

Oh how it feels like yesterday I enjoyed mercy in comp

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I agree with you. Mercy’s rework has changed people’s way about her and the game. I didn’t hate Mercy at first but I grew to hate her because of the devs and her community.

As an Ana player I felt that we all was given a big F-you when the Mercy rework came through. Hearing every excuse in the book of why they can’t buff Ana pissed me off while explaining that they want their characters to have weaknesses seem like a I lie when you saw so much they put into Mercy’s kit.

Then having Mercy players tell me “Ana doesn’t need a buff she’s fine.” was just adding on to the fuel of hate for Mercy. I had some Mercy players say Ana defends herself better than Mercy which we all know is a damn lie. Even Mercy can fight off people better than Ana with her pistol but she doesn’t have to.

Ana being so bad has left people thinking of Ana as a troll pick or equivalent to a torb pick. A support hero should NEVER be looked upon especially when people don’t like playing support as it is.

I hated sometimes watch streams where people begged not to play Ana and would rather have another DPS like seriously!? The devs have left Ana in such a bad state for so long that people forgot how to even work with Ana.

Sorry for you good and respectful Mercy mains out there but this had to happen to Mercy. She was good for far way too long without any of the other support getting a chance.

Dont be sorry, Like I said mercy commanding the team’s death in the past its not a problem of interpretation, we all knew the general idea and strategy behind it but its more about how the whole situation felt like for everyone else, including the enemies.

Its been a painful read, overall his claim is that mass ress was more engaging for the mercy to play which I can agree to but he makes a lot of other very debatable claims and waives them as facts like this:

There was a whole recent sniper meta around reworked Mercy, 60 hp x 6 or 30% dmg x 6 Valkyrie not tide swinging? get out of here please, just throwing this out there… there are MUCH MUCH worse ults out there but you dont see Mcree megathreads one after another about how high noon is utter crap and mostly used as a tactical reload.

Another interesting one:

He really speaks like charging mass rez was some difficult poetry, gliding skillfully in an extreme exercise of IQ and strategy, while sure maybe there was some of that to a degree In reality what I saw most mercys doing was holding left click for less than a minute, and even in that case every character in the game has to make a similar kind of investment, grind and decision making to gain their ults, I think the OP is just overly romanticized with the the revive ult and thats all about it really.

I also think this is bullzhit, Ive seen experienced mercy players like EveeA doing tricks that a lot of “mercy mains” wouldnt even know how to begin to repeat, like the mercy super jump that lets you gain easily high ground even if theres nothing to Guardian Angel up there, also the beam management is still super important and quite honest a lot of mercy’s arent that good at that, I still see some mercys holding healing beam on an ulting dps or dps being straight out abandoned while ulting more often than not, a lot of Decision making and skill learning is still there wheter the Op admits it or not. Id be curious to know wheter or not his expertise allowed him into a high skill rating but he has a hidden profile unsurprisingly.

Not a fan of this guy, doesnt go straight to the point, uses some passionate and unfounded arguments, mixed with some good ones which makes it a tough read for me.

This is just denial at this point…

Clearly didn’t and still don’t know.

The enemy team would’ve probably felt great seen as how intentionally letting your team die to res them and then get them wiped again is not a good strat, at all.

Feel free to reply to the thread yourself. Titanium May respond. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is just hilarious. Bunny hoping is not something exclusive to pros and is extremely easy to pull of. Heck, it was even partially in the game before her dreaded rework.

How does this have anything to do with Valkyrie?

Focus fire cuts right through it. The players that really need healing aren’t receiving enough to survive, while the players that don’t need it receive no benefit.

But that’s already explained in the post. You would know that if you read the entire thing.

McCree’s ult actually has tide-swinging capacity. A few insta-kills in rapid succession will do that.

You’d see why Resurrect is unique in this way if you read the entire post.

Offensive ultimates like DragonBlade and Tactical Visor were bonuses to already very impactful kit. Aside from Resurrect, Mercy was mostly just a healing beam.

Interesting how you were holding pretty much the opposite position a few paragraphs up.

Because I haven’t played the game in a while because of the Mercy rework. If you want to see what my rank was in the last season I played, you can find it here.


Whole Mercy vs Ana has been a huge pain and the neck. The devs give Mercy an ult that negates ALL her weaknesses, but adamantly demand that Ana shouldn’t drop any of her numerous weaknesses? What kind of developer philosophy is that???

Both decisions have turned out to be not fun for either playerbase. One of the most common complaints about the rework is that Mercy players don’t like Valkyrie, because they don’t have fun when the game automates their job for them. Ana players don’t deserve to be punted around like they have been, and honestly deserve to be the best healer choice in the highest ranks.

I know that some Mercy players have been jerks and I don’t have the authority to apologize on behalf of the entire Mercy playerbase… but I’m going to do it anyways. We both just want our heroes to be fun and balanced, but it sadly hasn’t turned out that way. Ana’s been in the shadows for far too long, and Mercy has been hogging the meta spotlight for just as long.

I don’t want Mercy to be queen of the meta. I just want her to be fun and viable. Not op, not trash. Just… a fun character to play that people won’t yell at you over whether or not you picked her.


I do, I played with mercys and pulled many strategies in competitive all the way to masters and semi professionally with local teams from my country and being told how and when to die by your own team mate was still was something akward to deal with all the same, if you cant acknowledge some of that happening youre the one in denial to be honest.

Honestly Id love to see a poll and see, statistically, how many mercy players actually use this in battle. Id bet the results would be shocking.

The only healers that were crap were Lucio and Ana. Guess why, because Mercy provided better heals and utility than either of them.

Now that Mercy isn’t the end all be all of healers, characters like Lucio and Ana are viable again.
They both required buffs as well, because Mercy set the standard so high.

Then there’s the rest of the world who didn’t interpret something so stupid.

Make one… if you seriously think it’s hard to pull of, that’s even more shocking.

My point Its not about difficulty, its about awareness how many Mercy know and use this kind of tricks to their advantage? How many know thats something not written in the hero page that they can use, thus increasing their potential with the class. Itd be cool to know.

How to Bunny Hop:

  1. Fly to someone then jump

Are you trying to tell me that most people haven’t done this before?

Statistically and Empirically it doesnt work as smooth as you describe because attempting those few insta kills in sucession usually result in you diying as well or many other inconveniences resulting in very low effectiveness for a dps ult.

Anyhow, Im all up for ideas on how to make mercy ult more engaging

Once I thought what if valkyrie replaced the ress and her staff/pistol with a small energy one handed shield and staff turning into Throwable light spears on the other hand (a heavily arc projectile, think tracer bomb) , which heal allies by like 75 hp or dmg enemies by 120 hp, spear can be used with a fast left click to poke melee range for 70 hp, if shield gets hit you heal for an amount received, you no longer passively regen hp, you have a weak aoe heal in a large radius (similar to briggitte) , you can see enemy hp bars, you can still fly, maybe ress key could be bind to a whole new ability around this kit, maybe the “enemy deals 30% less dmg debuff” that you suggested.

Valkyries are supposed to be fierce fliying warriors, not healing bots with a tiny pistol, itd be great to see this in PTR

being completely fair, before the rework I had never done that, didn’t see a reason to. After the rework, I left the game for a little bit and when I came back it took me all of 1 week to learn about this feature.

That’s cuz before the rework, it was harder to pull of.

Its not quite as simple as that, Im not sure were talking about the same thing, this is what Im talking about

And yes, if EeveeA had to explain it and break it down to the head couch of team Canada just a couple months ago Id fairly assume its not something widely known.

Comments in the video proving my point:

“it’s so funny to see jayne hyped about figure out how to do GA the mechanics himself as someone who recently learned it myself lol, it’s a lot of fun to be flying all over the place”

“Also that technique she showed off at the end was really neat! The hype when Jayne figured it out lmfao”

“I’d really like to see more like this, where you talk with experts, and demonstrate top level techs like this. This was one of the most beneficial Mercy videos I’ve seen.”

“It’s things like the Mercy movement tech in addition to all of the other subtle things that good Mercys learn to do to give them an advantage that people will never know about or understand unless they actively seek to improve at her that made me love her kit and playing her. It’s beyond frustrating the unmovable ignorance of people who say “Mercy is a skill-less hero that does nothing but hold M1 and hide”.”

“This was fantastic. As a Mercy main in high gold-low plat (but not an ultra dedicated player) this is something I just started to figure out on my own but there’s a couple amplifications to the ga-jump here that is blowing my mind and I’m excited to try, thank you EeveeA_!”

Ehh, so the skill in mass Rez was just look at a corpse + shift + Q?

I mean, this game is all about a few button presses if you wanna get down to it, but it’s the context of those presses that usually separates players.

You can use the GA hop at a basic level, or for vertical mobility to reach higher elevations where no allies are standing, to accelerate yourself by using them as a springboard without actually stopping where the ally is, etc. These were not really possible before the added momentum in Mercy 2.0. Personally, I find the “skillfull” use of these variations of GA and the fluid and elusive mobility it can provide for Mercy infinitely more skillful than knowing when to tempo rez a mass rez ult.

Guess it’s different on console. On console, it is the easiest thing to do.

I just find it incredibly easy.

Thank you! I understand that Mercy’s want her to be fun. Recently Ana is taking top support and I know Ana won’t last long because the devs for some reason just don’t like Ana ever season 3. Notice how all supports got voicelines when they get attacked except Ana.

I get her voice actress is in Egypt but I also know that she records the voicelines in Egypt and then send it to them.

Considering that Ana defends herself the worst you would think of all support to get voicelines when attacked would be her but nope.

Also considering how much Ana has been being abused for so long until probably now.

I guess we can conclude that Mercy is pretty simple in general. That’s by design, no offense intended.