The Mercy Nerf is an Indirect Nerf to Every Hero šŸ’”

Lol this is the second time I got this reply :wink:

Most definitely this.

HotS had a similar problem where healers were too strong. They nerfed them across the board, no matter how meta they were. That was a nerf to every hero in the game.

And it was fine

except for one support dominating

sound familiar


Trust me, I understand the point of these nerf, all I am saying is that this is going affect more heroes than just Mercy.

Ahahaha wow, this makes her garbage ult even more garbage

I am just ā€¦ so tired my dudes


well then it doesnt matter if all heroes are equally affected nothing changes

oh please
any good player will not need a Mercy to pocket forever

I suppose.

Her ultimate is still somewhat strong, however, these changes does indirectly affect both her ultimate and her ultimate charge rateā€¦ but only by a little.

As you mentioned, Somvra, everyone would feel the lesser HPS and that means the Red Team as well. So, it is all good. Letā€™s see how it works out before we throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I am actually more interested to see how the new balances to the other support classes works out. Lucio kinda received a roll back to a larger Crossfade radius.

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I suppose.

Itā€™s more so the pocket, but more so the consistent healing.

Yeah, like I said this is not a rant thread or nothing of the sortā€¦ I just want people to actually think outside the box with these changes. Yes, this is an indirect nerf to everyoneā€¦ but itā€™s also an indirect buff to damage dealers heroes.

I mean , still 50 hp/s even spread out amongst those who within 10 m of one another itā€™s still canā€™t save them from like ā€¦a Winston, Winstonā€™s tickle gun can out heal a supports ultimate ability



Well, i donā€™t disagree but donā€™t forget, the other Support classes (except for Brig) received buffs so it kinda would balance outā€¦if there is another Healer on board, especially Lucio now.

A marginal nerf to Mercyā€™s healing means ā€œpocketā€ team comps become less viable, example: Widow, Pharah

Less pocketing means more healing for the heros that are going to be ā€œhurtingā€ from the Mercy that would have a. otherwise been spending less time with them, or b. been swapped out for a healer with higher HP/s being put out, like Ana or Moira.

That said, itā€™s a bad bandaid for a bad problem. The strength of Rez and Damage boost are what makes her so good. I donā€™t really see this change doing much. I think whatā€™s more important is that Hammond is going to make Widow less viable (you basically need the mercy red team runs widow, your widow is inherently at a disadvantage without their own mercy), Mercy canā€™t damageboost dragonstrike, and Ana just got a lot better.

Her buff didnā€™t hit on her weaknesses though. It did add to her gameplay of either saving a teammate or boosting or being able to do both.

Goats will be happy, Genji probably wonā€™t care, Winston is happy. With either Ana or Moira, brawl tanks can be more aggressive with how they manage their health bars. Depending on Brigitteā€™s state, traditional dive heroes would likely be better.
Itā€™s the heroes that benefit from pocketing that will hurt. Your Widows, Zens, and Pharahs will probably be weaker.
That being said, she may still be everywhere and those hurt may not be hurt that bad.

She will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix she is!!! :star_struck:

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